- Docker and docker-compose
- Python 3
- Pipenv. If not installed, run
pip install pipenv
- Run
uv sync
to activate the virtual environment - Comment out api service and
docker-compose up -d
- Run vscode debugger to start the FastAPI application
- For tests:
uv run pytest api/
or use.vscode
folder config - For linting, recommended vscode plugins, else
uv run ruff format api/
anduv run mypy api/
. - Install new dependencies with:
uv add <package-name>
- Formatting with
uv run format
and linting withuv run lint
- Run
npm run install:clean
- Run
npm start
- Attach vscode debugger if needed
npm run build
to test a production bundle locallynpm run test
to run unit testsnpm run format
to prettier format files, although this should be set up with the vscode prettier plugin
- Merge changes to master
- Test on local:
cd web && yarn build
This is to avoid docker javascript leap out of memory error- Build and test docker container
docker build --tag binbot . && docker run -ti -p 8000:80 binbot
- Publish to docker hub
docker build --tag binbot . && docker tag binbot carloswufei/binbot:latest && docker push carloswufei/binbot
- Wait for check to pass. Github action will publish to Docker Hub
If docker-compose doesn't exist: 3. Copy scp docker-compose.yml <USERNAME>@<SERVER_IP>:/var/www/binbot.carloswu.com
4. Modify details to match production needs
or docker build --tag binbot . && docker tag binbot carloswufei/binbot:latest && docker push carloswufei/binbot
In production:
5. docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
6. If .env.prod
is modified, scp to remote server and replace .env
in production with new .env.prod
- Run
docker build --tag binbot .
- Run
docker-compose up
If issues are encountered downloading prod DB to local
- Dump database:
docker exec binbot_db sh -c 'mongodump --authenticationDatabase admin -u <user> -p <password> --db binbot --archive' > db.dump
- On local, restore
docker exec -i binbot_db sh -c 'mongorestore --archive -u <MONGO_AUTH_USERNAME> -p <MONGO_AUTH_PASSWORD> --authenticationDatabase <MONGO_AUTH_DATABASE> ' < db.dump
Everytime the application runs, it will alembic upgrade head
. To rollback changes use alembic downgrade -1
If files have been modified in the models and no new revisions were created, the Alembic Github action check should fail. In which case, an upgrade and new revision is required.
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "alter commisions column to support Big integers"
Write the commands in the newly generated file and rerun FastApi