Creative Commons Non Commercial 3.0 License
Icon images from see website for license terms
Some additional icons from courtesy of Piers
Modified version of beatmasterRS's skin for CoreELEC CPM builds.
- modify PlayerProcessInfo window
- add button to OSD to trigger PlayerProcessInfo
- add button to OSD to trigger PlayerDebug
- hide OSD during pause by a remote control when "Hide play/pause info" is enabled in settings
- enable seeking with arrow buttons and show Seekbar and OSD Info when PlayerProcessInfo window is active
- add compact view of PlayerProcessInfo window (toggled by middle button) to only display dynamic info
When the "Hide play/pause info" is enabled in settings of the skin:
- hide OSD of any of the OSD views during pause by a remote control (e.g. Kore / Yatse app)
- remove annoying background of Reloaded OSD view
Skin settings:
- auto close OSD after delay: 5
- video OSD view mode: Reloaded
- show detailed info when video starts: off
- show detailed info when video is paused: disabled
- hide play/pause info: enabled
Install and update the skin from zip file under releases, it will not touch the original one (it has different id).