[email protected] Justin Evans
[email protected] Sherry Lin
- classify.rkt: for Problem 1
- k-cocloring.rkt: for Problem 7 (did not get to)
- hw1.pdf: solutions to the remaining problems (Question 6 complete)
Report: started by getting familur with racket and reading through the docs on the sytax and methods of racket and Rosette. Only 1 memeber had previous knowledge of racket so while it went by much faster than if neither did it took significant time to learn/teach racket. We then started on hw1 solving Classify.rkt . This works on the three example probelms provided in which we encorparated in to test cases. We then decided to skip the rest of problem 1 to move on to the graph coloring as it seemed like a more substantal problem. We started with the writing protion as it seemed necessary in order to solve the problem but ran out of time before we could come up with an implementation.