An experiment in rendering images with Slack custom emojis.
First, you'll need to upload 1,332 custom emoji to your workspace. Fortunately, there's a convenient script in this repo to do so!
First, grab a client API token from Slack. The only way to get one is to log in to your Slack workspace with a browser, open your devtool's "network" tab, and capture the token from a request. It'll look something like xoxc-123-45678-90
Assuming you have Go installed, just run SLACK_TOKEN=xoxc-123 go run ./init
(replacing xoxc-123
with your client token).
To generate the message text for an image, simply run go run ./generate_image <path to PNG file> <optional width/height>
. Only PNG files are supported out of the box.
The width/height parameter defaults to 20 (the value used in the above screenshot)
Copy the output, then paste it into Slack!