Releases: bramwaas/wordpress-plugin-wsa-simple-google-icalendar-widget
v1.1.0 latest with wp 4
Latest with wp 4 Requires at least: 4.8.4
v1.0.0 first release
v2.6.0: Merge pull request #50 from bramwaas/develop-2.6.0
2.6.0 Due to a reported XSS vulnerability. Checked with Wordpress Plugin Check (PCP). Fixed this vulnerability and other PCP errors and warnings, as required by Wordpress to remain in the plugin directory.
Known issue: in wp 5.9.5 with elementor 3.14.1 aria-expanded and aria-controls are stripped bij wp_kses before wp 6.3.0 (see wp_kses.php) issue is solved. Tested with wp 6.7.1 with elementor 3.26.5 .
2.4.4 Initialization sibid also with direct assign in case setAttribute does not work (e.g. in Synced pattern 6.6)
replace ServerSideRender in block editor by custom Rest call (only for WP 6.3 +) and place_holder html in Javascript Edit and Save.
Tested with Elementor v3.23.3
Remove most unused attributes from block.json. Add deprecation for older Save methods.
Added tag_title to choose a title tag.
2.4.3 render callback to block.json. Simpler initialization in edit.js
- 2.4.3 replaced render_callback in server side register_block_type by render in block.json (v3 plus ( is_wp_version_compatible( '6.3' ) )) simplifying initialization edit js to reduce change of looping when used in synced pattern and reviewing initializing in block.json.
- 2.4.2 replaced null by 'admin.php' to solve issue 'Deprecation warnings in PHP 8.3' of Knut Sparhell on support forum. Moved older entries of changelog to changelog.txt.
2.3.1 Tie moving display events window created by Now and 'Number of days after today' to the display time instead of the data-retrieve/cache time. Make it possible to let the window start at 0H00 and end at 23H59 local time of the startdate and enddate of the window in addition to the current solution where both ends are at the time of the day the data is displayed/retrieved. Add to description output to make it easier to refer to in css. Remove HTML for block title when title is empty. Add unescape \ to \ and improve , to , ; to ; chars that should be escaped following the text specification. Extra save attributes in widget option to increase the chance the REST call finds them in that option.
Tested with WP 5.3 (only widget) 5.9, 6.4 (block and widget in legacy block and in Elementor) 6.5 RC 4