A 200-line MATLAB code for a linear-scaling quantum transport method
This code can be used to obtain intrinsic electronic transport properties of large systems described by a real-space tight-binding Hamiltonian. It differs from the GPUQT code (https://github.com/brucefan1983/gpuqt) in two ways:
- GPUQT is more than two orders of magnitude faster.
- GPUQT accepts inputs for a general Hamiltonian, but the current code is only for the square lattice model with Anderson disorder.
Purposes of this code
- Help the readers who are interested in this linear-scaling quantum transport method to better understand it.
- The students in my course are asked to use the code to reproduce the results in sections 5.1 of Ref. [2] below. This is an optional course project.
The major references for the implementation are (check the references cited in the papers below for original works on this method):
- [1] Z. Fan, A. Uppstu, T. Siro, and A. Harju, Efficient linear-scaling quantum transport calculations on graphics processing units and applications on electron transport in graphene, Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 28 (2014).
- [2] Z. Fan, V. Vierimaa, and Ari Harju, GPUQT: An efficient linear-scaling quantum transport code fully implemented on graphics processing units, arXiv:1705.01387 [physics.comp-ph], to be published in Comput. Phys. Commun.
This package consists of the following MATLAB functions (the file names are the same as the function names):
- lsqt (calls find_H, create_state, find_dos, find_vac, and find_msd)
- find_dos (calls find_moments and chebyshev_summation)
- find_vac (calls evolve, find_moments and chebyshev_summation)
- find_msd (calls evolve, evolvex, find_moments and chebyshev_summation)
- find_H (calls nothing)
- create_state (calls nothing)
- evolve (calls nothing)
- evolvex (calls nothing)
- chebyshev_summation (calls nothing)
- find_moments (calls nothing)
lsqt is the driver function which the user will call.
Inputs and outputs of the driver function (Nt is the number of time points; Ne is the number of energy points)
- Inputs of the driver function
- Nx: number of lattice points in the x direction
- Ny: number of lattice points in the y direction
- W: Anderson disorder strength
- E: energy points (1*Ne matrix)
- E_max: energy scaling factor
- dt: time steps (Nt*1 matrix)
- M: order of Chebyshev polynomial expansion
- flag_vac: if this is 1, calculate the VAC and related quantities
- flag_msd: if this is 1, calculate the MSD and related quantities
- Outputs of the driver function
- dos: the density of states (DOS), 1*Ne matrix
- vac: the velocity autocorrelation (VAC), Nt*Ne matrix
- msd: the mean square displacement (MSD), Nt*Ne matrix
- sigma_vac: conductivity from the VAC, Nt*Ne matrix
- sigma_msd: conductivity from the MSD, Nt*Ne matrix
- Unit system
- basic units:
- reduced Planck constant hbar = 1
- elementary charge e = 1
- energy unit gamma is choosen by the user
- length unit a is choosen by the user
- derived units:
- time: hbar/gamma
- DOS: 1/gamma/a^2
- VAC: a^2*gamma^2/hbar^2
- MSD: a^2
- electrical conductivity: e^2/hbar
- basic units:
- Zheyong Fan: brucenju(at)gmail.com