A path finding algorithm
In games like StarCraft and DotA, users click on the map with a mouse and want the hero to go somewhere, they can go in the shortest time to their destination.
Don’t be scared, It's so simple that I implement the core algorithm with 10-lines javascript codes.
findPath(start, goal) {
start = start.toString()
goal = goal.toString()
const that = this;
const frontier = that.newQueue()
const steps = new Map();
const costSoFar = new Map();
frontier.put(start, 0);
steps.set(start, null);
costSoFar.set(start, 0);
//A star algorithm
while (frontier.notEmpty()) {
const current = frontier.get();
if (current === goal) {
return that.buildPathBySteps(start, goal, steps);
that.neighbors(current).forEach(function (next) {
const new_cost = costSoFar.get(current) + that.cost(current, next)
if (!costSoFar.has(next) || new_cost < costSoFar.get(next)) {
costSoFar.set(next, new_cost);
frontier.put(next, new_cost + that.distance(next, goal))
steps.set(next, current);
//Can't find the path to the goal
check out the online demo - https://a-star-3d.netlify.app/
Control the camera
- click
move camera left - click
move camera right - click
move camera right - click
move camera back Hold down the left mouse button and move
- change the direction of the camera
- click
Control the objects in the game
click the balls or the cubic boxes, then click the ground
- pick up the objects, and drop them on the point that you click on the ground