import spacepile
# spacing will be filled by `space` call.
spacing = np.zeros((len(cigs), max_width), dtype=np.uint32), cigs, posns)
# now with label (truth)
spacing = np.zeros((len(cigs) + 1, max_width), dtype=np.uint32), cigs, posns, label_cigs, label_posn)
# how to return mapping from spacing column to label? after removing label_only insertions?
efficiently creates (multi) alignments from replicate measurements of the same piece of DNA as
from duplex sequencing, single molecule consensus, pac-bio CCS, or nanopore cyclomics.
accepts alignments (cigars) of grouped sequences and spaces them into matricies that can then be sent to any deep-learner.
Note that this is done nicely in deepconsensus which is a major source of inspiration for this work, but that is specific to PacBio and (likely) less efficient at extraction.
will also provide means to facilitate training (agnostic to the learner) by providing tools to
sample and augment reads and to separate training from test datasets.
Currently spacepile
can be used by downloading and pip install
ing the python wheel from the releases.
import spacepile
import numpy as np
import pysam
# make matricies of at most this width. usually this will be ~ 10% longer than read-length
max_width = 9
# NOTE, these would likely be drawn from a bam file that is sorted by fragment (an option in samtools sort) or grouped by UMI
# these are available as aln.cigartuples in pysam.
# here we show 3 reads for an example.
cigs = [
[(pysam.CMATCH, 4)], # read 1. 4M ACTG
[(pysam.CMATCH, 2), (pysam.CDEL, 2), (pysam.CMATCH, 1)], # read 2. 2M2D1M CTC
[(pysam.CMATCH, 2), (pysam.CINS, 3), (pysam.CMATCH, 2)], # read 3. 2M3I2M ACGGGTG
posns = [0, 1, 0] # the 2nd read starts 1 base after the other reads.
# idxs will be filled by `space` call.
idxs = np.zeros((len(cigs), max_width), dtype=np.uint32), cigs, posns)
# now we have the indexes into the original sequence or base-qualities or IPDs. etc.
SPACE = np.iinfo(np.uint32).max - 1
END = np.iinfo(np.uint32).max
assert np.array_equal(idxs,
[[ 0, 1,SPACE,SPACE,SPACE, 2, 3,END ,END],
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,END ,END]])
# sequences likely retrieved from pysam's aln.query_sequence or aln.query_alignment_sequence
raw_sequences = ["ACTG", "CTC", "ACGGGTG"]
base_qs = [[ 40, 50, 60, 70], [60, 60, 60], [45, 45, 45, 55, 55, 55, 60]]
sequences = np.zeros((len(cigs), max_width), dtype=np.int16)
bqs = np.zeros_like(sequences)
for i, s in enumerate(raw_sequences):
sequences[i, :len(s)] = np.array(list(s), dtype='U1').view(np.int32) # Q: is there a better way to do this in numpy?
bqs[i, :len(s)] = np.array(base_qs[i], dtype=np.int32)
# NOTE we will put sequences and bqs in the same output matrix.
mat = np.zeros((2 * len(cigs), max_width), dtype=np.int16)
spacepile.translate(idxs, sequences, mat[:len(cigs)])
# NOTE how the columns generally match
assert np.array_equal(mat[:len(cigs)],
spacepile.translate(idxs, bqs, mat[len(cigs):])
assert np.array_equal(mat[len(cigs):],
# now repeat for many sequences and send many mats to a learner.
Need enough unique reads from across genome to train. Given duplex-seq is often deep, we want to sample wisely so we're not training on the same position 10,000 times. ( from google 9/30/2022)
NOTE: this one seems best. Just get pytorch model into sklearn-like class.
See this python module:
The output from the model is not calibrated -- the error rates do not match the probabilities. This is a known problem. There is some work on this here: (needs logits, not softmax)
But this may require further work because of the positional info where the ends of reads often have lower quality.
This implements the multi-alignment spacing which takes a set of reads and returns something that is sent to the network. Currently this is implemented in python. A rust version is in progress.
This involves clustering (by tag) and selection to max_depth so we can have a fixed network size.
Take a trained model and a bam and write a new fastq with well-calibrated base-qualities.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/io build --release
pip install target/wheels/spacepile-0.1.0-cp37-abi3-linux_x86_64.whl