k423 is a RISC-V core and SoC.
The core's architecture are as follows:
- RV32I ISA supported
- 4-stage pipeline
See the core's document in ./doc
- The SoC
- Hasn't been implemented yet
- doc
- rtl
- config: configure macros in
- core: rtl of the core
- utils: common utils used in design
- tb: testbench of isa and others
- config: configure macros in
- tests
- riscv-tests
- RTL Simulator
- iverilog
- Synopsys VCS (VCS-MX O-2018.09-SP2 has been tested)
- Wave Viewer
- gtkwave
- Synopsys Verdi (Verdi O-2018.09-SP2 has been tested)
- RISC-V GNU Toolchain
- Add it to your
. - Default prefix is
. You can modify it intest/riscv-tests/isa/Makefile
- Add it to your
Get memfiles for ISA tests in ./test/riscv-tests/isa/
Run simulation:
make sim SIM_TOOL=[default: vcs] TB=[default: isa]
# SIM_TOOL: vcs/iverilog
# TB: see ./rtl/tb/tb_*.sv
Get waveform:
make wave WAVE_TOOL=[default: gtkwave]
# WAVE_TOOL: gtkwave/verdi