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STAC Asset Specification


This document explains the structure and content of a SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) Asset. An Asset is a GeoJSON Feature augmented with foreign members relevant to a STAC object. An Asset is an object that contains a URI to data associated with the Item that can be downloaded or streamed.

Asset fields

This object describes a STAC Asset. The fields id, type, bbox, geometry and properties are inherited from GeoJSON.

Field Name Type Description
type string REQUIRED. Type of the GeoJSON Object. MUST be set to Feature.
stac_version string REQUIRED. The STAC version the Asset implements.
stac_extensions [string] A list of extensions the Asset implements.
id string REQUIRED. Provider identifier. The ID should be unique within the Item that contains the Asset.
links [Link Object] REQUIRED. List of link objects to resources and related URLs. A link with the rel set to item is strongly recommended.
item string REQUIRED The id of the STAC Item this Asset is referenced from(see asset relation type). This field provides an easy way for a user to search for the Item which aggregates related Assets. Must be a non-empty string.
href string REQUIRED. URI to the asset object. Relative and absolute URI are both allowed.
title string The displayed title for clients and users.
description string A description of the Asset providing additional details, such as how it was processed or created. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
media_type string Media type of the asset. See the common media types in the best practice doc for commonly used asset types.
roles [string] The semantic roles of the asset, similar to the use of rel in links.
geometry GeoJSON Geometry Object | null REQUIRED. Defines the full footprint of the asset represented by this item, formatted according to RFC 7946, section 3.1. The footprint should be the default GeoJSON geometry, though additional geometries can be included. Coordinates are specified in Longitude/Latitude or Longitude/Latitude/Elevation based on WGS 84.
bbox [number] REQUIRED if geometry is not null. Bounding Box of the asset represented by this Item, formatted according to [RFC 7946, section 5]
properties Properties Object REQUIRED A dictionary of additional metadata for the Asset.

Additional Field Information


In general, STAC versions can be mixed, but please keep the recommended best practices in mind.


A list of extensions the Asset implements. The list consists of URLs to JSON Schema files that can be used for validation. This list must only contain extensions that extend the Asset specification itself, see the the 'Scope' for each of the extensions.


It is important that an Asset identifier is unique within an Item, and that the Item identifier in turn is unique within a collection. Then the three can be combined to give a globally unique identifier. Assets are required to have Items.


The roles field is used to describe the purpose of each asset. It is recommended to include one for every asset, to give users a sense of why they might want to make use of the asset. There are some emerging standards that enable clients to take particular action when they encounter particular roles, listed below. But implementors are encouraged to come up with their own terms to describe the role.

Asset Role Types

Like the Link rel field, the roles field can be given any value, however here are a few standardized role names.

Role Name Description
thumbnail An asset that represents a thumbnail of the Item, typically a true color image (for Items with assets in the visible wavelengths), lower-resolution (typically smaller 600x600 pixels), and typically a JPEG or PNG (suitable for display in a web browser). Multiple assets may have this purpose, but it recommended that the type and roles be unique tuples. For example, Sentinel-2 L2A provides thumbnail images in both JPEG and JPEG2000 formats, and would be distinguished by their media types.
overview An asset that represents a possibly larger view than the thumbnail of the Item, for example, a true color composite of multi-band data.
data The data itself. This is a suggestion for a common role for data files to be used in case data providers don't come up with their own names and semantics.
metadata A metadata sidecar file describing the data in this Item, for example the Landsat-8 MTL file.

Note that multiple roles per asset are encouraged: pick all the ones that apply. So many should have the 'data' role, and then another role to describe how the data is used. For more information on how to use roles see the Asset Roles section of the Best Practices document. It includes a list of asset roles that include many more ideas on roles to use. As they reach more widespread adoption we will include them here.

Properties Object

Additional metadata fields can be added to the GeoJSON Object Properties. See item-spec for ideas.

Providers should include metadata fields that are relevant for users of STAC, but it is recommended to select only those necessary for search. Where possible metadata fields should be mapped to the STAC Common Metadata and widely used extensions, to enable cross-catalog search on known fields.

  • STAC Common Metadata - A list of fields commonly used throughout all domains. These optional fields are included for STAC Items by default.
  • Extensions - Additional fields that are more specific, such as EO, View.
  • Custom Extensions - It is generally allowed to add custom fields but it is recommended to add multiple fields for related values instead of a nested object, e.g., two fields view:azimuth and view:off_nadir instead of a field view with an object value containing the two fields. The convention (as used within Extensions) is for related fields to use a common prefix on the field names to group them, e.g. view. A nested data structure should only be used when the data itself is nested, as with eo:bands.

Link Object

This object describes a relationship with another entity. Data providers are advised to be liberal with the links section, to describe things like the Item an Asset is in, or parents. It is allowed to add additional fields such as a title and type.

Field Name Type Description
href string REQUIRED. The actual link in the format of an URL. Relative and absolute links are both allowed.
rel string REQUIRED. Relationship between the current document and the linked document. See chapter "Relation types" for more information.
type string Media type of the referenced entity.
title string A human readable title to be used in rendered displays of the link.

For a full discussion of the situations where relative and absolute links are recommended see the 'Use of links' section of the STAC best practices.

Relation types

See Item Relation Types


Assets are required to provide a link to a STAC Item definition. It is important as Items provide additional information about a set of Assets, including aggregate properties.

  1. The field item in an Item must be filled (see section 'Asset fields'). It is the id of a STAC Item.
  2. An Asset must also provide a link to the STAC Item using the item relation type:
    "links": [
      { "rel": "item", "href": "link/to/item/record.json" }

Media Type for STAC Item

A STAC Item is a GeoJSON file (RFC 7946), and thus should use the application/geo+json as the Media Type (previously known as the MIME Type).


There are emerging best practices, which in time will evolve in to specification extensions for particular domains or uses.

The extensions page gives an overview about relevant extensions for STAC Items.


Draft specification for STAC assets






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