This repository holds a machine learning pipeline for analysing high level Age of Empires 2 games.
The goal is to build an analytical pipeline that can mine out effective strategy and tactical choices in high level games. By doing so, I hope to understand in more (emperical and analytical) detail the cutting edge of the game's meta.
- AOE2 recordings can be accessed (with some difficulties) from the API. The script in this repository borrows heavily from this repository. dj0wns was the first I've seen to tackle AOE2 analytics - this profect follows a similar trajectory
- My python package developed to mine out key statistics from a .AOE2RECORD file
- That package relies upon this fork of this a AOE2 recorded games parser
- python script scrapes for games and continually stores them in blob storage
- this repository analyses the games using AgeAlyser2
- The resulting data is processed and analysed