Due to the new mechanism nhentai added recently(Cloudflare captcha), issues may occur while fetching the site using wget,
will try to find a workaround after my lunar new year holiday.
This is a simple bash script to download galleries from nhentai,
just type ./nh2.sh $NUMBER
and you'll get your gallery at ~/nh/$NUMBER.
Note that this script will not mkdir ~/nh
for you, so you'll have to do it yourself or it wouldn't work
There is a known issue with downloading same image for multiple times,
find ~/nh -type f -name "*.[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9]*" -delete
after the download works,
will try to find a work around in the future.
Also check Kevin's fork, he rewrote it with different method,
you can also get it from branch Kevin's-method
will be working with him on adding new features on this branch.