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format smooth_template.jl
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cgarling committed Jun 4, 2024
1 parent b6d6b07 commit 3374533
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 53 deletions.
145 changes: 92 additions & 53 deletions examples/templates/smooth_template.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,14 +14,16 @@ plt.rc("font", family="serif", serif=["Computer Modern"], size=14)
plt.rc("figure", figsize=(5,5))
plt.rc("patch", linewidth=1, edgecolor="k", force_edgecolor=true)
# Disable interactive plotting when running on CI or building docs
# if ("CI" in keys(ENV) && (ENV["CI"] == "true")) | (("DOCS_RUN" in keys(ENV)) && (ENV["DOCS_RUN"] == "true"))
# if ("CI" in keys(ENV) && (ENV["CI"] == "true")) |
# (("DOCS_RUN" in keys(ENV)) && (ENV["DOCS_RUN"] == "true"))
# ENV["MPLBACKEND"] = "agg"
# plt.ioff()
# end

# Load example isochrone
# Path is relative to location of script, so use @__DIR__
isochrone, mag_names = readdlm(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../isochrone.txt"), ' ', Float64, '\n'; header=true)
isochrone, mag_names = readdlm(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../isochrone.txt"), ' ',
Float64, '\n'; header=true)
# Unpack
m_ini = isochrone[:,1]
F090W = isochrone[:,2]
Expand All @@ -31,72 +33,89 @@ F150W = isochrone[:,3]
distmod::Float64 = 25.0 # Distance modulus

# Set bins for Hess diagram
edges = (range(-0.2, 1.2, length=75), range(distmod-6.0, distmod+5.0, length=75))
edges = (range(-0.2, 1.2, length=75),
range(distmod-6.0, distmod+5.0, length=75))

# Set total stellar mass to normalize template to
template_norm::Float64 = 1e7

# Construct error and completeness functions
F090W_complete(m) = SFH.Martin2016_complete(m,1.0,28.5,0.7)
F150W_complete(m) = SFH.Martin2016_complete(m,1.0,27.5,0.7)
F090W_complete(m) = SFH.Martin2016_complete(m, 1.0, 28.5, 0.7)
F150W_complete(m) = SFH.Martin2016_complete(m, 1.0, 27.5, 0.7)
F090W_error(m) = min( SFH.exp_photerr(m, 1.03, 15.0, 36.0, 0.02), 0.4 )
F150W_error(m) = min( SFH.exp_photerr(m, 1.03, 15.0, 35.0, 0.02), 0.4 )

# Set IMF
imf = Kroupa2001(0.08, 100.0)

# Construct template
template = SFH.partial_cmd_smooth( m_ini,
[F090W, F150W],
[F090W_error, F150W_error],
[F090W_complete, F150W_complete];
dmod = distmod,
normalize_value = template_norm,
edges = edges )

# Sample analogous population
starcat_mags = SFH.generate_stars_mass(m_ini, [F090W, F150W], ["F090W", "F150W"], template_norm, imf; dist_mod=distmod, binary_model=SFH.NoBinaries())[2] # index [1] is sampled masses, dont need them
template = SFH.partial_cmd_smooth(m_ini,
[F090W, F150W],
[F090W_error, F150W_error],
[F090W_complete, F150W_complete];
edges=edges )

# Sample analogous population; index [1] is sampled masses, dont need them
starcat_mags = SFH.generate_stars_mass(m_ini, [F090W, F150W],
["F090W", "F150W"], template_norm, imf;

# Model photometric error and incompleteness
obs_mags = SFH.model_cmd( starcat_mags, [F090W_error, F150W_error], [F090W_complete, F150W_complete])
obs_mags = SFH.model_cmd(starcat_mags, [F090W_error, F150W_error],
[F090W_complete, F150W_complete])

# Concatenate into 2D matrix
obs_mags = reduce(hcat,obs_mags)

# Make Hess diagram
obs_hess = SFH.bin_cmd(view(obs_mags,1,:) .- view(obs_mags,2,:), view(obs_mags,2,:), edges=edges).weights
obs_hess = SFH.bin_cmd(view(obs_mags,1,:) .- view(obs_mags,2,:),
view(obs_mags,2,:), edges=edges).weights

# using Plots
# gr()
# clims = (-16,-10)
# colorbar_ticks = log.( exp10.(-8:1.0:-3) )
# colorbar_tick_labels = [L"10^%$i" for i in -8:1:-3]
# cticks = (colorbar_ticks, colorbar_tick_labels)
# model_plot = heatmap(edges[1], edges[2], log.(permutedims(template.weights) ./ template_norm), yflip=true, c=cgrad(:greys, rev=true), colorbar_ticks=cticks, clims=clims)
# model_plot = heatmap(edges[1], edges[2],
# log.(permutedims(template.weights) ./ template_norm),
# yflip=true, c=cgrad(:greys, rev=true),
# colorbar_ticks=cticks, clims=clims)
# # model_plot = heatmap(template, transpose_z=true)
# plot(model_plot; layout=grid(2,2), size=(700,700))

