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cbsteh committed May 30, 2023
1 parent c1c8920 commit 6ff0193
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Showing 9 changed files with 798 additions and 2 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
name = "SolarCorrMap"
uuid = "3d6a1b05-2667-403f-b7c0-4fe587865619"
authors = ["Christopher Teh Boon Sung <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.1.0"

CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0"
DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
HypothesisTests = "09f84164-cd44-5f33-b23f-e6b0d136a0d5"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
44 changes: 42 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1,2 +1,42 @@
# SolarCorrMap
Visualize correlations as a solar map

# Solar Correlation Map in Julia

## Overview
Visualize correlations between a given dependent variable and explanatory variables, as well as the intercorrelations between the explanatory variables, as a solar map.

The relationships between the dependent variable (the "Sun") and the explanatory variables (the "planets") are depicted as a solar system, where planets orbit around the Sun. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the stronger is their relationship, as indicated by a higher Pearson correlation coefficient.

Furthermore, some of these planets have their own moons. These moons represent explanatory variables that are closely related to the planet, with a correlation coefficient score over 0.8.

You can also regard the planets as the primary predictors (or main parameters) of the dependent variable and the moons as the colinear paramaters to the main parameters.

This work is based on the 2017 work by Stefan Zapf and Christopher Kraushaar (see References).

## Usage
Copy the three Julia source files in the `src` folder: `correlations.jl`, `drawmap.jl`, and `SolarCorrMap.jl`, and paste them in your project folder or subfolder.

Note: The `main.jl` is an example file (see below).

## Example
Call the `viz` function to read the `CSV` data file and plot the correlations as a solar map.

using SolarCorrMap
viz("data/housing.csv", :medv)

where `housing.csv` is a sample `CSV` file (Boston Housing data), and `:medv` is the dependent variable in the provided `CSV` file.

The plot result is:

![Solar Correlation Map plot](data/solar-map.png)

where negative correlations are denoted in red, else black for positive correlations. The legend on the left indicates the level of significance between the explanatory variables and the dependent variable, where `*` p<0.05, `**` p<0.01, and `ns` p>0.05.

## References
[O'Reily article. This article also explains the above example plot.](

[Python code by the original developers](

[R code by yaricom](
507 changes: 507 additions & 0 deletions data/housing.csv

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Binary file added data/solar-map.png
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Binary file added src/.DS_Store
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/SolarCorrMap.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module SolarCorrMap

using CairoMakie
using DataFrames
using StatsBase
using CSV
using HypothesisTests


export CelestialBody, PlanetarySystem
export correl_df, collect_planets_moons, plot_solar_corr_map, viz

end # module
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/correlations.jl
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@kwdef mutable struct CelestialBody
name::String = ""
r::Float64 = 0.0

@kwdef mutable struct PlanetarySystem
planet::CelestialBody = CelestialBody()
moons::Vector{CelestialBody} = []

function correl_df(df::AbstractDataFrame)
pars = names(df)
cmat = cor(Matrix(df))
insertcols(DataFrame(cmat, pars), 1, :pars=>pars)

round_down(val) = (val >= 0) ? floor(val; digits=1) : ceil(val; digits=1)

function add_sig_label(x, y, label)
pv = pvalue(CorrelationTest(x, y))
txt = (pv <= 0.01) ? "**" :
(pv <= 0.05) ? "*" : "ns"
"$(label) $(txt)"

function collect_planets_moons(data::AbstractDataFrame, dep::Symbol; moon_threshold=0.8)
cordf = correl_df(data)
df = filter!(:pars => p -> p != string(dep), copy(cordf))
sort!(df, dep, by=abs, rev=true)

x = data[!, dep]
planets = PlanetarySystem[]

while size(df, 1) > 0
planet = Symbol(df[1, :pars])
r = round_down(df[1, dep])

dft = filter!(planet => p -> abs(p) >= moon_threshold,
sort!(select(df, [:pars, planet]), planet, by=abs, rev=true))
transform!(dft, planet => p -> round_down.(p), renamecols=false)

moons = CelestialBody[]
moonlst = dft[2:end, :pars]
filter!(:pars => p -> !(p in moonlst) && p != string(planet), df)

for m in moonlst
y = data[!, m]
moon_name = add_sig_label(x, y, m)
moon_r = cordf[ .== m, dep][1]
push!(moons, CelestialBody(moon_name, moon_r))

y = data[!, planet]
planet_name = add_sig_label(x, y, string(planet))
push!(planets, PlanetarySystem(CelestialBody(planet_name, r), moons))

