- Please at least have python 3 or docker installed locally
1. git clone/download as zip
2. go to the directory
3. go to tests folder
4. rename ".env_sample" to ".env"
5. add your own openweathermap api key to ".env" (.env file should be something like API_KEY=SOME_RANDOM_HASH)
6. go to the directory(/carta-automation-assignment), run "./run_test.sh"
7. Vola! Now you should see a new file Report.html
- Python3
- python virtual environment setup [https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-setup-virtual-environments-in-python/]
1. git clone/download as zip
2. go to the directory
3. cd into tests folder
3. go to tests folder
4. rename ".env_sample" to ".env"
5. add your own openweathermap api key to ".env" (.env file should be something like API_KEY=SOME_RANDOM_HASH)
6. create python virtual environment with "python3 -m venv venv"
7. activate the virtual environemnt with "source venv/bin/activate"
8. run "pip install -r requirements.txt" to install pacakage
9. run "pytest -s --html=report.html --self-contained-html", this would generate a report.html in tests folder for test reporting
I have also included the result I have generated locally, the file is located in /result