Releases: cagnulein/qdomyos-zwift
Releases · cagnulein/qdomyos-zwift
QZ nightly build 20250302
This is a nightly build of QZ.
You can use this if you want to try new features without waiting for releases.
From time to time, in development builds, old difficult-to-reproduce bugs are
fixed, but it is also true that in the development process with the introduction
of new complex code, the stability of the program may suffer compared to
official releases, so use it with caution!
Please help us improve QZ by reporting any issues you encounter! 😉
2.10.97 MacOS
win32 and macx releases on debug in order to solve strange crashes issue
2.10.94 MacOS
Full Changelog: 2.10.89...2.10.94
What's Changed
- Windows Store by @cagnulein in #793
- Add more KingSmith WalkingPad X21 by @d3m3vilurr in #800
- first commit that works loading a GPX without the speed and time by @cagnulein in #811
Full Changelog: 2.10.74...2.10.89
first build for macOS
logs on android enabled by default
Android version: