Set of classes representing instructions of a programming language Macchiato. Syntax of Macchiato includes for loop, if statements, variables, math expressions, print command, command blocks, void functions recieving arguments, local variable scopes.
Macchiato also provides a set of simple debugging commands avilable in the debug mode. Those commands being:
- c - continue program till it's ending.
- s - execute given amount of program steps.
- d - display all the variables and functions visible in the scope that are above the current scope by given amount of levels.
- m - dump results of the debugger command 'd 0' into a given file.
- e - stop the program execution and exits the debugger.
In order to make creating Macchiato programs in Java easier, the code is eqquiped with a set of builder classes. The code also includes JUnit tests for each syntax construction of Macchiato.
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