This repository syncs with LSPosed Modules Repository. Apps in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers and released on the official github pages.
Because the built-in repository of LSPosed manager doesn't support one-click download and update of modules, we have made a F-Droid repository synchronized with LSPosed Modules Repo. After adding this repository to the official F-Droid or Droid-ify APP, you can download and update modules based on the F-Droid client. Currently, the repository is automatically synchronized with LSPosed Modules Repo using GitHub Actions, and the security of the repository is the same as LSPosed Modules Repo.
Install the F-Droid client app or other F-Droid client apps.
Add the repository to the F-Droid client app using one of the following ways:
- First way (recommended): Open the F-Droid Link page and click "Android Deep Link".
- Second way: Scan the QR code.
- Third way: Manually copy/paste the F-Droid repository link into the F-Droid client app under Settings.
Refresh your F-Droid client app under the Categories tab.
Install from the F-Droid client app listing.
This GitHub repository was forked and adapted from https://github.com/xarantolus/fdroid and https://github.com/bitwarden/f-droid
Icon | Name | Description | Version |
** (微信群消息助手)WechatChatroomHelper** | 微信群消息助手 - 整理群消息、服务号。 | 1.4.25 (60) | |
555电影(电影猎手)App去广告 | 电影猎手App去广告模块 | 1.0.20 (20) | |
5G开关(Hyper5GSwitch) | 在移动网络面板中添加 5G 开关,仅适用于支持5G网络并搭载 HyperOS 的设备。 Add a 5G switch to the mobile net... |
1.2.1 (21) | |
AADisplay | 让Android Auto显示任意应用, 基于VirtualDisplay的套娃方案. | 0.16.1#12.8+ (1601) | |
Activity链式启动管理器 | 叼毛广告,休想通过摇摇启动APP Tools that block activity startup |
1.09 (10) | |
AdClose | No summary available | 2.2.4 (20250101) | |
AD快消 | 自动跳过App开屏页、屏蔽各大广告联盟 | 1.7.9 (61) | |
AkinatorHelper / 神灯猜名人小助手 | Unlock the game 解锁游戏限制 |
1.7 (7) | |
AlarmShell | 基于系统闹钟的定时执行Shell脚本的LSP模块,具有更高可靠性,妈妈再也不用担心定时任务不执行啦! | 1.0 (1) | |
Alfa Bank Patcher | Скрывает рекламу в приложении Альфа Банк, а так же ряд других параметров. | 2.8 (263) | |
Alipay High Headsome Rich (支付宝装X模块) | Alipay High Headsome Rich (支付宝装X模块) | 2.6.0 (111) | |
AllTrans | Like Chrome's translation of webpages, but for Android apps. It replaces ALL ... | 1.9.6 (196) | |
Always create user | An Xposed Framework module that bypasses Android's user/profile creation limits | 1.5 (6) | |
AlwaysThemedIcon | Let third-party launcher always get themed icon in MIUI (Maybe also works for... | 1.1 (2) | |
AmiyaHooks | Amiya's Hooks! 使部分应用成为plus version Minecraft、古文岛、微信、拼多多商家版 |
1.4.8 (24110722) | |
An Extended Clipboard Manager | 一个增强版的剪切板管理器,提供自动清除剪切板内容等功能 | 1.0.1 (2) | |
An Intent traffic monitoring tool. | An Intent traffic monitoring tool. | v1.0.0 (100) | |
An Xposed module that improves the Facebook Messenger experience. | An Xposed module that improves the Facebook Messenger experience. | 1.0.1 (1) | |
**Android Faker ** | Android Faker a Simple Xposed Module Which Spoof Your Device IDs Values. Supp... | 1.9.2 (10902) | |
Android 包检查器 | Inspeckage是一个开发用于提供Android应用程序动态分析的工具。通过将钩子应用于Android API的功能,Inspeckage将帮助您了解... | 2.4 (10) | |
Android14连接电脑后,默认连接USB文件传输模式 | Android14连接电脑后,默认连接USB文件传输模式 | 200 (200) | |
AndroidFwkDebug | Hooking framework system services debug variable. In order to get more useful... | 1.1 (2) | |
AnyText/文本修改 | 能够将手机界面的文本修改成想要的内容。Provides features to change text content in native Android... | 1.0.2 (3) | |
AnyWebView / Any WebView is OK! | It tries to detect all system webviews and add them to the developer options ... | 1.2 (3) | |
App Settings Reborn | Fork of the original App Settings by Rovo89. Supporting Android 8.0+ | 1.7 (29) | |
AppErrorsTracking | 为原生 FC 对话框增加更多功能并修复国内定制 ROM 删除 FC 对话框的问题,给 Android 开发者带来更好的体验。 | 1.3 (6) | |
AppRetention | Achieving app retention by modifying the system kill logic through Hook. Supp... | 4.2.5 (2024021503) | |
Auto NFC | 仅适用于MIUI,进入/退出 刷卡页面时自动 开启/关闭 NFC | 1.5 (15) | |
AutoSEffSwitch | 连接蓝牙耳机或有线耳机时自动切换音效为原声!Automatically switch sound effects to original sound wh... | 5.0 (2025011300) | |
BCR/PCR强制全屏(BCRfullscreen) | 让BCR/PCR最新版全屏显示 | 1.3 (4) | |
BFunHelper | No summary available | 1.0 (1) | |
Bilibili净化器 / BiCleaner | 净化你的B站评论区和主页推荐 OvO Clean your bilibili, remove useless replies and videos |
1.0.1 (1000100) | |
Bili调速 biliSpeed | 哔哩哔哩B站, 推特X, 抖音, 小红书, IG, TG, 微信视频号, 微博默认播放速度调节,可以任意倍数:) Bilibili, Twitter X,... |
1.1.7 (1001007) | |
Binnosoko | F*ck ChMate's ads | 2.4 (20) | |
Biometric Bypass | Bypass the confirmation step after face authentication on Android 11 to 15 us... | 23.08.24 (240823) | |
Bluetooth ToolKit | Many Modifications to the Bluetooth App | 2.6.10 (24) | |
BoardDeepHook | 「阳光自律」无限期会员。 | 1.0 (1) | |
BootloaderSpoofer | No summary available | 3.8 (38) | |
Bypass Root Check Pro with Java & Native C/C++ Hooks | Bypass Root Check Pro Xposed Module with Java and Native (C/C++) Hooks based ... | 1.0 (1) | |
B站游戏绕过,关键字:B站游戏 BiliBili游戏 实名认证 防沉迷 | No summary available | 1.4 (1) | |
Cache Cleaner - Clean up the app's cache | ソフトウェアが起動したら、まずキャッシュをクリアする!When the app starts, clear the cache first! (Magis... | V1.3.2 (2024.09.21) (10302) | |
Call Recording | Enable call recording for Google Dialer | 1.1 (2) | |
CameraControl | Next level camera control! Control access to the cameras depending on which s... | 1.0 (1) | |
Cancel startActive Market,取消跳转到应用商店 | No summary available | 1.0 (1) | |
CaptureSposed | CaptureSposed - An Xposed module that effectively disables the screenshot det... | 1.0.5 (6) | |
Cast Enabler for A12 | No summary available | 1.0 (1) | |
categories | No summary available | (2147483647) | |
Catsmoker app | Catsmoker unlocks higher FPS in games by spoofing your device model and displ... | 1.3 (3) | |
Cemiuiler | 让 MIUI 再次伟大! Make MIUI Great Again! |
1.3.130_20231101 (130) | |
CGSportBypass | 某高校园跑APP辅助模块 | 1.1.1 (111) | |
ChargeProtectSetter | 一个 HyperOS 自定义全局电池充电保护电量设置的 Xposed 模块 | An Xposed module that customises the ... | 1.2 (25010301) | |
ChatHeadEnabler - ChatHead or Bubble in Messenger | This module lets you choose between ChatHead and Bubble in Facebook Messenger | 2.4.5 (245) | |
CheckBlue | A module that allows you to find out if a Twitter user is Blue Verified. | 1.0 (1) | |
ChiMi | MIUI13 增强扩展模块 (LSPosed/Xposed) MIUI13 MIUI enhancement extension module |
5.12.23 (401223) | |
ChromeXt | Add UserScript and DevTools supports to Chromium based and WebView based brow... | 3.8.2 (16) | |
Clipboard Whitelist | Allowing apps to access the clipboard in the background on Android 10+. | 1.0.0 (1) | |
ClipboardList | 解除小米"剪贴板和常用语"限制。 Remove restrictions on Xiaomi's clipboard and common phrases. |
3.3 (2024103000) | |
ColorOS 通知图标增强 | 为 ColorOS 优化通知图标以及适配原生通知图标规范,理论支持 OxygenOS 和 RealmeUI | 1.100 (23) | |
ColorOSTool | ColorOS 12 For OnePlus 的部分“优化” | (31) | |
ColorOS桌面页面限制解除 | ColorOS桌面最大可用页面数(27)限制解除 | 3.0 (3) | |
CorePatch / 核心破解 | Disable signature verification 版本降级,签名不一致,签名错误的apk都能安装 |
4.5 (2019) | |
CSLyric - 状态栏歌词 | 状态栏歌词 | 3.0-beta (11) | |
CustoMIUIzer | Customize your MIUI ROM | 3.2.1 (71) | |
CustoMIUIzerMod | A mod version of CustoMIUIzer, to adapt Android11+ & MIUI12.5+ | 1.8.321 (10) | |
Customize and tweak Oxygen OS | Oxygen Customizer is an open-source Android app that lets users tweak and cus... | 2.0.1 (21) | |
Dark Tricks | A simple module for Android 8.0, 8.1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12.1, 13 and 14 that put... | 3.4 (43) | |
DarkAISchedule / 小爱课程表暗色 | 小爱课程表暗色支持 | 0.0.1 (1) | |
DeepSleep | The Xposed module that controls application wake-up, runs on Android N ~ vers... | 1.2.1 (16) | |
Dia | Force to cancel some dialogs/popups that can't be canceled. (原名:对话框取消),强制取... |
23.11 (1) | |
Diia Tweaks: root checks removing & other tweaks | Diia Tweaks: remove root checks | 1.20c (18) | |
Disable app link verify / 禁用应用链接验证 | Disable app link verify on Android 12, restore to old behaviour when opening ... | 1.0.0 (1) | |
Disable OnePlus battery saving features that hurt user experience | No summary available | 0.0.2 (2) | |
Disable Security Windows | Disable Security Windows (禁用安全窗口) | 2.0 (2) | |
Disable Target API Block | Re-enable installation of apps targeting old Android versions | 1.0.0 (2) | |
Disable-FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON | Disable FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON. 阻止应用常亮,按照系统屏幕超时时间息屏 | 2.0.0 (2) | |
Disable-FLAG_SECURE | Xposed Module to Disable FLAG_SECURE, enabling screenshots, screen sharing an... | 2.0.0 (2) | |
DisableAltTab | 禁用安卓的Alt-Tab快捷键,这样就可以用远程桌面的Alt-Tab了 A Xposed module to disable Alt-Tab hotkey... |
1 (1) | |
DisableAudioFocus | disable audio focus 音声フォーカスを無効にします |
1.0.0 (100000) | |
DIY MIUI Card | 自定义MIUI NFC卡片卡面 | 1.4.2 (7) | |
DJkwaiching | 音樂軟件NhacCuaTui/Zing MP3/DJ多多/酷我音樂/酷狗音樂/ChiaSeNhac增強插件 VIP for NhacCuaTui, Zin... |
24.05.25 (105) | |
DoNotTryAccessibility | Hook System Framework 让应用认为没有开启无障碍服务 | 1.0.3 (3) | |
DualGuard(AdGuard 授权多开) | No summary available | 1.2 (52) | |
E-Government Liberator | Removes root and bootloader checks from the Austrian e-government apps | 2.3 (6) | |
Enable Screenshot (formerly known as Disable FLAG_SECURE) | Enabling screenshots in apps that normally wouldn't allow it, and disabling s... | 4.1.1 (103) | |
Enhance Game Enhancer | Enhance Xperia Game Enhancer | 1.0.1 (2) | |
FakeGApps | No summary available | 6 (11) | |
FanQieXposed 番茄小说去掉广告 | No summary available | 1.0.3 (1) | |
fcmfix | 让fcm/gcm唤醒未启动的应用进行发送通知 | 20240905_d619254 (45) | |
FCSDK | 尽量解除联想新 CSDK 管控带来的限制 适用于定制机或解除自带的家长控制( | 0.1 (1) | |
FightOppoInstaller | No summary available | 1.0.0 (1) | |
Firefds Kit [P] | Firefds Kit Xposed module for Samsung Pie (Android 9) devices | (9208) | |
Firefds Kit [Q] | Firefds Kit Xposed module for Samsung Q (Android 10) devices | (10040) | |
Firefds Kit [R] | Firefds Kit Xposed module for Samsung R (Android 11) devices | (11030) | |
Firefds Kit [S] | Firefds Kit Xposed module for Samsung S (Android 12) devices | (12002) | |
Firefds Kit [Tiramisu] | Firefds Kit Xposed module for Samsung Tiramisu (Android 13) devices | (13001) | |
Firefds Kit [Upside Down Cake] | Firefds Kit Xposed module for Samsung Upside Down Cake (Android 14) devices | (14003) | |
FLinspirer | Hook领创,让您的管理员懵逼。 | 0.50 (50) | |