# Residual / σ; sometimes called Pearson residual
signif = (permutedims(obs_hess) .- permutedims(template.weights)) ./ sqrt.(permutedims(template.weights))
signif = (permutedims(obs_hess) .- permutedims(template.weights)) ./
signif[permutedims(obs_hess) .== 0] .= NaN

# Test comparison of random Hess diagram with another random Hess diagram
function test_r_r(niter::Integer)
mean_result = Vector{Float64}(undef,niter)
std_result = similar(mean_result)
Base.Threads.@threads for i in 1:niter
starcat_mags2 = SFH.generate_stars_mass(m_ini, [F090W, F150W], ["F090W", "F150W"], template_norm, imf; dist_mod=distmod, binary_model=SFH.NoBinaries())[2] # index [1] is sampled masses, dont need them
obs_mags2 = SFH.model_cmd( starcat_mags2, [F090W_error, F150W_error], [F090W_complete, F150W_complete])
starcat_mags2 = SFH.generate_stars_mass(m_ini, [F090W, F150W],
["F090W", "F150W"],
template_norm, imf;
obs_mags2 = SFH.model_cmd(starcat_mags2, [F090W_error, F150W_error],
[F090W_complete, F150W_complete])
obs_mags2 = reduce(hcat,obs_mags2)
obs_hess2 = SFH.bin_cmd(view(obs_mags2,1,:) .- view(obs_mags2,2,:), view(obs_mags2,2,:), edges=edges).weights
obs_hess2 = SFH.bin_cmd(view(obs_mags2,1,:) .- view(obs_mags2,2,:),
view(obs_mags2,2,:), edges=edges).weights
# Calculate significance
λ = reshape( collect((obs_hess[i] + obs_hess2[i])/2 for i in eachindex(obs_hess)), size(obs_hess))
signif2 = (obs_hess .- obs_hess2) ./ sqrt.( λ )
tmp_mean = mean(filter(x->isfinite(x) & !iszero(x), signif2) )
tmp_std = std(filter(x->isfinite(x) & !iszero(x), signif2) )
λ = reshape(collect((obs_hess[i] + obs_hess2[i])/2 for i in eachindex(obs_hess)),
signif2 = (obs_hess .- obs_hess2) ./ sqrt.(λ)
tmp_mean = mean(filter(x->isfinite(x) & !iszero(x), signif2))
tmp_std = std(filter(x->isfinite(x) & !iszero(x), signif2))
mean_result[i] = tmp_mean
std_result[i] = tmp_std
Expand All @@ -105,64 +124,84 @@ end

# Plot
fig,axs=plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4, sharex=true, sharey=true, figsize=(20,5))
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0, wspace=0.0)
# fig.suptitle(@sprintf("Stellar Mass: %.2e M\$_\\odot\$",template_norm))

axs[1].scatter(view(obs_mags,1,:) .- view(obs_mags,2,:), view(obs_mags,2,:), s=1, marker=".", c="k", alpha=0.05, rasterized=true, label="CMD-Sampled")
axs[1].text(0.05,0.95,@sprintf("a) Sampled CMD\nM\$_*\$ = %.2e M\$_\\odot\$", template_norm),transform=axs[1].transAxes,va="top",ha="left")
axs[1].scatter(view(obs_mags,1,:) .- view(obs_mags,2,:), view(obs_mags,2,:),
s=1, marker=".", c="k", alpha=0.05, rasterized=true,
axs[1].text(0.05, 0.95,
@sprintf("a) Sampled CMD\nM\$_*\$ = %.2e M\$_\\odot\$", template_norm),
transform=axs[1].transAxes, va="top", ha="left")

im1 = axs[3].imshow(permutedims(template.weights), origin="lower",
extent=(extrema(edges[1])..., extrema(edges[2])...),
aspect="auto", cmap="Greys", norm=plt.matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=2.5 + log10(template_norm/1e7)), rasterized=true)
axs[3].text(0.05,0.95,"c) Smooth Model",transform=axs[3].transAxes,va="top",ha="left")
aspect="auto", cmap="Greys",
norm=plt.matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=2.5 +
log10(template_norm/1e7)), rasterized=true)
axs[3].text(0.05, 0.95, "c) Smooth Model",
transform=axs[3].transAxes, va="top", ha="left")

