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New example and doc: PCA ACE.
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emmanuellujan committed Jun 17, 2024
1 parent e6126cf commit 96583e8
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Showing 4 changed files with 405 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/make.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ examples = [
"Subsample a-HfO2 dataset with DPP and fit with ACE" => "DPP-ACE-aHfO2-1/fit-dpp-ace-ahfo2.jl",
"Subsample Na dataset with DPP and fit with ACE" => "DPP-ACE-Na/fit-dpp-ace-na.jl",
"Subsample Si dataset with DPP, fit with ACE, and cross validate" => "DPP-ACE-Si/fit-dpp-ace-si.jl",
"Reduce ACE descriptors with PCA and fit a-HfO2 dataset" => "PCA-ACE-aHfO2/fit-pca-ace-ahfo2.jl",
"Load Ar+Lennard-Jones dataset and postprocess" => "LJ-Ar/lennard-jones-ar.jl"

Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions examples/PCA-ACE-aHfO2/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
AtomsBase = "a963bdd2-2df7-4f54-a1ee-49d51e6be12a"
CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
DisplayAs = "0b91fe84-8a4c-11e9-3e1d-67c38462b6d6"
InteratomicPotentials = "a9efe35a-c65d-452d-b8a8-82646cd5cb04"
IterTools = "c8e1da08-722c-5040-9ed9-7db0dc04731e"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
OrderedCollections = "bac558e1-5e72-5ebc-8fee-abe8a469f55d"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
PotentialLearning = "82b0a93c-c2e3-44bc-a418-f0f89b0ae5c2"
ProgressBars = "49802e3a-d2f1-5c88-81d8-b72133a6f568"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"
UnitfulAtomic = "a7773ee8-282e-5fa2-be4e-bd808c38a91a"
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions examples/PCA-ACE-aHfO2/fit-pca-ace-ahfo2.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# # Reduce ACE descriptors with PCA and fit a-HfO2 dataset

# ## Load packages, define paths, and create experiment folder.

# Load packages
using AtomsBase, InteratomicPotentials, PotentialLearning
using Unitful, UnitfulAtomic
using LinearAlgebra, Random, DisplayAs

# Define paths.
path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(PotentialLearning)), "../examples/PCA-ACE-aHfO2")
ds_path = "$path/../data/a-HfO2/a-HfO2-300K-NVT-6000.extxyz"
res_path = "$path/results/"

# Load utility functions.

# Create experiment folder.
run(`mkdir -p $res_path`)

# ## Load atomistic dataset and split it into training and test.

# Load atomistic dataset: atomistic configurations (atom positions, geometry, etc.) + DFT data (energies, forces, etc.)
ds = load_data(ds_path, uparse("eV"), uparse(""))

# Split atomistic dataset into training and test
n_train, n_test = 50, 50 # only 50 samples per dataset are used in this example.
conf_train, conf_test = split(ds[1:1000], n_train, n_test)

# ## Create ACE basis, compute descriptors and add them to the dataset.

# Create ACE basis
basis = ACE(species = [:Hf, :O],
body_order = 3,
polynomial_degree = 4,
rcutoff = 5.0,
wL = 1.0,
csp = 1.0,
r0 = 1.0)
@save_var res_path basis

# Compute ACE descriptors for energy and forces based on the atomistic training configurations.
println("Computing energy descriptors of training dataset...")
e_descr_train = compute_local_descriptors(conf_train, basis;
println("Computing force descriptors of training dataset...")
f_descr_train = compute_force_descriptors(conf_train, basis;

# Update training dataset by adding energy and force descriptors.
ds_train = DataSet(conf_train .+ e_descr_train .+ f_descr_train)

# ## Dimension reduction of energy and force descriptors of training dataset.
n_desc = 20
pca = PCAState(tol = n_desc)
fit!(ds_train, pca)
transform!(ds_train, pca)

# ## Learn ACE coefficients based on ACE descriptors and DFT data.
println("Learning energies and forces...")
lb = LBasisPotential(basis)
ws, int = [1.0, 1.0], true
learn!(lb, ds_train, ws, int)
@save_var res_path lb.β
@save_var res_path lb.β0
lb.β, lb.β0

# ## Post-process output: calculate metrics, create plots, and save results.

# Compute ACE descriptors for energy and forces based on the atomistic test configurations.
println("Computing energy descriptors of test dataset...")
e_descr_test = compute_local_descriptors(conf_test, basis;
pbar = false)
println("Computing force descriptors of test dataset...")
f_descr_test = compute_force_descriptors(conf_test, basis;
pbar = false)

# Update test dataset by adding energy and force descriptors.
ds_test = DataSet(conf_test .+ e_descr_test .+ f_descr_test)

# **Dimension reduction of energy and force descriptors of test dataset.**
transform!(ds_test, pca)

# Get true and predicted values for energies and forces.
n_atoms_train = length.(get_system.(ds_train))
n_atoms_test = length.(get_system.(ds_test))

e_train, e_train_pred = get_all_energies(ds_train) ./ n_atoms_train,
get_all_energies(ds_train, lb) ./ n_atoms_train
f_train, f_train_pred = get_all_forces(ds_train),
get_all_forces(ds_train, lb)
@save_var res_path e_train
@save_var res_path e_train_pred
@save_var res_path f_train
@save_var res_path f_train_pred

e_test, e_test_pred = get_all_energies(ds_test) ./ n_atoms_test,
get_all_energies(ds_test, lb) ./ n_atoms_test
f_test, f_test_pred = get_all_forces(ds_test),
get_all_forces(ds_test, lb)
@save_var res_path e_test
@save_var res_path e_test_pred
@save_var res_path f_test
@save_var res_path f_test_pred

# Compute training metrics.
e_train_metrics = get_metrics(e_train, e_train_pred,
metrics = [mae, rmse, rsq],
label = "e_train")
f_train_metrics = get_metrics(f_train, f_train_pred,
metrics = [mae, rmse, rsq, mean_cos],
label = "f_train")
train_metrics = merge(e_train_metrics, f_train_metrics)
@save_dict res_path train_metrics

# Compute test metrics.
e_test_metrics = get_metrics(e_test, e_test_pred,
metrics = [mae, rmse, rsq],
label = "e_test")
f_test_metrics = get_metrics(f_test, f_test_pred,
metrics = [mae, rmse, rsq, mean_cos],
label = "f_test")
test_metrics = merge(e_test_metrics, f_test_metrics)
@save_dict res_path test_metrics

# Plot and save energy results.
e_plot = plot_energy(e_train, e_train_pred,
e_test, e_test_pred)
@save_fig res_path e_plot

# Plot and save force results.
f_plot = plot_forces(f_train, f_train_pred,
f_test, f_test_pred)
@save_fig res_path f_plot

# Plot and save training force cosine.
e_train_plot = plot_energy(e_train, e_train_pred)
f_train_plot = plot_forces(f_train, f_train_pred)
f_train_cos = plot_cos(f_train, f_train_pred)
@save_fig res_path e_train_plot
@save_fig res_path f_train_plot
@save_fig res_path f_train_cos

# Plot and save test force cosine.
e_test_plot = plot_energy(e_test, e_test_pred)
f_test_plot = plot_forces(f_test, f_test_pred)
f_test_cos = plot_cos(f_test, f_test_pred)
@save_fig res_path e_test_plot
@save_fig res_path f_test_plot
@save_fig res_path f_test_cos


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