flyme10助手 | 一个用于flyme10系统的lsposed插件 主要功能如下: 禁用安装APK时候的安全检查 使用原生的apk安装界面 自动apk 隐藏桌面应用标签 屏蔽... |
4.6.8 (556) | |
Flyme9助手 | Flyme系统定制修改工具 | 4.5.14 开源全功能版 (513) | |
Force Dark | Override force-dark for apps in module scope 为作用域内应用强制启用 SmartDark Android... |
2 (2) | |
ForegroundPin | 贴边小窗强制前台。 Welt freeform force the front desk. |
3.1 (2024052605) | |
Freezer Cream Edition | Third party Android Tombstone, rewrite from NoActive | LTS (26) | |
Fuck AD | 去他妈的广告 Fuck Ads |
1.3.8-release (6800) | |
Fuck for Game | 一个基于 Xposed 的免费的游戏内购模块。 | 1.0.0-cb-6-19 (24122213) | |
Fuck for VIP | 解锁部分软件的会员 | 4.8.0-release (25011614) | |
Fuck RollingSky Pay | No summary available | 1.3.1 (131) | |
FuckCainiao | 菜鸟界面优化和广告移除 | 0.1.1 (7) | |
FuckCoolapk | Best present for 316 and 423. | 0.5.8 (20210506) | |
FuckCoolapk R | Fuck coolapk again | Release-1.16.2 (1162) | |
FuckDDVip | No summary available | 1.0.0 (1) | |
FuckDevicePolicy / 去你大爷的设备策略 | Make user restriction policy(e.g work profile policies) nonfunctional. | 1.0 (1) | |
Fucking Internet Tile | Bring back the Mobile data and Wi-Fi Quick Settings tiles. 还原 移动数据 和 WLAN 快速设... |
1.2 (3) | |
FuckSmartisanNotes | 锤子便签优化模块 解锁高级会员权限 移除开屏广告 关闭更新提示弹窗 去除分享内容敏感词检测 理论全版本通杀 |
1.2 (1) | |
Fuck淘宝京东跳转 | 禁止应用跳转淘宝京东 | 1.0 (1) | |
FunBox | QQ/微信/TIM表情包模块,支持在QQ/微信/TIM中使用表情面板和语音面板以保存和发送表情和语音 | v929 (929) | |
FunDex(基于Xposed实现的脱壳机,支持5-13,支持类抽取。) | No summary available | 7.2.0 (720) | |
FunELF(基于Xposed实现的SO脱壳机,用于还原内存中释放的SO文件。) | No summary available | 7.2.0 (720) | |
FunIl2cpp(il2cpp游戏dump&il2cpp方法调用跟踪) | No summary available | 7.2.0 (720) | |
FunJni(JNITrace & hook ,So分析神器 ) | No summary available | 8.1.0 (810) | |
Game Unlocker | Spoof your device as different model for specific games to unlock higher FPS | 7.0.0 (4) | |
Geergit - Protect Your Privacy | The main aim is to spoof the values from third party apps which tracks users ... | 2.5.3 (20514) | |
**Gmail Dark Theme Enabler ** | [Partially abandoned - READ THE DESCRIPTION] Allow to use the official dark t... |
3.9 (39) | |
GoldenVipHook | 本模块支持多款软件的VIP解锁。 | 1.0.3 (1003) | |
Google Voice Mark Read | An Xposed module to add a "mark as read" option to Google Voice message notif... | 2.1 (4) | |
GPS Setter | A simple module to spoof device location. Supporting Android 8.1+ | 1.2.8 (128) | |
GravityBox [O] | All-in-one complex module for devices running vanilla Android 8 Oreo | 8.6.0 (8600) | |
GravityBox [P] | All-in-one complex module for devices running vanilla Android 9 Pie | 9.2.1 (921) | |
GravityBox [Q] | All-in-one complex module for devices running vanilla Android 10 (Q) | 10.1.2 (1013) | |
GravityBox [R] | All-in-one complex module for devices running vanilla Android 11 (R) | 11.0.5 (1105) | |
Hachidori | A X (formerly Twitter) Xposed modules. | 0.28 (28) | |
HCEFUnlocker | An Xposed module that unlocks HCE-F (Host Card Emulation Type-F) IDm and Syst... | 2.5 (8) | |
Healergram | An Xposed module to heal your Telegram addiction | 1.0.0 (100) | |
HelloCiwong | 习习向上优化模块 | 1.1.1 (3) | |
Hide Mock Location | Xposed module to hide the mock location setting. | 2.0.9 (209) | |
HideMockLocation | hide mock location 位置情報偽装アプリを非表示にします |
1.2.1 (4) | |
HideRecentTask / 隐藏最近任务 | Hide specific apps from recent task list | 2.1.0 (210) | |
HMS Push | 让非华为设备支持 HMS 推送,同时避免唤醒目标应用 | 0.0.27 (201) | |
Hook for VIP | 获取部分软件会员与去广告弹窗的模块 | 1.7.0 (20241018) | |
HookCimoc | 给Cimoc漫画去广告, | 1.7.113 (1) | |
HookFanqie | 给番茄小说(com.dragon.read)去广告, | (1) | |
HookPicACG | 给哔咔去广告, | (1) | |
HOOKUI,No Code, dyamic analaysis | HOOKUI是一款逆向傻瓜式分析工具, 可以在手机端点ui或者编写hook代码来分析 ,可以用于快速爆破,无需脱壳 窥探 内存 动态hook,支持HOO... | 2.0-m (30) | |
HookUtils | 针对华为运动健康和手记的hook模块。 Hook for Huawei Health and etc. |
1.2.6 (20240418) | |
HookVip | 用于解锁部分应用的会员和一些应用的拓展功能 | 3.5.6 (20240608) | |
Hyper Helper | 我 心 澎 湃 !!! A module for HyperOS |
3.0.0 (219) | |
HyperCeiler | 让 HyperOS 再次伟大! Make HyperOS Great Again! |
2.5.157_20250129 (3901) | |
HyperFreeformX | Make freeform better for hyper os. | 2.2.3-672d4823 (20203) | |
HyperOS for Pad 焦点笔激光 隔空鼠标 | HyperOS for Pad 焦点笔激光 隔空鼠标 | 1.1_Release (3) | |
HyperStar | 信hyper,得永生! Trust Hyper, you will live forever! |
2.0.0_202501041947 (1041947) | |
I'm Pad | 在手机上实现平板登录。支持QQ、微信、企业微信 | 1.0.4 (5) | |
IGExperiments | No summary available | 3.0 (30) | |
IMEI Masker | Utility To Mask IMEI Of Device. The Main Aim Is To Spoof The Values From Thi... |
2.0.1 (3) | |
ImNotADeveloper | hide developer mode and debug mode 開発者モードやデバッグモードを隠します Supported Android 5.0~14 |
1.0.0 (1) | |
Infinite Illusion (无限幻境) | Let all apps dive into the realm of Infinite Illusion! 让每个应用沉浸在无限幻境中! |
1.0 (10) | |
InstaEclipse | An Instagram enhancer module with features like Developer Options, Ghost Mode... | 0.3 (4) | |
InstallerPlus(Installer++) | Show app's package info for Package Installer. 为Package Installer提供安装包详情显示 |
1.2.e8c9341 (1717993387) | |
InstallerRestrictor | Restrict any installation / uninstallation process across the system | 1.0 (1) | |
Integrity Verification Disabler | Google seems to be blocking sideloading some app updates on Android 11, such ... | 1.0 (1) | |
Ironbridge | The bridge between apps and modules | 1.0 (1) | |