axs[2].imshow(permutedims(obs_hess), origin="lower",
axs[2].imshow(permutedims(obs_hess), origin="lower",
extent=(extrema(edges[1])..., extrema(edges[2])...),
aspect="auto", cmap="Greys", norm=plt.matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=2.5 + log10(template_norm/1e7),vmax=im1.get_clim()[2]), rasterized=true, label="CMD-Sampled")
axs[2].text(0.05,0.95,"b) Sampled Hess Diagram",transform=axs[2].transAxes,va="top",ha="left")

im4 = axs[4].imshow( signif,
origin="lower", extent=(extrema(edges[1])..., extrema(edges[2])...),
aspect="auto", clim=(-2,2), rasterized=true)
axs[4].text(0.05,0.95,L"d) (Obs - Model) / $\sigma$",transform=axs[4].transAxes,va="top",ha="left")
aspect="auto", cmap="Greys",
norm=plt.matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=2.5 +
rasterized=true, label="CMD-Sampled")
axs[2].text(0.05, 0.95, "b) Sampled Hess Diagram", transform=axs[2].transAxes,
va="top", ha="left")

im4 = axs[4].imshow(signif, origin="lower",
extent=(extrema(edges[1])..., extrema(edges[2])...),
aspect="auto", clim=(-2,2), rasterized=true)
axs[4].text(0.05, 0.95, L"d) (Obs - Model) / $\sigma$",
transform=axs[4].transAxes, va="top", ha="left")

plot_isochrones::Bool = true
for i in eachindex(axs)
if plot_isochrones & (i != 4) # Don't plot on residual
axs[i].scatter(F090W .- F150W, F150W .+ distmod, marker=".", c="orange", s=1, alpha=0.3)
axs[i].scatter(F090W .- F150W, F150W .+ distmod, marker=".", c="orange",
s=1, alpha=0.3)

fig.colorbar(im1, ax=axs[1:3], pad=0.005, fraction=0.075) # fraction prevents too much padding on right
# fraction prevents too much padding on right
fig.colorbar(im1, ax=axs[1:3], pad=0.005, fraction=0.075)
fig.colorbar(im4, ax=axs[4], pad=0.015)
# println( "sum(obs) - sum(template): ", sum(obs_hess) .- sum(template.weights))
# println( "Difference of sums / sum: ", (sum(obs_hess) .- sum(template.weights)) ./ sum(obs_hess))
# println( "Sum of residuals: ", sum(abs, permutedims(obs_hess) .- permutedims(template.weights)) )
plt.savefig(joinpath(@__DIR__,"template_compare.svg"), bbox_inches="tight")
# println( "Difference of sums / sum: ", (sum(obs_hess) .- sum(template.weights)) ./
# sum(obs_hess))
# println( "Sum of residuals: ", sum(abs, permutedims(obs_hess) .-
# permutedims(template.weights)) )
# plt.savefig(joinpath(@__DIR__,"template_compare.svg"), bbox_inches="tight")

# Distribution of σ discrepancies
import Distributions: pdf, Normal, Poisson
import StatsBase: mean, std
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
hist1 = ax1.hist(filter(isfinite, signif), range=(-4,4), bins=25, density=true)
ax1.set_xlim( extrema(hist1[2]) )
ax1.set_xlabel("Residual / Standard Deviation")
let xplot = first(hist1[2]):0.01:last(hist1[2])
# mean_σ = mean(filter(Base.Fix1(<,-5), filter(isfinite,signif)))
tmpgood = filter(x->first(hist1[2]) <= x <= last(hist1[2]), filter(isfinite,signif))
tmpgood = filter(x -> first(hist1[2]) <= x <= last(hist1[2]),
mean_σ = mean(tmpgood)
std_σ = std(tmpgood)
ax1.plot( xplot, pdf.(Normal(0.0,1.0),xplot), label="Ideal")
ax1.plot( xplot, pdf.(Normal(mean_σ,std_σ),xplot), label="Observed", c="magenta")
ax1.plot(xplot, pdf.(Normal(0.0,1.0),xplot), label="Ideal")
ax1.plot(xplot, pdf.(Normal(mean_σ,std_σ),xplot),
label="Observed", c="magenta")
ax1.axvline(mean_σ, c="k", ls="--")
ax1.text(0.05,0.95,(@sprintf("Mean: %.2f\n\$\\sigma\$: %.2f", mean_σ, std_σ)),transform=ax1.transAxes, va="top", ha="left")
ax1.text(0.05, 0.95,
(@sprintf("Mean: %.2f\n\$\\sigma\$: %.2f", mean_σ, std_σ)),
transform=ax1.transAxes, va="top", ha="left")
ax1.legend(loc="upper right")
plt.savefig(joinpath(@__DIR__,"sigma_distribution.svg"), bbox_inches="tight")
Expand Down

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