Adds support for @propertyWrapper
dependency injection:
@Dependency(\.loginService) var loginService
In order to achieve this you just have to add your own key to DependencyContainer
public protocol LoginService: AnyObject {
func login(_ request: LoginRequest) async throws -> LoginResponse
public struct LoginServiceDependencyKey: LazyDependencyKey {
public static var value: LoginService?
extension DependencyContainer {
public var loginService: LoginService {
get { DependencyContainer[LoginServiceDependencyKey.self] }
set { DependencyContainer[LoginServiceDependencyKey.self] = newValue }
Then on app launch you just need to override the dependency like so:
func registerDependencies() {
DependencyContainer[LoginServiceDependencyKey.self] = LoginApiService()
- Enables more modular architecture where dependencies don't need to be known by sibling modules
- No need to pass dependencies between files that don't use them
- Can lead to run-time crashes when dependencies are not provided at launch, this can be mitigated using unit tests
Inspired by: Antoine van der Lee and Point Free