154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/drawmap.jl
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function draw_orbits!(ax; fontsize=16)
rg = [0:0.01:2π...]
cosx, siny = cos.(rg), sin.(rg)
for r [0.9:-0.1:0.1...]
lines!(ax, cosx .* r, siny .* r, linestyle=:dash, color=:gray60)
rpos = (r * cos(0.5π), r * sin(0.5π))
text!(ax, position=rpos, string(round(1-r; digits=1)),
color=:gray30, align=(:center, :center), fontsize=fontsize)

function draw_center(ax, dep; fontsize=16)
scatter!(ax, 0, 0, label="DEP: $(dep)", color=:white)
text!(ax, position=(0, 0), "DEP",
color=:black, align=(:center, :center), fontsize=fontsize)

function draw_object!(ax, x, y; m_label, t_label, m_color, t_color,
m_strokecolor, m_strokewidth=2, m_size=32, t_fontsize=16)
scatter!(ax, x, y, label=m_label, color=m_color,
strokewidth=m_strokewidth, strokecolor=m_strokecolor,
text!(ax, position=(x, y), t_label, color=t_color,
align=(:center, :center), fontsize=t_fontsize)

function find_angles(n::Int)
Δ = 2π / n
θstart = 2π * rand()
angles = [(θstart + (i-1) * Δ) % 2π for i 1:n]
sample(angles, n, replace=false)

function find_angles(n::Int, r, locs; threshold=0.1)
Δ = 2π / n

function n_angles(n, Δ)
θstart = 2π * rand()
[(θstart + (i-1) * Δ) % 2π for i 1:n]

function calculate_positions(angles)
[(x=(1-r) * cos(θ), y=(1-r) * sin(θ)) for θ angles]

function check_distance(pos, locs)
for l locs, p pos
d = sqrt((p.x - l.x)^2 + (p.y - l.y)^2)
if d < threshold
return true
return false

angles = n_angles(n, Δ)
for i 1:50
pos = calculate_positions(angles)
if !check_distance(pos, locs)
if i <= 50
angles = n_angles(n, Δ)

sample(angles, n, replace=false)

function plot_solar_corr_map(psv::Vector{PlanetarySystem}, dep::Symbol)
dpi = 300
fontsize = 16
chtsize = 3 # inches
sz_px = (chtsize * dpi, chtsize * dpi)
fig = Figure(resolution=sz_px, font="Arial", fontsize=fontsize)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])

draw_orbits!(ax; fontsize=fontsize)
draw_center(ax, string(dep); fontsize=fontsize)

df = to_df(psv)
nplanet = 0
locs = []

for g groupby(df, :abs_r)
angles = find_angles(size(g, 1), g.abs_r[1], locs; threshold=0.15)
locs = []
for (i, row) in enumerate(eachrow(g))
nplanet += 1
pos = draw_planet!(ax, row, angles[i], nplanet, fontsize)
draw_moons!(ax, row, pos, fontsize)
push!(locs, pos)

Legend(fig[1,2], ax, valign=:top, rowgap=10, framevisible=false)
colsize!(fig.layout, 1, Aspect(1, 1.0))

function to_df(psv::Vector{PlanetarySystem})
nt = map(psv) do p
planet = p.planet
(, r=planet.r, abs_r=abs(planet.r), moons=p.moons)
df = sort!(DataFrame(nt), :abs_r, rev=true)
filter(:abs_r => >(0), df)

function draw_planet!(ax, row, θ, nplanet, fontsize)
xp, yp = (1-row.abs_r) * cos(θ), (1-row.abs_r) * sin(θ)
clr = (row.r >= 0) ? :black : :red
draw_object!(ax, xp, yp,
m_label="$(nplanet): $(", t_label=string(nplanet),
m_color=:white, t_color=clr,
m_strokecolor=clr, m_strokewidth=2,
m_size=32, t_fontsize=fontsize)
(x=xp, y=yp)

function draw_moons!(ax, row, Δ, fontsize)
aZ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
m_pos = find_angles(size(row.moons, 1))
fsz = (size(row.moons, 1) > 7) ? fontsize - 1 : fontsize
for (j, moon) in enumerate(row.moons)
m_lbl = "$(aZ[(j%52)])"
xm, ym = Δ.x + 0.05 * cos(m_pos[j]), Δ.y + 0.05 * sin(m_pos[j])
clr = (moon.r >= 0) ? :black : :red
draw_object!(ax, xm, ym,
m_label="\t$(m_lbl): $(", t_label=m_lbl,
m_color=:white, t_color=clr,
m_strokecolor=:transparent, m_strokewidth=0,
m_size=0, t_fontsize=fsz)

function viz(csv_fname::AbstractString, dep::Symbol)
df =, DataFrame)
planets = collect_planets_moons(df, dep)
plot_solar_corr_map(planets, dep)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/main.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
using SolarCorrMap

viz("data/housing.csv", :medv)

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