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Saturation & Desirability

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@WilliamKingNoel-Bot WilliamKingNoel-Bot released this 28 Jan 10:28


Compatible with [email protected]

Artifact Platform Description
Linux 64-bit
Linux executable with auto-completion script for bash shell.
MacOs 64-bit
MacOS executable with required system libraries.
Windows 64-bit
Windows executable with required DLLs.

Main Features


  • Create and Delete wallet
  • Get details of a particular wallet
  • List all known wallets
  • Generate BIP-39 mnemonic sentence (English) of various sizes
  • Update wallet metadata
  • Create and submit transactions from a single wallet
  • List known (used or unused) addresses of a wallet
  • Estimate transaction fee
  • Visualize wallet's UTxO distribution
  • Update wallet encryption passphrase
  • List transaction history
  • Submit already signed transactions
  • Serve wallet against Jörmungandr
    • --sync-tolerance option for tweaking server tolerance regarding network syncing.
  • Launch wallet against Jörmungandr
    • --sync-tolerance option passed down to the server.
  • Get network information
  • List available stake-pools
    • ordered by desirability
    • 'desirability' field returned for each stake-pool
    • 'saturation' field returned for each stake-pool
  • Generate testnet reward credentials from a given mnemonic sentence
web server
  • Create and delete wallet
  • Force resync Shelley wallet
  • Get details of a particular wallet
  • List all known wallets
  • Update wallet metadata & wallet encryption passphrase
  • Create and submit transactions from a single wallet
  • List known (used or unused) addresses of a wallet
  • API and server logs
  • Estimate transaction fee
  • Visualize wallet's UTxO distribution
  • List transaction history
  • Submit already signed transactions
  • Get network information
  • Create Byron wallets
  • Force resync Byron wallet
  • Delete Byron wallets
  • Get and List Byron wallets
  • Forget pending transaction of Shelley wallets
  • List transaction history of Byron wallets
  • Forget pending transaction of a Byron wallet
  • Migrate Byron wallets to Shelley wallets
  • List available stake-pools
    • ordered by desirability
    • 'desirability' field returned for each stake-pool
    • 'saturation' field returned for each stake-pool
  • Delegate all funds from a wallet to a stake-pool
  • Fetch total reward balance earned from delegation
  • Stop delegating funds from a wallet
  • Support stake pool off-chain metadata
  • Node.js-compatible IPC server with custom protocol
  • Data-persistence to disk via SQLite
  • Support for Ouroboros Genesis/Praos and proper chain following in the events of chain switches
  • Per-component log management
    • Revision on the available tracers

Known Limitations

Bug Fixes

  • Missing database migration for active_slot_coeff #1251
  • "Something went wrong" when listing stake pools from inside a Docker container #1256
  • Failing tests integration tests on Windows #1115
  • Log of severity "DEBUG" shows up as "INFO" #1273
  • Possible missing db migration between balance-check version and latest one #1177
  • Migration failing on Windows due to stake-pools.sqlite lock #1224
  • Rolling back stake pools take ages #1281

Known Issues

  • Cannot list wallets when using same state directory but different genesis #1292
  • Windows tests are failing on hydra #1283
  • persistent library clears foreign tables on automatic migration due to cascading delete #1279

⚠️ Issue #1279 results in the legacy Byron wallets to show 0 balance after upgrading to cardano-wallet v2020-01-27. As a temporary workaround users are advised to remove and restore such wallet again from the mnemonic sentence.

Installation Instructions

Linux 64-bit

  1. Install [email protected] from the official repository.

  2. Download cardano-wallet-jormungandr-linux64-v2020-01-27.tar.gz and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin.

$ curl -L | tar xz -C $HOME/.local/bin
  1. (optional) Install the bash/zsh auto-completion script:
$ mv $HOME/.local/bin/ > /etc/bash_completion.d/
$ source /etc/bash_completion.d/
  1. Start cardano-wallet --help and see available parameters.

Mac OS 64-bit

  1. Install [email protected] from the official repository.

  2. Download cardano-wallet-jormungandr-macos64-v2020-01-27.tar.gz and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin.

Note: Make sure all *.dylib files are in the same directory as cardano-wallet binary.

Windows 64-bit

  1. Install [email protected] from the official repository.

  2. Download and uncompress it in a directory that is on your %PATH%.


  1. Pull from DockerHub.
$ docker pull inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.1.27-jormungandr
  1. Verify the image using the command-line.
$ docker run --rm inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.1.27-jormungandr version


Link Audience
API Documentation Users of the Cardano Wallet API
CLI Manual Users of the Cardano Wallet API
Docker Manual Users of the Cardano Wallet API
Haddock Documentation Haskell Developers using the cardano-wallet as a library

Weekly Reports


(WB-14) Review API best practices about security
PR Description
#1287 OWASP api security
(WB-31) Allow logs to be filtered by components
PR Description
#1286 document --trace-NAME option and extend doc descriptions
#1282 cardano-wallet-jormungandr: Set default minimum log-level to Debug
#1257 Add integration test for CLI tracer options
(WB-47) Expose blockchain parameters via new endpoint
PR Description
#1294 Blockchain params endpoint - part 1
(WB-48) Order stake pools by desirability
PR Description
#1299 Remove artificial sortByPerformance in stake pool integration tests
#1298 Log the epoch constants used when ranking stake pools
#1289 Sort pools by desirability
#1288 Calculate rewards from genesis parameters
#1280 Revision on the apparent performance
#1259 Calculate pool desirability according to delegation design spec
(WB-??) Clean up integration tests
PR Description
#1295 Lenses integration tests 2
#1275 Removing lenses from integration tests (state, addressPoolGap, balance*)
PR Description
#1307 Bump version to 2020.1.27
#1304 Bump jörmungandr to 0.8.7
#1274 Bump README compatibility matrix
#1270 Jormungandr 0.8.5 -> 0.8.6
Bug fixes
PR Description
#1297 launcher: ensure that MsgCleanup always gets logged
#1290 Force rollback of tables with foreign keys / cascading deletes on automatic db migrations
#1285 Make stake pools engine rollback faster.
#1278 Wallet: Change Trace IO Text -> Tracer IO WalletLog
#1272 Fix failed metadata download error handling
#1268 endpoint: force wallet resync
#1266 Add a manual DB migration step for active_slot_coeff.
#1262 Docker image fixes
#1190 Add database migration test


Name Role Approval
Piotr Stachyra @piotr-iohk Technical Team Lead Replacement ✔️
Piotr Stachyra @piotr-iohk QA Engineer ✔️
Tatyana Valkevych @tatyanavych Release Manager ✔️