A convenient tracing config and init lib, with symlinking and local timezone.
Use these formats default, and can be configured:
- pretty()
- with_level(true)
- with_target(true)
- with_thread_ids(true)
- with_thread_names(true)
- with_source_location(true)
Code example and default values:
let _guard = clia_tracing_config::build()
tracing::info!("logged by tracing");
log::info!("logged by tracing");
- minutely
- hourly
- daily
- never
- 0.2.7: Fix json fmt error. (2024-1-6)
- 0.2.6: Make pub use WorkerGuard. (2023-12-17)
- 0.2.5: Fix timer problem (no effect). (2022-10-25)
- 0.2.4: Fix to_stdout impl. (2022-10-22)
- 0.2.3: Change clia-time to clia-local-offset. (2022-10-22)
- 0.2.2: Make level support expr. (2022-10-22)
- 0.2.1: Add Debug & Clone. (2022-10-11)
- 0.2.0: Refacted impl. (2022-10-2)
- 0.1.0: Initial release. (2022-9-21)