Collision avoidance and trajectory planning are crucial in multi-robot systems, particularly in environments with numerous obstacles. Although extensive research has been conducted in this field, the challenge of rapid traversal through such environments has not been fully addressed. This paper addresses this problem by proposing a novel real-time scheduling scheme designed to optimize the passage of multi-robot systems through complex, obstacle-rich maps. Inspired from network flow optimization, our scheme decomposes the environment into a network structure, enabling the efficient allocation of robots to paths based on real-time congestion data. The proposed scheduling planner operates on top of existing collision avoidance algorithms, focusing on minimizing traversal time by balancing robot detours and waiting times. Our simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme. Additionally, we validated its effectiveness through real world flight tests using ten quadrotors. This work contributes a lightweight, effective scheduling planner capable of meeting the real-time demands of multi-robot systems in obstacle-rich environments.
Gurobi Install Gurobi Optimizer
json, logging, colorlog, itertools, matplotlib, numpy, networkx
Run the script directly.
In the file "", the following function is the main entry.
You can modify "forest_name_list" and "num_list" to run the corresponding map and number of robots.
def run_number_all_forest():
forest_name_list = ["f1"]
# forest_name_list = ["f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5"]
num_list = [500]
# num_list = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500]
# run forest map
for map_name in forest_name_list:
for swarm_num in num_list:"map = " + map_name)"swarm number=" + str(swarm_num))
run_flow_planner(map_name, swarm_num, True)
def run_number_all_maze():
# maze_name_list = ["m5", "m3", "m4"]
maze_name_list = ["m1", "m2", "m3", "m4", "m5"]
num_list = [50]
# num_list = [30, 50, 80, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400]
# run maze map
for map_name in maze_name_list:
for swarm_num in num_list:"map = " + map_name)"swarm number=" + str(swarm_num))
run_flow_planner(map_name, swarm_num, False)
In folders "\pic", we provide 5 forest maps and 5 maze maps. We also provide a map editor, you can use "" to open and edit the map you want.
In function "def run_flow_planner(map_name, num, forest_bool):", you can get the effect of network construction by uncommenting line,
# s1.mapInfo.draw_mapInfo()
The default collision avoidance algorithm used in our scheme is RVO (reciprocal velocity obstacle).
However, we also provide two other options for collision avoidance: VO (velocity obstacle) and HRVO (hybrid reciprocal velocity obstacle).
You can check the code in file "RVO_module/" for more details.
def RVO_update(self, X, V_des, V_current, ws_model, robot_exist)
def VO_update(self, X, V_des, V_current, ws_model, robot_exist)
def HRVO_update(self, X, V_des, V_current, ws_model, robot_exist)