Learning ImageJ/Fiji IJ1 macro language can be a challenge in particular without any programming experience. The idea of this repository is to collect useful macros that can be used to automate image processing and at the same time they could function as starting examples to learn ImageJ/Fiji IJ1 macro language
I will try to include solutions to common questions asked during workshops/courses and one-to-one support by many users to solve and automate image processing and analysis
Learning ImageJ/Fiji IJ1 macro language useful material:
- https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030223854
- http://eubias.org/NEUBIAS/training-schools/neubias-academy-home/
- https://petebankhead.gitbooks.io/imagej-intro/content/
- https://forum.image.sc/
Your feedback is very important and I appreciate any suggestion on how to make this more interesting