IsleNotify | HyperOS灵动额头接入通知 HyperOSStrongToast Access Notify |
24.03.28 (3) | |
JunZi Xposed Hook | 对一些软件的功能性增强 | 2.0.1 (12) | |
Kanni | Prevent apps from taking control of the screen brightness | 0.1 (1) | |
Keyboard GPT | Integrate Generative AI like ChatGPT in keyboard. | 1.1.1 (12) | |
Kill Domain Verification | This xposed module prevents the system (and also yourself) from allowing apps... | 4 (4) | |
KillAppNow | [Android 14+] Xposed module to kill foreground app on "Back" button long-press. | 0.2 (1) | |
Killergram | Remove sponsored messages of Telegram. Also allows you to copy or save messag... | 22.03.12 (202203120) | |
KillRedOne | OnePlus For ColorOS Fuck RedOne 旨在干掉一加ColorOS的红一 |
1.0.2 (62) | |
KnoxPatch | Get Knox features working again in your rooted Samsung Galaxy device. | 0.7.5 (7005) | |
LarryOnX | This module restores the Twitter logo at the top of the timeline and reverts ... | 1.3 (4) | |
Let Develop Free | Bypass Xiaomi ADB install confirmation (which invokes com.miui.guardprovider)... | 1.1 (2) | |
Let Me Downgrade | Let Me Downgrade - Add support for downgrading apps on Android 12 through 15 ... | 1.0.6 (9) | |
LIME | Ad-killer for LINE | 1.9.2 (13) | |
LineXtra | An Xposed module to remove ads from the LINE | 1.0.1 (2) | |
Location Indicator Whitelist | Prevent packages to trigger the location indicator in status bar. | 1.1 (2) | |
LogRequestManager | 一站式管理访问设备日志请求 Manage all device log access requests at once |
1.0.0 (1) | |
Loyalty - Hide chats in the Telegram messenger | Hide chats in the Telegram messenger | 1.4 (21) | |
LuckyTool Xposed 免费模块 | 对ColorOS系统进行的扩展优化的Xposed模块 Xposed module for extended optimization of ColorOS... |
1.2.7 (18005) | |
Lyric Getter | 酒域-歌词获取 | Lyric Getter | 2.0.25 (25) | |
MACsposed | MACsposed - Add support for MAC Address spoofing to Android 12 through 15! | 1.2.5 (20) | |
Make RoamingX Great Again | Make RoamingX Great Again! 让每个人都能享受科技的乐趣! |
1.3 (13) | |
Makes selected VPN apps not metered (Android 10+) | No summary available | 1.0.0 (1) | |
Maps tweaks | Hide unwanted views of Google and Yandex maps & navi | 1.32 (32) | |
Matrix Rain | Allow you to add a customisable matrix rain in your notifications panel ! | 1.3.4 (1) | |
MaxFreeForm | 为各种 MIUI / HyperOS 设备解除多小窗限制 Unlock multi freeform limits for MIUI / HyperOS ... |
4.0.1 (27) | |
MaxMiPad | 为小米平板的输入系统提供一些增强功能 Provide some enhancements to Mi Pad's input system |
1.6.2 (22) | |
MBGA | Make Bilibili Great Again! 干掉B站那些碍眼的东西 |
1.5.0 (165) | |
McDonalds Global App security fix | McRoot: disable root and security check (SafetyNet requested!) | 2.1 (8) | |
me.sleep.vip | No summary available | 3.0 (300) | |
Megafon Cleaner | Скрытие баннеров и предложений в приложении Мегафон | 2.7.1 (111) | |
Messenger Pro | A mod that enhances Facebook Messenger with loads of powerful features ! | 1.0.5 (7) | |
Mi Translator + | Enhance mi translator experience. | 0.2.1 (20220622) | |
MiCTS | 在任意Android 9–15设备上触发圈定即搜(Circle to Search)功能 Trigger Circle to Search on any ... |
2.2 (30) | |
Mikanoshi's CustoMIUIzer plugin for MIUI 12.5 & Android 11 | Mikanoshi's CustoMIUIzer plugin for MIUI 12.5 & Android 11 | 1.0.2 (3) | |
MiPushFaker | 伪装机型让非小米手机能够正确识别到MiPush,搭配MiPushFramework使用 | 1.0 (1) | |
Mir Pay Security | Обход проверок безопасности приложения Mir Pay | 1.6 (46) | |
MIUI 5G开关 | 仅适用于MIUI,在移动网络面板或快捷开关中添加 5G 开关 For MIUI only, add 5G switch in the network pa... |
2.0.4 (14) | |
MIUI Force FPS / MIUI 全局高帧 | Force MIUI to have highest FPS globally 强制 MIUI 全局高帧 |
1.0 (1) | |
miui usb安装 sim卡限制屏蔽 | miui 11.0.5 usb安装无需sim卡、安装时不会弹框提示了。 | 1.0 (1) | |
MIUI 原生通知图标 | 修复被 MIUI 开发组丢弃的原生通知图标,支持 MIUI 12、12.5、13 以及最新版本 | 2.110 (42) | |
MIUI 性能救星 / MIUI Performance Saver | 移除 MIUI 对应用的性能限制,以最高帧率运行应用。Remove MIUI's performance limit, run app at maximu... | 1.0.9 (1090) | |
MIUI 生活质量提升 | MIUI生活质量提升 MIUI Quality of Life Improvement (MIUI QOL) |
1.1.17 (19) | |
MIUI 通知修复 | 禁用 MIUI 通知白名单 | 1.0.0 (1) | |
MIUI12.5扩展 | MIUI12.5扩展 | 1.6 (7) | |
miui14平板解除小窗限制 | (MIUI14)解除小米平板只能打开4小窗的限制 | 1.0 (1) | |
MiuiPadESC | 为小米平板5系列恢复键盘ESC键功能 Restore ESC function on Mi Pad 5 series |
1.1 (2) | |
MiuiPadMeta | 为小米平板5系列和其他MIUI/HyperOS设备恢复键盘Meta/Win键功能,同时禁用Alt-Tab快捷键。这样就可以在远程桌面里用Meta键和Alt... | 2.4 (7) | |
MIUI_NOGUARDPLS | 阻止miui追踪用户信息 Prevent miui from tracking user's privacy |
1.0.1 (2) | |
MIUI工具箱 | 解锁小米平板MIUI+连电脑, 同时让不支持MIUI+的手机支持MIUI+ | 3.01 (1) | |
MIUI自由小窗X / MiuiFreeFormX | MIUI小窗增强扩展模块,实现类Flyme的手势操作逻辑 | (10020) | |
MIUI隐藏小白条/MIUI HideNavBar | 打开隐藏手势提示线的选项后,仍有小白条的功能 | 1.2 (3) | |
Mobile Radio Ad Away | Mobile Radio Ad Away Xposed module for the Android app available in the Googl... | 1.2 (1) | |
MobileIconChanger (Fake5GIcon) | Change your mobile data icons! For example you can change the 3G/4G icons int... | 2.2.1 (5) | |
mObywatel: be an obywatel with root | Be an obywatel with root! | 1.0 (1) | |
ModemPro 基带进化 | ModemPro MIUI/HyperOS基带进化 为基带增加一些功能 |
2.2.0 (220) | |
Monotype Patcher | Patch Monotype to enable changing any fonts on Samsung devices with FlipFonts | 1.0.1 (2) | |
Motion Emulator | A motion simulator with sensor support 带有传感器支持的运动模拟器,可对付校园跑 |
1.2.2 (24) | |
