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TEE enclaves that are highly secure with P2P real-time sync

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Ternoa TEE server for Secret-NFT


All the following installation steps for Ubuntu 22.04 are automated in an Install Script .

● Install build-tools

ubuntu :

sudo apt install clang llvm pkg-config nettle-dev libssl-dev openssl dkms

● Install Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

● Install Gramine

check sgx availability :


● Install Intel-SGX SDK/PSW

depending on kernel version you may need to install intel-sgx-driver.

SDK installation Doc

SDK code Repository

● Fetch Metadata

When metadata of the chain is updated, Go to ./artifacts folder and run :


this will fetch latest metadata of Ternoa chains.

Sometimes it is useful to have a json version of metadata :

subxt codegen --url wss:// > ternoa_alphanet.code

Start an Enclave

Make sure you are on a SGX machine, driver and sdk are installed. You have to specify the chain which you want to use.

This command will build a binary for dev-0 chain :

Make sure you are on a SGX machine, driver and sdk are installed. You have to specify the chain which you want to use.

This command will build a binary for dev-0 chain :

sudo CHAIN="dev0" ./scripts/ --domain --port 8100  --verbose 2

To use official binary in github :

sudo CHAIN="mainnet" ./scripts/ --domain --port 8100  --verbose 2

Start Parameters

CHAIN environment variable that specifies for which endpoint the binary should be built, it also specifies the signing key

--build Builds the source code and signs the binary everytime

--fetch Downloads binary and signature from Ternoa github repository

--domain Domain of SGX machine

--port Different enclaves on the same machine need to have different ports

Resume an Enclave

It is similar to Start, but it won't compile the binary :

sudo CHAIN="alphanet" ./scripts/ --domain --port 8100 --verbose 2

Stop an Enclave

To stop the Enclave properly :

sudo scripts/ --port 8100

Clear an Enclave

To clear the Enclave and remove all intermediate sgx files and binaries :

sudo scripts/


To create a new image:

docker build --rm --no-cache \
    -t ternoa-sgx:v0.4.5-alphanet \
    -t ternoa-sgx:latest \
    --build-arg UBUNTU_VERSION=22.04 \
    --build-arg ENCLAVE_CHAIN=alphanet \
    --build-arg \
    --build-arg ENCLAVE_PORT=8000 \
    --build-arg ENCLAVE_VERBOSITY=3 \

To start a container:

ENCLAVE_VERSION=v0.4.5-dev0 \
docker-compose up -d


An importable Postman json file is available at client folder. CA Certificate file for the machine should be introduced to Postman. Sample curl commands are provided on file.

Signing Tool

A simple tool provide correct request format to enclave API endpoints Readme

SGX Machine

You need to keep the sgx server updated regarding to the CPU microcode and BIOS version to be able to pass remote attestation process. If you are not using docker, the SGX drivers, OS updates and Rust compiler must be at the latest version to have a valid MRENCLAVE measurement. These all are necessary to avoid new hardware vulnerabilities that cause secret leakage.

To update CPU Microcode we have provided a script here.