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strain design using the concept of network interdiction and solved by a hybrid benders decomposition algorithm

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NIHBA (Network Interdiction with Hybrid Benders Algorithm) is a software platform for identifying as many genetic modification strategies as possible for metabolic engineering. It is based on genome-scale metabolic models (GSMM), and considers the host cell and a metabolic engineer as two different agenets playing a game: the metabolic engineer attempts to maximally violate the host cell's primary objective. This game is called network interdiction in game theory. NIHBA employs a hybrid Bender's decomposition algorithm to solve this network interdiction problem, thereby achieving high efficiency without numeric issues in search of best design strategies.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


MATLAB2016 and later cobratoolbox (latest version: 3.0) Gurobi7.5 (or other software packages containing LP and ILP solvers)


1, Download the whole NIHBA package directly from this repository or clone using $ git clone --depth=1 NIHBA

2, Launch MATLAB and change the working directory to NIHBA as the current folder. Then run nihba_setup


Note: nihba_setup will help you add all the NIHBA files to matlab directory. It will also test if you have all prerequisites available for NIHBA. Please manually create a folder called reduced, under NIHBA directory if you would like to compress your model for faster computer and more stability

It is extremely important to retrieve unbounded rays for unbounded LP in NIHBA. This can be done by [setting the InfUnbdInfo parameter to 1 for gurobi, and then return the unbounded ray in solveCobraLP (i.e., x=resultgurobi.unbdray in Cobratoolbox)]. The following shows what should look like in the unbounded case of solveCobraLP for gurobi.

    case 'UNBOUNDED'
            stat = 2; % unbounded

If you encounter that [optimality conditions are not satisfied in solveCobraQP], it is likely caused by the numerical issue in the ['analyzeOptKnock'] function in the cobratoolbox. In this case, you can replace it with the one provided in NIBA.

3, Run a toy example that maximises succinate production from the E. coli core model.


4, If you want to apply NIHBA to other genome-scale models for different products, just change target product in run_example

5, If you wish to visualise the results of NIHBA as done in our paper, please feel free to use or modify the code provided at (data for Table 1 included)


Released under the MIT license. All included network models provided under their respective licenses.

Cite Us

Jiang S, Wang Y, Kaiser M, Krasnogor N (2020) NIHBA: A network interdiction approach for Metabolic Engineering Design, Bioinformatics, 36 (11), 3482-3492.


strain design using the concept of network interdiction and solved by a hybrid benders decomposition algorithm






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