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Run like this on OSX
python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If there are still dependency issues you can try:
pip3 install -r requirements_extended.txt
python3 -m unittest discover tests
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#Use case and requirements
As a teacher I want to create a test made up of multiple problems to give to a student
I want to select from a list of existing questions and be able to add my own (add/get/update/delete a single questions, filter to get many questions)
I want to give my student a list of questions and ids
As a student I want to try and answer the questions correctly (solve)
• I implemented “editing” a row using PUT and did not implement PATCH because it would be extra work and wasn’t required • I implemented "get a listing of all questions" as a problems/filter instead of /GET problems because I wanted to enforce a default limit • I named the API “problems” because each entity is a “test problem” • I implemented a simple “solve” API because the that seemed to be the actual use case – to try and solve a problem with the correct answer
I could have written a custom UI from scratch using something like bootstrap/jQuery-ui but chose Swagger-UI because 1) I feel that all APIs should be documented so I would want something like Swagger UI even if I wrote my own UI 2) there was no UI logic given like “take a test of questions and report the score” which couldn’t be handled by Swagger-UI 3) I ran out of time.
Also Swagger is normally "embedded" in the code which I tried with but there were integration issues with flask-io which I didn't have time to fix.
I chose to use a database because its what you would typically use. Its possibly that using an in-memory cache would have taken less time but still would have been non-trivial to setup. It didn’t want to use a simple in-memory object because of the complexity with making it work correctly across multiple threads.
Paging SELECT AS problems_id, … FROM problems ORDER BY problems.question DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?
Sort SELECT AS problems_id, … FROM problems ORDER BY problems.question DESC
Filter (not sure why there’s an OR that could be improved) SELECT AS problems_id, … FROM problems WHERE (problems.question LIKE '%%' || ? || '%%')
Put/Update UPDATE problems SET question=?, answer=?, distraction1=?, distraction2=?, distraction3=?, distraction4=?, distraction5=? WHERE = ?
I modeled the distractions as 5 separate columns because 1) typically on tests there is a limit to how many choices 2) it was easier than creating a second table for distractions with a 1:N relationsihp to the problems and 3) I could have used a DB column “object” type (like array, JSON, blob, text) but those are generally not performant and more difficult to work with.
I implemented the pagination “state” on the client side to save time. So the client has to be careful to reuse the same filter/sort/limit and then increment the starting point of their query. A better approach would be to simply return a hash in the header for previous/next page that contains the filter/sort info (and also return a variable that says if there’s more data).
To use this code in production it would minimally need: • A security review and likely some type of auth • A webserver • A better database e.g. Postgres • More performant pagination query • Integration testing • Performance testing • Negative unit tests