Task manager is a webapp based on Pipify (An application that arrenged your commitments). I made this project to improve my skills in ReactJs, but it need a database implementation to become a useful software.
It need the following programs to work
- NodeJs
- Npm
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/brunopozzebon/task-manager.git
# Go into the repository
cd task-manager
# Install all the dependencies
npm install
# Run react-app-application on door 3000
npm run start
This application was built along the tutorial of RocketSeat(Check the links below), with some improvements on frontend (Empty list correction).
Rocketseat is a Youtube Channel and a Web Plataform that offer online courses, I really recommend their work, there are a lot of stunning courses for free, and paid classes that are very worthwhile. Check the platafrom by the links below:
Web Plataform:
Youtube Video: Building a Pipefy-clone: