Hi I am Carl I am currently enrolled on a course with Code Institue to gain a level 5 diploma to become a Full Stack Devoloper. I've always had a passion for learning new things and how computers work so I decided to take the plunge on the course and learning to code has become a full time obsession now. My interests away from coding are Football (LFC), F1, reading books, walking my dogs and my little girl who keeps me so busy it's unbelievable!
I designed this website for a 5 a side football league based in Scotland. It is my first project as part of my Code Institute course and uses HTML and CSS to build a small website with a few internal links.
I created this website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create an interactive card matching game. It is my second project as part of my course.
I created a battleship game using Python within a mock terminal. It is the third project as part of my course.
I created this site using Django Framework it is a site where users are able to create posts and leave comments on other posts it has full CRUD functionality and allows users to register for an account as well.
It is hosted in the site below.
I created this site using React for the front-end and I built a custom API using Djang Rest Framework. It is a task management site allowing the users to set tasks and manage them accordingly it has full CRUD functionality.
It is hosted on the site below