FL Studio MIDI scripts for the Behringer X-Touch + extender(s) (Mackie Control Universal) MIDI controllers, based on the official scripts by Image-Line.
- Support for multiple extenders
- Support for colored scribble strips
- Improved knob resolution and acceleration
- Improved jog wheel with automatic window focus
- Jog wheel will seek by default
- Auto channel selection when touching a fader
- Make use of the full scribble strip width
- Meter values are more accurate
- The clip led works when the signal is clipping
- Smoothing is disabled by default
- Sliders now function in free control mode
- Changing the tempo using the jog wheel now works
- Added basic scrubbing functionality, hold shift for more accuracy
- Name/Value button can now be used to rename tracks
- Various bugfixes and improvements
More improvements later...
This script uses the Mackie Control Universal (MCU) protocol. Your X-Touch and the extenders will need to be set to MCU mode. To do so,
- Start with the device turned off
- While holding down the SELECT button for channel 1, push the power switch
- Rotate encoder 1 to set the mode to
. - Rotate encoder 2 to select the interface to use (e.g.
). - Pres the SELECT button for channel 1 to confirm settings.
- The unit will now boot.
- For more info, check out "Step 3: Getting started" in the official quick-start guide, p. 24.
Download all files in this repository (Code -> Download ZIP). From the ZIP archive, copy all the files in the
folder to your FL Studio Scripts folder, in a dedicated subfolder. Usually this would be:
- Windows:
%UserProfile%\Documents\Image-Line\Data\FL Studio\Settings\Hardware\fltouch
- MacOS:
~/Image-Line/FL Studio/Settings/Hardware/fltouch
- In FL Studio's MIDI settings (Options -> Midi settings), you'll find your "X-Touch" and "X-Touch-Ext" controllers. Set your X-Touch's MIDI channel to 102 and the extenders to 103, 104, ... and change the controller type to "FLtouch X-Touch" or "FLtouch X-Touch Extender" (depending on if the device is an extender or not).
If these instructions are unclear, you can find a more detailed guide by Zizzer Productions here.
You can print an overlay for this controller, courtesy of Bobby-Funk. The image must be printed 15.7956cm / 6.21875 inches wide in an A4 size.