This project contains the all of the supported versions of YUI 2 wrapped
as first class YUI 3 modules, and deployed in a directory structure that
can be intrinsically loaded by YUI 3.1.0+.
Copy all of the files in the dist directory to the location
you wish to serve the files from. Configure your YUI instance
to pull from that location:
YUI({ groups: { yui2: { base: '/2in3/', // If you have a combo service, you can configure that as well // combine: true, // comboBase: '', // root: '/2in3/build/', patterns: { 'yui2-': { configFn: function(me) { if(/-skin|reset|fonts|grids|base/.test( { me.type = 'css'; me.path = me.path.replace(/\.js/, '.css'); me.path = me.path.replace(/\/yui2-skin/, '/assets/skins/sam/yui2-skin'); } } } } } } }).use('yui2-yahoo', 'yui2-event', function (Y) { // };
- YUI 3.3.0 will try to pull the 2.8.2 version of YUI 2 by default.
The ‘yui2’ config can be passed to the instance to load one
of the other versions.
- The files under src/script can be used to generate the 2in3 modules,
but this is lightly documented and there are some path assumptions
built in.