Motion Emulator Content Provider Plugin | A Motion Emulator plug-in based on Content Provider | 1.2.1 (2) | |
Motion Emulator Websocket Plugin | A Motion Emulator plug-in based on WebSocket | 1.2.2 (3) | |
Módulo Xposed para aplicações do governo português. | Módulo Xposed para aplicações do governo português. | 2.1 (4) | |
Nai | Remove the annoying 'free storage space' pop-ups on Telegram | 0.1 (1) | |
Nekumori MOD | A collection of fixes for some apps to work properly, especially on OnePlus7.... | 1.5 (9) | |
Nel | Bring back KeyChain.createInstallIntent's old behavior to Android 11+ | 0.2 (2) | |
NewHookVip | 解锁部分APP高级版及添加拓展功能 | 4.0.6 (20250128) | |
NfcNci Patience | No summary available | 0.2.0 (5) | |
NGA玩家论坛去广告模块 | NGA论坛APP广告净化模块 | 2.9.3 (44) | |
NoAccessibilityServices | An Xposed module that disables apps from getting installed and enabled access... | 0.1 (1) | |
NoActive | 正如其名,让Android后台CPU不再活跃 | 2.6 (260) | |
NoDisplayCutout | 强制应用在刘海/挖控区域中呈现. 主要用于小米Mix4这种挖了孔但又没挖孔的屏下摄像头手机. | 1.0 (1) | |
NoRelaunch | 屏蔽指定配置变更导致的 Activity 重启 Prevent Activity restarts caused by configuration cha... |
1.0.0 (1) | |
NoStorageRestrict | Removes the restriction when selecting folders (Downloads/Android) through th... | 0.5.0 (5) | |
NoSwipeToKill | 禁止 MIUI 划卡杀后台 | 1.1 (2) | |
NoTask | 隐藏最近任务列表视图 | 1.1 (11) | |
Notification Icon Fix / 通知图标修复 | A module for AOSP, MIUI and HyperOS. Using an algorithm to convert white noti... | 1.4 (73) | |
NotifyIntercept | 利用关键词匹配对通知进行拦截 Use keyword matching to intercept notifications |
1.3.0 (271) | |
Notigif | Allow you to add a gif or a picture in your notifications panel ! | 1.7 (1) | |
NoVPNDetect | Prevent some apps detect your phone connected to VPN. | 1.1 (2) | |
OMAPI Bypass | Bypass ARA,ARF limit in OMAPI | 1.0 (1) | |
OnePlus App Cloner Extender | Xposed module to add any app to the OnePlus's "App Cloner" supported apps list. | 1.1 (2) | |
OnePlus Camera Debug Mode Enabler | Enable the hidden internal menu in the OnePlus camera app. | 1.0 (1) | |
Oneplus No Red One | 去除一加氧系统的数字时钟的红色1数字。 Prevent Oneplus from making red "1" digits on the clocks. |
4.1 (5) | |
OnePlus Parallel Apps Extender | Adds any app to the Parallel Apps's supported apps list. | 1.7 (8) | |
ONScripter Plus+ | ONScripterPlus增强插件 | 1.1 (11) | |
OPLongshotXposed | A Xposed module for OPLongshot on OxygenOS, forces saving screenshot in PNG f... | 1.2 (3) | |
OplusHideZoomWindow | ColorOS 13 / OxygenOS 13 Magic to hide zoom window from screenshots & screen-... |
1.2 (3) | |
Options Menu Fix | Fix a bug regarding opening Activity options menus in Android 13/14 | 1.0.1 (2) | |
Orange | Xposed module for specifying orientation per app | 1.1.0 (3) | |
O神/OShin | 系统辅助模块,支持 ColorOS、RealmeUI、OxygenOS。免费软件,请勿二次转发,分享,售卖!github@suqi8 System sup... |
15.0.0.b363.9432e7a (363) | |
Payoneer Root Detection Bypass | No summary available | 1.0.0 (1) | |
Pengeek(米客) | 客制化你的HyperOS - 支持基于A14的HyperOS Customize HyperOS to your liking - For HyperOS... |
25.01.24 (74) | |
Phantom Mic | Simulate microphone input from an audio file | 2.0 (3) | |
Physical Button Master Control | No more need to turn on screen to control the music player! Get the ultimate ... | 4.3 (69) | |
PinningApp | 固定应用,类似于IOS的引导式访问。 Pinning App, Guided access similar to IOS |
1.0 (2024013100) | |
Pixel Mods | Hide apps from the Pixel Launcher | 1.5.2-beta (25) | |
Pixel Thermometer BT Enabler | This module enables the body temperature feature of the Pixel Thermometer in ... | 1.0 (1) | |
Pixelify GPhotos | No summary available | 4.1 (5) | |
PixelPosed | 无限续命安卓Pixel客户端搜索结果热度排序7天试用 | 1.0 (1) | |
PlusNE | PlusNE(6.4.3)已支持微信密友功能,开启后,微信里将找不到此密友 1.soul 2.TikTok(免费使用功能 解除网络限制) 3.七猫免费小说... |
6.5.6 (685) | |
PlusNE 7+ | PlusNE(7.0+) 重构版 1.soul 2.七猫免费小说 3.快手 4.快手极速版 5.抖音 6.抖音极速版 7.最右 8.番茄免费小说 9.皮皮... |
7.6.2 (7138) | |
PokeGO Pip | An xposed module to enable picture-in-picture in Pokemon GO | 1.1.0 (2) | |
PPBuff | 皮皮搞笑 & 最右增强 | 1.0.5.r110.ea62aa7 (110) | |
Process Hook - Unlock hidden features and options | Hook specific process/apps/games to spoof your device as different model/devi... | 1.3.1 (5) | |
Pseudo DC Dimming | Enable alternative modulation (likely DC-like) on low brightness for some OLE... | 1.2 (6) | |
PureStatusBar | A module to edit your statusbar. download and enjoy it!😘 |
1.0 (1) | |
QAuxiliary | 为 QQ 和 TIM 添加更多功能 | 1.5.4.r2483.eecf29b (2483) | |
QAvatar | 自动更换QQ头像 | 2.0 a (6) | |
QDReadHook | 起点阅读-自定义增强功能 1.主要功能 2.广告相关 3.闪屏页相关 4.隐藏控件 5.替换净化 目前支持 758+ 正式版 |
3.2.6 (638) | |
QNotified | 一个旨在使QQ变得更好用的开源Xposed模块 | (1643390479) | |
QStory | QQ功能性模块 为QQ添加更多功能 支持最新版QQ 8.9.x ~ 9.1.35 全版本自适配 |
1.4.0 (140) | |
QuoteLock | Displays quotes on your phone lockscreen! | 1.4.0 (11) | |
QuoteLockX | Displays quotes on your lockscreen, because why not. A continuously maintain... |
3.2.1 (29) | |
QXposed (QX模块) | No summary available | 2.18 (44) | |
Q音助手 | Q音助手,还你一个干净的Q音 Android 客户端。 | 1.1.4 (91) | |
R-Pointer | This module is for modifying the icon of the mouse pointer. 此模块用于修改鼠标指针图标. |
1.0.1 (200) | |
R-安装组件-扩展 | R-安装组件扩展,强制调用 R-安装组件 进行安装应用. | 2.6.2-beta (29) | |
