This repository contains the necessary tools and instructions to deploy Onefinity validator and observer nodes, as well as adding new validator nodes after genesis. The binary files are already compiled and ready to use. Please follow the instructions below to set up and manage your Onefinity validator or observer node.
- Supported Operating Systems
- Download Binaries
- Setup go
- Onefinity Validator Setup
- Onefinity Validator/Observer Node Start
- Key Generation
- Install mxpy
- Configure
Address HRP - How to Add a New Validator Node After Genesis
- How to unjail a node
- Usefull links
The setup and configuration steps outlined in this documentation have been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and above. While other Linux distributions may work, they are not officially supported or tested.
Before installing or configuring anything else, you must download the precompiled binaries:
We also need an instance of already prepared go due to some shared libraries
Remove old go and install the new one
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go-onefinity.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
Check if go is installed
go version
Verify missing libraries on node binary
ldd ./node
you might see those 2 lines => not found => not found
Find path of
buidly/[email protected]/wasmer2/
buidly/[email protected]/wasmer/
Copy (or Symlink) Libraries to a Standard Path
find /usr/local/go -name "" 2>/dev/null
find /usr/local/go -name "" 2>/dev/null
sudo cp /usr/local/go/path/to/ /usr/local/lib/
sudo cp /usr/local/go/path/to/ /usr/local/lib/
(Adjust the paths accordingly.)
Update the linker cache:
sudo ldconfig
ldd ./node
Each validator node should have the following files and folders:
if a multisig node): The validator key used to deploy the node.config
folder: Contains the configuration files required to run the node.
Follow the commands below to start a Onefinity validator node with the configuration from the config
folder. Make sure you use the correct validator key or multisig key (allValidatorsKey.pem
./node \
--profile-mode \
--log-save \
--log-level "*:DEBUG" \
--log-logger-name \
--log-correlation \
--use-health-service \
--rest-api-interface "localhost:9501" \
--working-directory "~/working-dir/validator" \
--config-external "./config/external_validator.toml" \
--config "./config/config_validator.toml" \
--validator-key-pem-file "./config/validatorKey.pem"
./node \
--profile-mode \
--log-save \
--log-level "*:DEBUG" \
--log-logger-name \
--log-correlation \
--use-health-service \
--rest-api-interface "localhost:9501" \
--sk-index 1 \
--working-directory "~/working-dir/validator" \
--config-external "./config/external_validator.toml" \
--config "./config/config_validator.toml" \
--all-validator-keys-pem-file ./config/allValidatorsKey.pem
./node --port 21501 --profile-mode --log-save --log-level *:INFO --log-logger-name --log-correlation --use-health-service --rest-api-interface localhost:8080 --working-directory ~/working-dir --config-external ./config/external_observer.toml --config ./config/config_observer.toml
To interact with the blockchain and make transactions, you need to install mxpy
You can find more detailed installation instructions and additional setup steps for mxpy
mxpy config set default_address_hrp one
For the validator pem to interact with the mxpy we need to create a json with the path having the following structure
"validators": [
"pemFile": "validatorKey.pem"
mxpy validator stake \
--pem=walletKey.pem \
--value="2500000000000000000000" \
--validators-file=validator.json \
--proxy="" \
--gas-limit 25000000 \
--recall-nonce \
mxpy validator unstake \
--pem=walletKey.pem \
--nodes-public-keys address \
--proxy="" \
--gas-limit 25000000 \
--recall-nonce \
mxpy validator unjail \
--pem=config/walletKey.pem \
--value="2500000000000000000" \
--nodes-public-keys address \
--proxy="" \
--gas-limit 25000000 \
--recall-nonce \