This repository contains the configuration files for a basic network project created using Cisco Packet Tracer. The project demonstrates the setup of a DHCP server to dynamically assign IP addresses to PCs within a local area network (LAN). It includes configurations for a router, a switch, a dedicated DHCP server, and several PCs.
- Network Topology: Includes one router, one switch, one DHCP server, and four PCs.
- Configurations: Contains configuration files for the router, switch, DHCP server, and PCs.
- Purpose: Designed to showcase DHCP server configuration and its role in dynamic IP address assignment within a network.
- Network Topology: Cisco Packet Tracer file with the network design and configuration.
- Router1 Configuration: Configuration commands used on the router.
- Switch1 Configuration: Configuration commands used on the switch.
- DHCP_Server1 Configuration: Configuration steps for the DHCP server.
- Requirements: Detailed requirements and specifications for the project.
- Open the Packet Tracer File: Download and open Network Topology using Cisco Packet Tracer.
- Review Configurations: Examine Router1 Configuration, Switch1 Configuration, and DHCP_Server1 Configuration for detailed configuration commands and steps.
- Understand Project Requirements: Refer to Requirements to understand the complete project requirements and specifications.
- Demonstrate the configuration and role of a DHCP server in a network.
- Provide a practical example of dynamic IP address assignment.
- Serve as a reference for configuring DHCP and integrating it with network devices.