Sample application for PC/SC reader on C-One2 e-ID and Access-ER HID.
CoreServices shall be installed on your device. Please install the last version available on CopperApps available on
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
// [...]
// Coppernic
implementation 'fr.coppernic.sdk.cpcutils:CpcUtilsLib:6.19.1'
implementation 'fr.coppernic.sdk.core:CpcCore:2.1.12'
implementation 'fr.coppernic.sdk.pcsc:CpcPcsc:1.5.4'
// [...]
- Define used peripheral
Each terminal (C-One2 e-ID, Access-ER HID, IdPlatform), can contain one or more Pcsc reader. Check their availability in technical specifications.
C-One2 e-ID contains two peripherals available with PCSC library :
- Contactless card reader RFID Elyctis reader
- Contact card reader
Access-ER HID contains one peripheral available with PCSC library :
- Contactless card reader HID OMNIKEY 5127 CK-Mini
private Peripheral getPeripheral() {
if (OsHelper.isCone()) {
return ConePeripheral.RFID_ELYCTIS_LF214_USB; // Contactless card reader RFID Elyctis reader
// return ConePeripheral.PCSC_GEMALTO_CR30_USB; // Default contact card reader
// return ConePeripheral.PCSC_MICROCHIP_SEC1210_USB; // New contact card reader available on latest terminals. Contact Coppernic support for informations
} else if (OsHelper.isIdPlatform()) {
return IdPlatformPeripheral.SMARTCARD;
} else if (OsHelper.isAccess()){
return AccessPeripheral.RFID_HID_CK_MINI_USB; // Contactless card reader HID OMNIKEY 5127 CK-Mini
} else {
return DummyPeripheral.NO_OP;
Current source code is using gradle flavors for different use cases :
- hiddev to use HID peripherals
- smartcard to use SmartCard peripherals
- normal to use legacy PcscSample code (default peripheral)
A specific file is defined for each flavor to define which peripheral is used in : fr/coppernic/samples/pcsc/ui/
- Implements power listener
private final PowerListener powerListener = new PowerListener() {
public void onPowerUp(CpcResult.RESULT result, Peripheral peripheral) {
if ((peripheral == getPeripheral())
&& ((result == RESULT.NOT_CONNECTED) || (result == RESULT.OK))) {
Timber.d("Smart Card reader powered on");
// (...)
// Error while powering peripheral
public void onPowerDown(CpcResult.RESULT result, Peripheral peripheral) {
// peripheral powered off
- Register the listener
protected void onStart() {
// [...]
// [...]
- Power reader on
// Powers on RFID reader
PowerManager.get().power(this, ConePeripheral.RFID_ELYCTIS_LF214_USB, true);
// The listener will be called with the result
- Power off when you are done
// Powers off RFID reader
PowerManager.get().power(this, ConePeripheral.RFID_ELYCTIS_LF214_USB, false);
// The listener will be called with the result
- unregister listener resources
protected void onStop() {
// [...]
// [...]
- Declare a Scard object and instantiate
private Scard sCard = null;
sCard = new Scard();
- List reader
ArrayList<String> deviceList = new ArrayList<>();
CpcResult.RESULT result = sCard.establishContext(context);
if (result == CpcResult.RESULT.OK) {
result = sCard.listReaders(deviceList);
- Connect to card and get ATR
CpcResult.RESULT result = sCard.connect(readerName, 0, 0);
- Send APDU command
String apduCommand = "FFCA000000"//get Data
byte[] apdu = CpcBytes.parseHexStringToArray(apduCommand);
ApduResponse apduResponse = new ApduResponse();
CpcResult.RESULT res = sCard.transmit(
new ProtocolControlInformation(ProtocolControlInformation.Protocol.T0)
, apdu
, new ProtocolControlInformation(ProtocolControlInformation.Protocol.T0)
, apduResponse);
if (res != CpcResult.RESULT.OK) {
//Error sending APDU
//get your response in apduResponse