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Getting started

Albert Farré Figueras edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 4 revisions

To use the copy-source plugin follow the next steps:

1. Add the plugin to your pom


2. Define the execution goal "copy-classes"

Note: the phase it's not necessary, by default uses "generate-sources"


3. Configure it with the copies that you want to do

                           <class>[cannonical-name-of-origin-source. Example:org.bytemechanics.commons.functional.LambdaUnchecker]</class>
                        <fromPackage>[package-segment-to-replace. Example: org.bytemechanics.commons]</fromPackage>
                        <toPackage>[package-segment-to-replace. Example: org.bytemechanics.standalone.ignite.internal.commons]</toPackage>

Happy copying!