Radio Box PRO / Ad Free Xposed Module | Online RadioBox App PRO / Ad free version activator Xposed module for the And... | 1.1 (1) | |
Re Telegram | An Xposed module to enhance the Telegram Supported Telegram, Nekogram and oth... |
Akiyama (170) | |
RelaxHelper | 解除 Relax 的限制 | 1.0.0 (1) | |
Remove action bar stories in the Telegram messenger (+block unmute button) | Remove action bar stories in the Telegram messenger | 1.3 (4) | |
Replace mouse cursor with a custom one / 自定义包括鼠标指针、触控点在内的各种图片资源 | Replace mouse cursor with a custom one / 自定义包括鼠标指针、触控点在内的各种图片资源 | 2.0.4 (204) | |
Rocket Player Timebomb Defuser | Disable Rocket Player’s “Expired version” popup | 1.0 (1) | |
Samsung Messages Customiser | This module allow you to customise colors of Samsung Messages app ! /!\ THIS... |
1.5.1 (1) | |
Samsung Music Customiser | This module allow you to customise colors of Samsung Music app ! This app wor... |
1.18 (1) | |
Samsung-ClockFix | 解除三星系统时钟通话中不提醒不响铃的限制 | 1.0.1_c12.1.17.0 (2) | |
Sberbank Patcher | Различные модификации в приложении СберБанк. | 1.24.2 (415) | |
Secure Lockscreen Camera | Xposed Framework module to skip authentication on "Quickly open camera" gesture. | 1.0.0 (1) | |
SecureDisplay | This enables FLAG_SECURE everywhere to give you the absolute maximum privacy ... | 1.0.0 (1) | |
Sensible Android Auto:Xposed | No summary available | 6.3.611314 (160) | |
setAppFull - 设置应用全屏 | set app to full screen run. 将应用突破次元壁,覆盖异形屏幕限制全面显示_(:з」∠)_ |
beta-1.3.2 (132) | |
SetoHook | 一个用于Hook小米系统的工具 | 2.2.1 (220) | |
SettingsFirewall 设置防睛眼 | Block apps from accessing system settings. 阻止应用偷看你的系统设置。 | 1.0 (1) | |
SimpleHook | 自定义简单的Hook,算法分析等 | 1.3.4 (24030222) | |
SimpleRadio AdAway Modern Xposed API Module | SimpleRadio AdAway Xposed module which has been developed using the `Modern X... | 1.0 (1) | |
smobajump | 跳过王者营地的启动动画和推广的界面,版本号带“DisableUpdate”的会屏蔽启动时的自动更新 | 1.2_DisableUpdate (3) | |
SnapEnhance | An Xposed Mod for Snapchat meant to enhance your experience. | 2.0.1 (201) | |
SoulFrog | SoulFrog hook vip and 广告🐸 | 1.0 (1) | |
SSLUnpinning | Android Xposed Module to bypass SSL certificate validation (Certificate Pinni... | 1.0.0 (1) | |
StarVoyager | 为我的Mix4编写的一个自用型大杂烩模块 A xposed module written for my Mix4 |
3.7 (32) | |
Statusbar Icon Relocator | Move chosen notification icons from the left to the right side of the system ... | 1.3 (1) | |
StatusBar Lyric | StatusBar Lyric / 墨•状态栏歌词 | 7.1.1 (711) | |
SteamGuardExtractor | Extract SteamGuard shared_secret in seconds | 1.0.0 (1) | |
StethoX | Inspect Android App with Chrome Devtools / 使用 Chrome 开发者工具调试 Android App | 1.0.2 (2) | |
Sunny | Prevent Tachiyomi and Mihon from throttling your requests by ignoring rate li... | 0.5 (5) | |
Tarnhelm | The magic to clean sharing links up. 清理分享链接的魔法。 |
1.7.0 (20250129) | |
TaskLabelAsTaskTitle | use taskDescription.label as task title in recent task list | 1.1 (2) | |
Telegram UserID Viewer | This module allows you to view a user's ID directly in their profile. | 1.2 (3) | |
TeleSpeed | Speed up your Telegram download. 提升你的 Telegram 下载速度。 |
1.0.6 (7) | |
TeleVip | TeleVip A module for modifying Telegram | 1.4 (1) | |
Telionslate | 解除谷歌离线翻译在大陆的限制并使用屏幕翻译! | (2023090901) | |
TGɾαɱHσσƙʂ | Free Telegram Premium | 1.3.5 (1) | |
Tim小助手(TimTool) | Tim,QQ 功能性模块 为Tim增加更多功能 正在持续维护 适配最新Tim 适配版本 4.0.97 + |
2.0 (20) | |
Toolbox For Minecraft:PE Premium Unlock | Toolbox for Minecraft:PE Unlock | 1.3 (91) | |
Translucent Shade | Lets you set up the translucency of your shade the way you want it to be | 2.0-G (7) | |
TSBattery | TSBattery 是一个旨在使 QQ、TIM、微信 变得更省电的开源 Xposed 模块 | 4.4 (30) | |
Tsubonofuta | F*ck ChMate's ads | 2.1 (15) | |
TwiFucker | Yet Another Adkiller for Twitter | 2.1 (264) | |
UC 浏览器代理抓取 | UC 浏览器免流代理信息抓取 | 1.5 (6) | |
Undo | Add undo and redo to all EditText context menus. 将撤消和重做添加到所有 EditText 上下文菜单。 |
1.0.1 (2) | |
Unfuck ZUI Tablet | Make your Lenovo ZUI tablet less fucked up 联想 ZUI 平板优化 |
3.0 (5) | |
Unlock MIUI IME/解锁 MIUI 键盘优化 | Unlock MIUI Enhance keyboard 解锁 MIUI 全面屏优化限制 |
1.14 (12) | |
UnlockMIUICameraSnap | 解锁/补全 MIUI 街拍模式 | 1.7 (1700) | |
Update Locker: stop update your apps | Stop update your apps | 1.4.0 (17) | |
UpsideWiFi | Turn your WiFi icon upside down! | 1.1.1 (3) | |
Utilities for Launcher3 customization | Customization For Launcher3 | 1.0.1 (5) | |
VAvatar | 自动更换微信头像 | 1.0 (2) | |
ViewEditor/视图编辑器 | Like element inspection on browser platform, this module provides similar fun... | 3.0.4 (14) | |
Volume Key Track Control Module | No summary available | 1.15.4 (11) | |
Wa Revamp | An Xposed module to customize your WhatsApp. | 0.0.7 (1) | |
**WarpLovesPlayStore - Forces Cloudflare App to allow Play Store using WARP+ ** | This xposed module forces Cloudflare App to allow Play Store using WARP+ | 1.0 (1) | |
WaveCharge | 为MIUI,Android 11及以上启用被隐藏的波浪充电动画 Enable the wave charge animation for MIUI, An... |
1.3 (4) | |
WebViewPP | Enable WebView debugging and add vConsole in it. Support WebView, TBS X5, UC ... | v3. (16) | |
WeXposed (微X模块) | No summary available | 2.43 (110) | |
WooBox For ColorOS | 一个基于 ColorOS12(Android12)适配的系统拓展Xposed模块 // A system extension Xposed module ... | 1.0.4 (5) | |
