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The Pet Adoption API is a project using the MEAN stack. The database and API are currently hosted in Azure Platform (via Mlab and Bitnami). Image assests are stored with Amazon S3.


Nobody likes to see animals be put down due to overcrowding at animal control centers and shelters. We would like to see animals at these facilities be adopted at a much higher rate, and for those animals who were lost and found, for their rightful owners to be reunited with them once more. We would like to thank the City of Lady Lake for their wonderful contribution to the project, as they are the project's pilot city. For that, we are ever grateful!


via Docker

If you are new to containers, run through the Docker hello world here:

To use Docker Compose to run the PetApi and Mongo services together:

  1. Look at the instructions in
  2. ./ or docker-compose up --build -d
    • ./ or docker-compose stop


  1. npm run start-auto-update
    • npm run stop-auto-update to stop auto-updates
  2. npm run docker

TODO / Warning - the mongo container is being started without the --auth flag, which probably makes it less secure than you want.


1. git clone && cd ./PetAdoption-API

2. Setup Environment

To really utilize all the features, you'll need to defined all of the environment variables. The high of amount of dependencies was intended to allow the app to be configured and hosted in the most cost effective manner. As of right now, the bare minimum required is:

  • MONGODB_URI. This can be remote (ie mlab) or local
    • The URL should look something like username:user_pw@database_domain:port/db_name
Setup MongoDB

on Linux, sudo apt-get install mongodb or you can use a free service such as mlab

create an .env file

You can also create an .env file in the project directory. Feel free to ask me for my .env file for an example. It should look similar to the following. You can also set these environment variables by any other means:

# `DEVELOPMENT_ENV` flag allows login bypass


# feel free to change this to your domain (ie the url of the uploads directory)

# As of now, you'll need this if you intend on uploading images

# and you'll need to define the buckets that you'll want to use 

# You can find this via
# This is used for preferences/settings on a per basis user and minimal authentication

# You can find this via
# This is used for front-end map input functionality

# dictionary object defining order of propers (taken from

3. Install repo

Run npm install or yarn After this, the server should be ready go (npm start)

API Reference

Current API locations:

:xxxxx = dynamic field that must be specified within the endpoint itself

Method Endpoint Notes
POST /species/all/query will match given parameters
POST /species/all/query/:pageNumber will match given parameters with paged results
GET /species/all/animals/list will show all saved species
GET /species/:speciesName/animals/list will show all saved species
POST /species/:speciesName/animals/save fields will be saved as provided. Must match schema definition and should be of multipart/form-data. Responds with saved animal data
POST /species/:speciesName/animals/save/json fields will be saved as provided. Must match schema definition and should be of application/json Content-Type. Responds with saved animal data
POST /species/:speciesName/animals/remove deletes pet as specified by petId or petName
GET /species/:speciesName/animals/list ex: '/list/dog' will show all saved dog species
GET /species/:speciesName/animals/list/:pageNumber paginated route for list/:speciesName endpoint
GET /species/:speciesName/options JSON of all preselected options for given species
GET /species/:speciesName/options/:option JSON of given option for a given species
GET /species/:speciesName/options/:option/:pageNumber JSON of given option for a given species in pages. Page size defaults to 10. This can be changed via query argument (i.e. "/options/dog/breed/1?pageSize=15")
GET /species/:speciesName/model provides JSON of model layout and meta data for species
POST /species/:speciesName/model/save updates global model of pet in addition to saving data. Must match model format and should be of application/json Content-Type. Responds with saved species data
POST /species/:speciesName/model/create creates a new species with provided fields. Should be of application/json Content-Type. Responds with saved species data
POST /species/:speciesName/model/remove removes specified species
GET /species/all/list JSON array of possible species


Additional POST fields you can set:
Name Type Description
ignoreCase (String) Array Allows the fields specified to ignore casing
matchStartFor (String) Array Requires the fields specified in the array to match starting from the beginning (prepends a '^' line start regex meta-character)
matchEndFor (String) Array Requires the fields specified in the array to match from the ending (appends a '$' line end regex meta-character)
properties (String) Array Will only supply fields specified in array
pageSize Number Defaults to 10 (only meaningful when making paged query)
Additional GET request parameters you can set:
Name Type Description
pageSize Number Defaults to 10 (only meaningful when making paged query)
properties (String) Array Will only supply fields specified in array. ex: ?properties=['species','petName','sex'] (Must not include spaces between field names)
More Notes
  • api/v2 will only send values for request animals.
  • api/v1 will send the value for an animal property as well as an example, default value, type, etc. as available.

Developer Notes

  • gulp-utils provides easy compilation of javascript, stylus, and pug/jade files.
    • you can can read more about how it works on its github repo
    • gulp --tasks shows a list of all possible tasks, but you'll probably only want to use:
      • gulp build-webpack (for compiling web-interface js)
      • gulp pug-html (for angular template files)
      • gulp stylus (for style overrides)
  • To run the tests, npm run test
  • See for contribution guidelines


If you would like to join the API group, our contact info is below. You can also check out the other projects Code for Orlando has been working on @ ( and (

Eric Fisher ([email protected]) - Slack (@ericjfisher)
Andrew Studnicky ([email protected]) - Slack (@studnicky)
Khalid Hoffman - Slack (@khalidhoffman)
Jim Sandridge - Twitter (@zero_map)
Tim Ferrell - Twitter (@ferrell_tim)

Inactive Contributors Luis Moraguez


Project is governed by the MIT License