A Python script made to automate the tidious job of mining on AlienWorlds
This script:
- Automatically opens the browser
- Automatically logs in
- Automatically mines and claims
- Prevents being detected as a bot
- Python 3.7 or greater
- Brave browser
- Chromedriver
- Installed requiremets.txt
- A Reddit account
- A Wax.io account created using your Reddit
Skip this if you already have Python an the required modules installed
- Install Python.
- Open your console using Win+R
- Use the command
pip install selenium
to install the lib. If this does not work usepy -3.7 -m pip install selenium
- Edit the
values in main.py to match your Reddit login
- Read VPN.md for more info
- Create a wax account with your Reddit here: https://all-access.wax.io/
- Create your AlienWorlds account here: https://play.alienworlds.io/
- Install brave browser in the default directory
- Install ChromeDriver in your C:/Driver/chromedriver.exe directory from here: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
- Start the script by running main.py!
- Do not resize the window.
- Have fun!