WooBox For MIUI | 一个基于 MIUI13+(Android12+)适配的系统拓展Xposed模块 // A system extension Xposed module b... | 1.7.5 (75) | |
X | Add extra features to Wechat. 微信增加更多功能。 | 3.0 (117) | |
XAppDebug | Debug any application of your choice! | 1.0.6 (100006) | |
XAutoDaily | 一个兼容QQ大部分版本的开源签到 Xposed 模块 | 3.0.29 (24112723) | |
XChat | Enhance Wechat! | 1.2.2 (1697) | |
XDowngrader | Allows you to downgrade any app on Android 5 and newer. | 1.1 (2) | |
Xiaomi Charging Animation | No summary available | 1.0.0 (1) | |
XLogger | Xposed module that allows to sniff and record logs of NFC and Bluetooth commu... | 0.7.1 (2) | |
XperiaUpdateCenter | 为Xperia解除UpdateCenter限制 | 2.2.1 (6) | |
Xposed Google Photos FIX | Xposed Module to Force Google Photos to separate each folder like Snapchat, S... | 2.0 (2) | |
XposedSmsCode | 识别短信验证码的Xposed模块,并将验证码拷贝到剪切板,亦可以自动输入验证码。 An Xposed module which can recognize... |
2.5.1 (52) | |
XPrivacyLua | Really simple to use privacy manager for Android 6.0 Marshmallow and later | 1.35 (136) | |
XRadiant | - | 1.1.1 (13) | |
Yandex Maps Patcher | Скрывает рекламу и навязчивые сервисы в приложении Яндекс Карты. | 1.13.2 (243) | |
Yet Another Mi-FreeForm / 另一个米窗 | 另一个米窗 为类原生系统设计的小窗 目前仅支持 Android 12-13 |
0.7-git.30e8c49 (7) | |
YouTube AdAway | Xposed module to block YouTube in-video ads and enable background playback on... | 5.1.0 (510) | |
YouTube去广告,锁屏播放 | NoAdsBackgroundPlaybackYT | No summary available | 5.3.0 (20240916) | |
YouTube发评反诈 | 笑死,这不是阿瓦隆嘛,怎么你YouTube来抄袭b站的肮脏玩意了🤡 发送评论自动检查,防止评论被儿童误食你还被蒙在鼓里 |
1.6.0 (160) | |
Zepp Life Hook | Let Zepp Life treat third-party telegram clients as official Telegram. 让 Zepp... |
2.0.0 (7) | |
ZuiYouHook | 最右去广告/视频下载水印/青少年弹窗模块 | 1.4.3 (8) | |
[开源]HdTool | Hook Tool By HdShare | 1.0.590 (20221108) | |
[开源]HookGG | HookGG By HdShare | 2.0.7 (20250127) | |
[开源]HookWzry | HookWzry By HdShare | 1.0.100-release (20240408) | |
【MIUI 12】防止应用被侧滑杀死或一键清理 | No summary available | 2.1.1.r46.7e4d397 (20220417) | |
一个针对抖音沉浸播放的模块 | No summary available | 1.0.8 (100008) | |
不要竖屏[旧] | 强制将哔哩哔哩App中的竖屏视频由 看一看 播放器改为 传统 播放器播放 关键词:哔哩哔哩、bilibili、B站、竖屏、横屏、看一看 |
v2.0.13.293b2bd (4) | |
不许卡米/FuckMiMarket | 可以卸载预装app而且不会卡米 allow uninstall some miui preinstall apps |
1.0 (1) | |
个人自用的Xposed模块(微博轻享版&MIUI修改) | No summary available | 1.3 (4) | |
传感器滤镜 | 降低传感器采样率(所有传感器降低到50HZ及以下)和采样深度(对加速度传感器取整) | 2.2 (4) | |
传送门增强(TaplusExtension) | 为 MIUI传送门 量身定做的增强模块。 Enhanced modules tailored for MIUI Taplus. |
1.1.8 (8) | |
伪 DC 调光 | Enable Extra dim when the brightness is lower than the minimum screen brightn... | 1.2.1 (7) | |
你这运营消息根本就全都是广告吧 | 一键管理所有应用的运营消息通知通道,仅支持 MIUI | 1.2.1 (121) | |
假装开启小黑盒的通知权限 | 假装开启小黑盒的通知权限, 获得 10% 签到加成, 安装后即可生效 | 1.0 (1) | |
冰社 IceCore | 一个集成了各种好玩功能的Xposed模块,支持获取vip,去除广告,等功能 An Xposed module that integrates variou... |
2.0.3 (5) | |
剪贴板过滤器 | 过滤剪贴板写入内容,重点防止某些网站强迫剪贴板。作用于选择浏览器等需要被过滤的app。 | 1.6 (16) | |
动漫之家增强模块 | 动漫之家增强模块 | 1.3 (4) | |
原生软件包安装器 | 在小米澎湃OS或 MIUI 上使用原生软件包安装器。 | 1.1.0 (6) | |
去他妈的未知来源限制 | 移除原生安装器的安装未知来源权限检查 | 1.0 (1) | |
去你妈b站视频投票弹窗/FuckBilibiliVote | remove vote(投票) 、attention(一键三连)、link(预告)、up(up主弹幕)、grade(打分) of Bilibili | 4.1.4 (9) | |
叮嗒出行强力去广告 | 叮嗒出行强力去广告 | 1.1 (11) | |
叼毛网抑云 | 网抑叼毛云,网易云换源插件 | 3.5.5 (54) | |
启动遮罩进化 / RestoreSplashScreen | 自定义MIUI的Splash Screen | 3.1 (3100) | |
哔哩发评反诈 | 哔哩哔哩发送评论自动检查,恢复在阿瓦隆系统下你对评论状态的知情权!同时帮你记录历史评论 | 6.2.5 (625) | |
哔哩哔哩直播隐身观看 | 在哔哩哔哩直播间进场隐身, 榜单隐身 | 1.0.1 (2) | |
哔哩漫游/BiliRoaming | 解除B站客户端番剧区域限制,并且提供其他小功能 Unblock bangumi area limit of BILIBILI, and miscellan... |
1.7.0 (1289) | |
团团助手 | 本模块为团团分身辅助模块,方便分身与第三方应用交互、或第三方应用与分身交互(无法在团团分身中使用需Lsp等框架) 如:分身使用官方wx登录、第三方应用使用... |
1.3 (103) | |
图片捕手/Catch app's picture | 抓取任意app的图片并保存到/sdcard/Pictures/app包名/目录下; catch any app's picture and save it... |
1.2-dev (3) | |
地主不看广告 | 欢乐斗地主看广告领奖励,广告页面弹出1秒后自动关闭 | 1.0.8 (1) | |
墨•息(息屏歌词) | 在支持的息屏上显示歌词和部分增强功能 | 4.2.12 (60) | |
墨•桌 | MIUI桌面增强模块 | 2.3.4 (13) | |
墨墨Xposed | 墨墨背单词修改单词上限 适配所有版本 |
2.5.0 (20250101) | |
复制粉笔评论/CopyFenBiComment | 复制粉笔app用户的评论到剪贴板中(长按评论) | 1.2.2 (5) | |
多邻国后悔药 Duolingo Regret | 将多邻国的时区修改为任意时区,便于回到过去做完忘了做的连胜。对特定地区来说,可以通过修改默认时区防止账户被判定为某些地区账户。Change Duoling... | 2.0 (202501310) | |
大圣净化 | No summary available | 3.8.80 (308080) | |
小米push增强模块 | 冻结流氓app也能接收重要通知 Freeze the app to receive mipush messages,no longer miss tran... |
2.0.1 (2) | |
小米不妙·享 | 激活模块后,不需要在电脑端配置,即可让所有电脑均支持小米妙享的应用流转,让妙享不止妙在小米笔记本上。 | 1.6 (16) | |
小米平板指针替换 | 替换小米平板5系列垃圾MagicPointer鼠标指针 | 0.3.0 (1921) | |
屏蔽使用Android原生截屏功能时的音效 | 屏蔽使用Android原生截屏功能时发出的音效 | 1.0 (1) | |
屏蔽摇一摇广告 | No summary available | 2.0 (2) | |
屏蔽豆瓣App广告 | 屏蔽豆瓣APP的绝大部分内嵌广告 | 1.0 (1) | |
应用伪装 | 为你选择的应用程序传递你伪造的手机信息 | 1.9.8-炼妖壶 (10) | |
开屏伪装|FakeScreen | 永不休眠却不想屏幕亮着。 Never sleep but don't want the screen to be on. |
1.7.1 (17) | |
开屏小能手 | No summary available | 1.1 (2) | |
强制MIUI手势/Fuck MIUI Gesture | Force enable gesture for third-party launcher in MIUI. 强制在使用第三方启动器时使用MIUI全面屏手势 |
1.1.2 (9) | |
强制高刷新率 | 适用于 OPPO、一加、三星系列设备系统的强制高刷新率,其余系统未做测试。 | 1.0 (1) | |
微信学英语wechat | No summary available | v1.9.5 (69) | |
微信网页多窗口 | 在微信中打开网页时使用多窗口模式,在最近任务列表中可以同时显示微信聊天窗口和网页窗口,并可以互相切换,避免回消息的时候丢失网页窗口 | 1.3 (4) | |
微博猪手 | 去除微博的广告和更多好用的功能~ Remove Weibo ads and more useful features~ |
