OpenWeatherMap is an Android Application that fetches Weather data for a specific location using The app was created using MVVM programming pattern.
- If you encounter build error regarding ApiKey, add the code snippet below inside your located in /home/{user}/.gradle see full tutorial
- Dagger 2 dependency injection library
- EventBus publisher/subscriber pattern for loose coupling of callbacks
- RxJava2/RxAndroid used for handling network requests with retrofit 2
- Retrofit 2 network calls and JSON parsing using Gson library
- Glide for effecient loading and offline persistence of images
- Androidx for replacement of support libraries
- Navigation Architecture Component for fragment management and navigation
- Lifecycle Architecture Component for ViewModel and LiveData programming approach
- Room Database for offline persistence of Weather data
- Google Play Service Location for location tracking
- Splash Screen
- When you launch the app it shows first the splash screen for 2 seconds, also it has different design for each build variant, such as Production, Development and Testing build variant
- Main Screen
- The Screen shows the list of Weather information from London, Prague and San Francisco, each item contains location, actual weather and temperature.
- It also has refresh button for reloading the Weather information of the said locations
- Weather Detail Screen
- The weather detail screen is shown when you select an item in main screen
- It shows more data about the weather of the selected location
- also, it has refresh button for reloading the Weather information of the selected location