AirScope is a chatbot that provides Air Travel Information based on Natural Language Processing. It predicts the user's intent and extracts the named entities and returns the flight information that meets the requirements.
We collected data from the kaggle site ( and did some manual work to change the intent into intents we use.
The size of fasttext is too big, run generate_model.ipynb file inside fasttext folder under IntentClassifier for fasttext files.
This is the first model of the two intent classifiers we built. When the user types in a sentence, this model returns either flight or noflight. Both the MNB model and LSTM model uses the same data for training which is train_flight_noflight.csv file.
We used CountVectorizer and TfIdfTransformer provided by sklearn library to embed english text.
We used pretrained FastText model which we downloaded from the FastText page (
This is the second model of the two intent classifiers we built. The Model predicts the detailed intent from the four intents we used to train the model which are flight(depart, arriving location, time), flight + cost, flight + airline, flight + cost + airline.
We used pretrained FastText model which we downloaded from the FastText page (
We refered to the wikidocs page ( ) for implementing the main training code and used atis data collected from the kaggle site.
We implemented our chatbot on telegram application and used telepot(telegram api) which is a python library.
We refered to the Norvig method code from a site(
We used two models we built earlier. If the first model returns noflight, the chatbot notifies the user that the chatbot can't handle the question. If the first model returns flight, the second model predicts the detailed intent.
We use the BiLSTM-CRF model we built earlier. First, the model tags each tokens and returns it as a dataFrame. Then the get_element method extracts the key elements that are needed for building SQL query. There is also ellipsis function which handles additional input.
Using the SQL query built based on the intent from get_intent file and the elements from get_tag file, the chatbot gets the flight information from the database which we manually built based on search results from Google and the Skyscanner page(