2.3.2 (303) | |
微密友 - 隐藏微信好友 | 微密友 - 隐藏微信好友 | v1.2.9 (10202) | |
快播Xposed模組 | -蘋果/萌物/夏日/星耀/金沙/猫色/冰橙/情人/女王/雪碧/貴妃/戀人/玫瑰/银杏/久爱/妖精/小柒/榴莲/模特/舞姬/妃鱼/完美/愛愛你/小草莓/比赛... | 24.08.02 (62) | |
快速收取蚂蚁森林能量 | 芝麻粒-快速收取蚂蚁森林能量 | 1.0.8 (25) | |
恢复正在运行的服务入口 | 恢复MIUI系统阉割的开发者选项《正在运行的服务》 | 1.0 (1) | |
息屏勿扰(HyperAodZen) | 用于在勿扰模式下禁用息屏显示的通知光效,仅在 HyperOS 下通过测试。 Disable the notification light effect o... |
1.0.5 (6) | |
我不是开发者 / IAmNotADeveloper | 隐藏开发者模式、USB 调试和无线调试。 Hide development mode, USB debugging mode and wireless d... |
1.0.2 (3) | |
拒绝强制亮度 | 拒绝 APP 强制设置指定活动窗口的屏幕亮度 | 1.1 (2) | |
斗鱼复读姬/DouyuRepeater | No summary available | 1.0.0 (1) | |
旋风加速器&&蜜蜂加速器VIP破解 | No summary available | 1.0.0 (1) | |
旋风加速器破解插件 | No summary available | 1.4 (1) | |
时钟脚本 | 基于小米时钟和 Xposed 实现的定时执行脚本功能 | .1.0.3 (9) | |
智能断充(HyperSmartCharge) | 为支持电池充电保护的设备添加自定义断充阈值设置,妈妈再也不用担心我的手机过充啦! Add custom charge protect value sett... |
1.1.7 (12) | |
最右强力去广告 | 最右强力去广告 | 2.1 (21) | |
杜比大喇叭β版 | 杜比大喇叭的β版,完全脱离了服务器的依赖,但是也失去了播放高音质版权音乐的能力 | 3.5.4 (354) | |
模了个块 | 一个全新的QQ模块 适配范围9.0.65-9.1.5+具体自测仅供参考 lsp用户请把API调用保护关闭否则无法生效 |
2.4 (3) | |
模拟蓝牙设备 | Mock a BLE peripheral advertisement in bluetooth scan results. 在蓝牙扫描结果中模拟一... |
1.0.3 (4) | |
横屏传送门/HorizontalContentextension | 强行在横屏模式下启用miui传送门 | 1.1 (2) | |
水印/waterMark | 在任意应用上增加水印,可自定义文字、颜色、大小 | 1.8 (1169) | |
淘米水 | 淘米水 For MIUI | 1.7.6 (15) | |
淘饭饭 | 购物自动领券返利模块 | 2.4 (240129) | |
無間道 | 受身無間永遠不死,壽長乃無間地獄中之大劫 | 23.01.21 (21) | |
爱美剧模块 | 爱美剧永久会员 | 1.0 (1) | |
用js实现hook 支持java层和native层 | 用js实现hook 支持java层和native层 / Implements hook with js support java layer and na... | 1.1.9 (1109) | |
画涯漫画去广告 | 画涯漫画去广告 | 1.3.0 (7) | |
瘦身模块(QQCleaner) | 在不影响聊天记录的情况下尽可能地减少QQ/TIM/微信的内存占用 支持定时清理、手动清理以及自定义清理 |
2.0.1 (71) | |
百度输入法OPPO定制版增强 | 解除剪切板数量限制,拦截键盘工具栏搜索按钮跳转事件 采用Dexkit匹配,理论上通杀近版本,太过古早的版本可能不行 在此鸣谢Dexkit项目https:/... |
1.0 (1) | |
皮皮搞笑辅助模块 | 皮皮搞笑辅助模块 目前有以下功能: 1. 去水印 2. 去广告 3. 去语音房 4. 等待你的建议... |
2.0.r89.db55550 (2097182273) | |
皮皮虾Share | 【微信,QQ】打开 [皮皮虾 , 抖音] 分享的地址并跳转到应用 MIUI13 双排状态栏 (根据小米10s 小米11U 左挖孔设备开发)[默认不勾选M... |
1.4 (5) | |
皮皮虾助手 | No summary available | (1991) | |
知了 (Zhiliao) | 目前还只是个知乎去广告模块。 | ||
A plugin for Zhihu, currently an ad blocker. | 24.04.06 (202404060) | ||
碧蓝航线反和谐 | AzurlaneUncensored 碧蓝航线反和谐 | 1.0 (1) | |
禁止卸载 | BanUninstall | 禁止卸载和清除应用数据 A Xposed Module that prevents apps be uninstall or apps' data be ... |
1.4.0-b279b70 (8) | |
禁用日志访问请求(DisableLogRequest) | Automatic approve for app to access device logs (Android 13+) 自动同意应用访问设备日志 (A... |
1.0 (1) | |
禅定模式 ZenMode | An Xposed module that would halt APPs in your Zen time 😪 | 2.0 (8) | |
秋风 | No summary available | 2.5.6 (202103060) | |
算法助手 | No summary available | 2.1.2 (212) | |
米画师支付模块 | 米画师支付模块,替换密码输入为指纹识别加速支付速度,解决支付慢抢不到稿件问题() | 1.0.3 (4) | |
糊脸WeChat | 微信糊脸模块。隐藏特定用户的聊天记录,防止私密的聊天被第三人偷看 | 2.4-xb (1004) | |
红薯猪手 | 去除小红书的广告和更多好用的功能~ Remove XiaoHongShu ads and more useful features~ |
1.1.6 (19) | |
红薯自动 | 红薯自动 小红书自动回复工具 | 7.0 (700) | |
联璧模块 | 原腾爱优芒模块 | 141 (141) | |
自动授权Data目录/Auto auth Data dir | 通过Hook,当有APP申请访问【Android/data】目录时,自动调用代码授权,省去两个步骤 | 1.3 (4) | |
自由屏幕旋转 | 解除 APP 对屏幕旋转的控制,针对所有 Android Pad 设计,拒绝强制竖屏从我做起 | 1.1 (2) | |
芝麻粒-TK | 蚂蚁森林快速收取能量 | 0.2.5-beta.3.2cb2 (1660) | |
蓝牙调试、模拟 | No summary available | 1.0.3 (5) | |
虎扑黑名单/HupuBlackList | No summary available | 2.1.0 (5) | |
虚拟定位 / Fuck Location | No summary available | 1.2.13 (722) | |
虚拟摄像头 virtual camera | 安卓虚拟摄像头 android virtual camera | 4.4 (28) | |
蚂蚁森林快速收取能量 | No summary available | 1.5.5_修复版 (20230605) | |
要妳命三千Xposed模組 | - 一加5T/7Pro/8Pro氧OS, 抖音, 抖音谷歌版, 抖音極速版, 抖音火山版, Tik Tok, Musical.ly, 快手, 快手極速版,... | 24.07.27 (387) | |
解锁juicessh高级版 | No summary available | 1.0 (1) | |
解锁MIUI+ | 解锁MIUI12.5的MIUI+ | 1.0.3 (103) | |
解锁Py3 ‖ Pydroid 3 Premium | No summary available | 2.2 (2) | |
**解除区域限制 Bypass regional limits ** | No summary available | v1.2.12 (1212) | |
运动修改器 | 支持以一定的倍率修改微信运动、QQ健康、悦动圈、乐动力、三星健康、支付宝、春雨计步器、走向健康、KEEP、钉钉、微博、华为健康、步多多、平安健康、淘宝、国... | 2.5.0 (250) | |
这个世界太乱 | 一个开源的去广告模块,会逐步支持越来越多的应用 | 1.3-F♂SS-boy-next-door (1) | |
这真轻享 | 微博轻享版/极速版 去广告 | 1.3.0 (20230814) | |
道道道 | A module for Turbo VPN, Turbo VPN Lite, AdGuard VPN, Fast VPN, Goat VPN, Hola... | 24.05.20 (110) | |
野草集 | 頂點小說; 筆趣閣; 火星小說; 天天讀書; 淘小說; 必看小說; 51漫畫; 91次元: 去廣告/更新/VIP模塊 | 22.12.12 (22) | |
钉钉反撤回神器 | 钉钉反撤回神器 | 1.0 (1) | |
钱迹自动记账 | No summary available | 涅槃 3.3.4 (189) | |
锤锤 | 仅限于开发调试模拟位置,请勿用于钉钉打卡等非法用途! | 0.4-beta5 (11) | |
长按复制链接 | 长按复制WebView链接 | 2 (2) | |
隐秘空间/PrivacySpace | Hide the apps. 把App隐藏起来 |
1.3.11 (10311) | |
隐藏miui剪贴板对话框/HideMiuiClipboardDialog | 隐藏miui剪贴板对话框 | 1.0 (1) | |
隐藏应用列表 / Hide My Applist | Reject applist requests 阻止获取应用列表 |
3.3 (417) | |
非残! | 假装自己没有使用无障碍服务, | 6.6 (1) | |
颜色回来 | 不让应用变黑白 | 1.1.0 (2) | |
飞哥传说 | 飞哥传说 企业微信秒抢红包 网盘下载地址:https://www.123pan.com/s/1IGKVv-skXNv 密码:1188 |
1.12 (58) | |
𝗖𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗥𝗼𝘆𝗮𝗹𝗹 🚀 | Auto Clears All Type of Cache when Scoped App launch or started | 4.2 AraafRoyall (4) | |
𝗧𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝗼𝗸 | Xposed Module which Increase Telegram Download Speed to Extreme | 1.0 (1) | |
𝙎𝙎𝙇 𝙆𝙞𝙇𝙇𝙀𝙍 | An advanced XPosed module to bypass ssl pinning. | 1.0.2 (1) |