- SimpleForm use em tag to show the tips of an input element
- pattern="email" empty="please fill in email address" valid="true" unvalid="Unvalid Email Address" valid-css="good_input" unvalid-css="error_input"
- vali Parameter: when valid = true, the input box will be green£¬no tips£» when valid="some text..."£¬the input box will be green£¬and tips will behind input box
<form method="post" action="test.php" class="simpleform" onvalid="submitForm()">
When click submit, and all the input element is fine, form will eval the function in onvalid parameter -
<form method="post" action="test.php" class="simpleform" data-action="submitForm">
When click submit, and all the input element is fine, form will post the data to test.php and pass the data from server to the function in data-action parameter
Parameter for Input Element:
the regular expression for input element, make an expression yourself, or use email,ip,url,date,datetime,int,float,password
the css apply to input element when all is fine
the css apply to input element when something is wrong
when the input element is empty, show the text in empty parameter
when the value is not fit with regex, show the text in unvalid parameter
default value valid=true. when the value is fit with regex and the valid has some text for tips, show the text in valid parameter
On default, SimpleForm will not check the hidden input element, add a forcevalidate to an input element will check the hidden input element.
In some case, we have A input box and B input box, while A or B has a something, that's ok.But it can't be both is empty.we can use empty-group="#a-input,#b-input"
the input value must equal to a-input,just like an confirm password.
the input value must equal to function's return value
Post the input value to server, check the value whether ok