An alternative search engine for news - the goal was to capture results from both conservative and liberal sources with a touch of # modern sources such as YouTube and Reddit.
Problem to solve: There’s too much clutter/overload when searching for information/news on Google and other search engines. There are also various sources for news that people might individually use to find information that aren’t found in one place Hypothesis: To develop a feature that gets relevant information that the user searches for from six different sources and to display the results in a neat, user-friendly way. Integration of project requirements: Use of multiple new APIs to pull information to display NYT Fox News Repeating element: Cards nested in Columns (TBD) CSS Framework: Bootstrap User Input Validation: The user’s search input will be validated New Bootstrap Library Incorporated for additional features on top of vanilla bootstrap Potential New Library:
Non-requirement MVP ✔ Upon click of bubble, open source in new tab7 Content summary in each bubble Use anime.js to animate a loading bar after search is inserted to animate a loading bar for bubbles
Post-MVP Ideas:
Card Flips
Share Results with share button for social media
Search filters,
Final Feature Attempt(after doing the other most-MVP ideas): Save favorite bubbles into a favorites list (potentially use Firebase but should be easily doable with LocalStorage).
Trivia Game Generator for like “Trivia of the day” feature
Name Ideas: Newsify Newsly Paperboiiii News Bites
Possible sources Fox News New York Times Twitter Wolfram Alpha Roles Alan - Wireframing, D3.js Charting Library, Bootstrap/Frontend Byron - Fox API, Youtube API, Overall JavaScript Shohan - Instagram,Twitter,Alternative CSS frameworks(potentially), Logo Sepanta - NYT