This project is an example project for Multi Tenancy using Row Level Security:
You can use docker compose
to create the PostgreSQL database and start the Spring Boot application:
docker compose --profile dev up
The Postgres Database currently has a customer for each Tenant:
> select * from multitenant.customer
customer_id | first_name | last_name | tenant_name
1 | Philipp | Wagner | tenant_a
2 | John | Wick | tenant_b
(2 rows)
The list of customers for tenant_a
only contains "Philipp Wagner", as expected:
> curl -H "X-TenantID: tenant_a" -X GET http://localhost:8080/customers
[{"id":1,"firstName":"Philipp","lastName":"Wagner","addresses":[{"id":1,"name":"Philipp Wagner","street":"Fakestreet 1","postalcode":"12345","city":"Faketown","country":"Germany"}]}]
And the list of customers for tenant_b
only contains "John Wick", again as expected:
>curl -H "X-TenantID: tenant_b" -X GET http://localhost:8080/customers
[{"id":2,"firstName":"John","lastName":"Wick","addresses":[{"id":2,"name":"John Wick","street":"Fakestreet 55","postalcode":"00000","city":"Fakecity","country":"USA"}]}]
We now insert a new customer for Tenant tenant_a
> curl -H "X-TenantID: tenant_a" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"firstName\" : \"Max\", \"lastName\" : \"Mustermann\"}" http://localhost:8080/customers
Getting a list of all customers for tenant_a
will now return two customers:
> curl -H "X-TenantID: tenant_a" -X GET http://localhost:8080/customers
While requesting a list of all customers for tenant_b
returns John Wick only:
> curl -H "X-TenantID: tenant_b" -X GET http://localhost:8080/customers
We can now insert a customer for tenant_b
> curl -H "X-TenantID: tenant_b" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"firstName\" : \"Hans\", \"lastName\" : \"Wurst\"}" http://localhost:8080/customers
Querying the tenant_a
database still returns "Philipp Wagner" and "Max Mustermann":
> curl -H "X-TenantID: tenant_a" -X GET http://localhost:8080/customers
While querying as tenant_b
now returns "John Wick" and "Hans Wurst":
> curl -H "X-TenantID: tenant_b" -X GET http://localhost:8080/customers