Simple aiogram webhook template based on fastapi.
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04, Python 3.11, Docker version 24.0.5
Rename example.config.yaml to config.yaml, example.env to .env, example.docker-compose.yml to docker-compose.yml
Fill TELEGRAM_API_ID and TELEGRAM_API_HASH in .env file. Use this for obtain values.
Fill token in config.yaml. Use BotFather for obtain it.
docker-compose up -d
or if you have new dockerdocker compose up -d
Just test it: send message to your bot.
You can rent a server from various hosters, for example from Aeza.
By registering via the link you will support the project and receive a 15% bonus on your balance, which will be valid for 24 hours.
The bot will require the simplest VDS, in rubles this is approximately 100-200 for promotional offers, or about 500 rubles per month.
Feel free to create issue or pull request.
For development, you should install the requirements from requirements_dev.txt
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Use before commit.