The original repository only contained my first project for my Intro to Programming class, containing the following file
A program for converting common metric units to imperial and vice versa
Added further project files from my course and the following updates for the unit converter and the two following files
Added further input validation for user selection on systems and units Added input control on indivdual unit parameters
A program for calculating a workers salary in a given period with deductions
A simple program that prints an inverted right triangle
Modularized program and moved conversion functions into seperate module
Calculates a random number and has user guess. When user has guessed the number, it will tell them how many tries it took them and ask if they want to play again.
Calculates profits based off of user inputted amount of tickets
Modularizes program
Menu-driven program that converts euros to dollars and vice-versa
Added some previously-omitted lines back in
A program to write and read a number of students' names and grades to a .txt file
Uses a 2d list to store the amount of food 3 monkeys ate during the week, prints the results, and gives the average for each.
Allows user to enter rainfall of each month of a year and gives them the average, total, minimum, and maximum rainfalls.
List manipulation and file in/out
Validates a user input email and returns their name from the email
Prints the original string, the number of upper, lower, space, and punctuation characters in the strings, the length of that string and a modified version of the string.