Release 1.6.35
🚀 Features
- GitLab Dashboard Schema support v14.1.2@satyamchaurasiapersistent
- Functionality to control parallel threads in web-hook mode. @satyamchaurasiapersistent
- Break-Build only on direct-dependencies.@satyamchaurasiapersistent
- Branch filter in command line mode @james-bostock-cx
- E-mail Notifications Configuration Toggles @cx-leonelsanches
- Allow zip exclude via config as code @james-bostock-cx
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Bug-tracker not working for CLI mode.@nidhi0512
- Partially Remediated ADO Work Items Don't Update.@HussainS12
- GitLab pagination limitation.@satyamchaurasiapersistent
- Fix SAST Vulnerability Results.@HussainS12
- JIRA bug tracking with more than 1 product closes and re-opens tickets.@HussainS12
- ADO Work Items that have been partially remediated do not change to reflect remediation.@HussainS12
- CxFlow doesn't create issue if a same type vulnerability is flagged Not Exploitable within the same file.@itsKedar
- CxFlow closing Github issues before scan is complete.@HussainS12
- Github bug tracking with more than 1 product closes and re-opens tickets.@HussainS12
- ADO - bug tracking with more than 1 product closes and re-opens tickets.@HussainS12
- Redact passwords and tokens in log messages @james-bostock-cx
- Log zip-file exclusions at the TRACE level @james-bostock-cx
- Downgrading OGNL due to thymeleaf/thymeleaf-spring#203 @cx-leonelsanches
- Fixed Null pointer exception when user not defined any enabled-vulnerability-scanners.@satyamchaurasiapersistent
- Added documentation for SCA zip scan.@nidhi0512
- Added scope documentation for Break Build direct dependency. @satyamchaurasiapersistent
- Added documentation for control of parallel threads. @satyamchaurasiapersistent
- Fixed documentation for GitLab Dashboard. @satyamchaurasiapersistent