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chrisnevers committed Mar 13, 2021
0 parents commit bd2476d
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Showing 11 changed files with 478 additions and 0 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@


# ocamlbuild working directory

# ocamlbuild targets

# oasis generated files

# Merlin configuring file for Vim and Emacs

# Dune generated files

# Local OPAM switch
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
all: build

@dune build @all
@cp -f _build/default/bin/main.exe /usr/local/bin/test_chungus
@echo "\n"

@dune install

test: build
@dune runtest

doc: build
@opam install odoc
@dune build @doc

@dune clean

# Create a release on Github, then run git pull
@git tag 1.0
@git push origin 1.0
@git pull
@opam pin .
@opam publish
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Chungus Parser Combinator

A simple monadic parser combinator library with position information.

## Example

`bin/` demonstrates using the parser to parse a simple untyped lambda calculus.

open Chungus.Parser
open Chungus.Combinator
open Chungus.Chars
type exp =
| Var of position * string
| Int of position * int
| Lambda of position * exp * exp
| Apply of position * exp * exp
let rec show_exp e =
match e with
| Var (_, id) -> id
| Int (_, i) -> string_of_int i
| Lambda (_, i, b) -> "λ " ^ show_exp i ^ " -> " ^ show_exp b
| Apply (_, f, a) -> "(" ^ show_exp f ^ ") (" ^ show_exp a ^ ")"
let identifier () =
let pos = get_position () in
let* ident = lower <@> many alpha_digit in
return @@ Var (pos, stringify ident)
let int () =
let pos = get_position () in
let* i = many1 digit in
return @@ Int (pos, stringify i |> int_of_string)
let terminal () =
return =<< (identifier <?> int)
let rec lambda () =
ignore_spaces ();
let pos = get_position () in
let* id = str "λ" >> spaces >> identifier in
let* ex = spaces >> str "->" >> expression in
return @@ Lambda (pos, id, ex)
and non_app () =
lambda <?> terminal <?> parens expression >>= return
and app l r =
ignore_spaces ();
Apply (get_position (), l, r)
and expression () = return =<< chainl (spaces >> non_app) (lift app)
let () =
from_string "(λ chrisNevers -> chrisNevers (λ shamone -> hehe)) (λ whenTheImposterIsSus -> 54235)";
match expression () with
| Ok e -> print_endline (show_exp e)
| _ -> print_endline "Failed to parse expression"
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions bin/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name main)
(libraries chungus))
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
open Chungus.Parser
open Chungus.Combinator
open Chungus.Chars

type exp =
| Var of position * string
| Int of position * int
| Lambda of position * exp * exp
| Apply of position * exp * exp

let rec show_exp e =
match e with
| Var (_, id) -> id
| Int (_, i) -> string_of_int i
| Lambda (_, i, b) -> "λ " ^ show_exp i ^ " -> " ^ show_exp b
| Apply (_, f, a) -> "(" ^ show_exp f ^ ") (" ^ show_exp a ^ ")"

let identifier () =
let pos = get_position () in
let* ident = lower <@> many alpha_digit in
return @@ Var (pos, stringify ident)

let int () =
let pos = get_position () in
let* i = many1 digit in
return @@ Int (pos, stringify i |> int_of_string)

let terminal () =
return =<< (identifier <?> int)

let rec lambda () =
ignore_spaces ();
let pos = get_position () in
let* id = str "λ" >> spaces >> identifier in
let* ex = spaces >> str "->" >> expression in
return @@ Lambda (pos, id, ex)

and non_app () =
lambda <?> terminal <?> parens expression >>= return

and app l r =
ignore_spaces ();
Apply (get_position (), l, r)

and expression () = return =<< chainl (spaces >> non_app) (lift app)

let () =
from_string "(λ chrisNevers -> chrisNevers (λ shamone -> hehe)) (λ whenTheImposterIsSus -> 54235)";
match expression () with
| Ok e -> print_endline (show_exp e)
| _ -> print_endline "Failed to parse expression"
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions chungus.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@

opam-version: "2.0"
version: "1.0"
authors: "Chris Nevers <[email protected]>"
maintainer: "Chris Nevers <[email protected]>"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git://"
synopsis: ""
build: [
["dune" "subst"] {pinned}
["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]

depends: [
"dune" {>= "2.7.1"}
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(lang dune 2.7)
(name chungus)
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
open Parser
open Combinator
open Stream

let is_lower c =
let code = Char.code c in
code >= 97 && code <= 122

let is_upper c =
let code = Char.code c in
code >= 65 && code <= 90

let is_alpha c =
is_lower c || is_upper c

let is_digit c =
let code = Char.code c in
code >= 48 && code <= 57

let is_whitespace c =
let code = Char.code c in
List.mem code [32; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13]

let newline = "\n"

let crlf = "\r\n"

let eof = "\000"

let char f =
let stream = get_stream () in
match peek stream with
| Some a when f a ->
let _ = process_char stream in
Ok a
| _ -> Fail

let str s () =
let s_len = String.length s in
let stream = get_stream () in
let chars = Stream.npeek s_len stream in
match s_len == List.length chars with
| true ->
if (stringify chars) s == 0 then
let _ = process_chars stream s_len in
Ok chars
| false -> Fail

let any_char () =
char (fun _ -> true)

let one_of cs =
char (fun c -> List.mem c cs)

let none_of cs =
char (fun c -> not (List.mem c cs))

let digit () =
char (fun c -> is_digit c)

let alpha () =
char (fun c -> is_alpha c)

let alpha_digit () =
char (fun c -> is_alpha c || is_digit c)

let whitespace () =
char (fun c -> is_whitespace c)

let lower () =
char (fun c -> is_lower c)

let upper () =
char (fun c -> is_upper c)

let spaces = many whitespace

let ignore_spaces () = spaces () |> ignore

let match_char uc () =
char (fun c -> c == uc)

let tab = match_char '\t'

let comma = match_char ','

let l_paren = match_char '('

let r_paren = match_char ')'

let end_of_line () =
str newline <?> str crlf

let parens e () = between l_paren r_paren e
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
open Parser

let many p () =
let rec aux () =
match p () with
| Ok e ->
let* rst = aux in
return (e :: rst)
| _ -> return []
aux ()

let many1 p () =
let rec aux () =
match p () with
| Ok e ->
let* rst = aux in
return (e :: rst)
| _ -> return []
let* fst = p in
let* rst = aux in
return (fst :: rst)

let rec choice ps =
match ps with
| [] -> Fail
| h :: t ->
match h () with
| Ok a -> Ok a
| _ -> choice t

let count i p =
let rec aux i () =
match i with
| 0 -> return []
| n ->
let* a = p in
let* rst = aux (n - 1) in
Ok (a :: rst)
aux i ()

let sepBy p sep =
let rec aux () =
match p () with
| Ok e ->
begin match sep () with
| Ok _ ->
let* rst = aux in
return (e :: rst)
| _ -> return [e]
| _ -> return []
aux ()

let between s e p =
let* _ = s in
let* p' = p in
let* _ = e in
return p'

let chainl p op () =
let rec aux x : 'a result =
let work () =
let* f = op in
let* y = p in
aux (f x y)
let* res = work <?> const x in
return res
let* fst = p in
aux fst

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