Final Project in EMTECH 3 This repository is for backup or other ways of accessing the Kotlin file (source code), video demo, and APK file due to some problem in GDrive which is an error/violation report.
The images below are from GDrive, wherein I uploaded the files in GDrive but they are not visible to everyone even if it is already in the anyone with the link.
Clarence Gail A. Larrosa 4th Year Student
The screen recording is in the GDrive. The video is only visible since it does not violate any Google terms. Watch the video here.
The APK of the application can be seen in the "Releases" on the right side of the screen
or can be downloaded APK here.
CPE 026 - CPE41S3 (Mobile app)
The images below are from GDrive, wherein I uploaded the files in GDrive but they are not visible to everyone even if it is already in the anyone with the link.