Android SDK for integrating BrainBlocks into a mobile app
To use the SDK in your application, follow the instructions here.
Be sure to use the latest version. Snapshots may not be stable.
Put this code where you want to start your BrainBlocks session.
Brainblock bb = Brainblock.getBrainBlock(this, "<Your XRB Payment Address Here>");
// payment rai amount. rai = 1xrb/1000000
int amount = 1000;
You also need to give the FragmentManager of the Activity everytime it resumes, in case that it has changed (ie. because of an orientation change).
public void onResume(){
if(bb != null){
This will automatically generate all the dialogs necessary for directing your client through the payment process.
Here is what the flow looks like.
// first argument is currency, second is amount you wish to convert to XRB,
// the 3rd is a callback that returns the result when the response arrives
bb.convertToXRB("cad", "100", new VolleyCallback() {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
//do something with the result
Supported currencies are: aud, brl, cad, chf, clp, cny, czk, dkk, eur, gbp, hkd, huf, idr, ils, inr, jpy, krw, mxn, myr, nok, nzd, php, pkr, pln, rub, sek, sgd, thb, try, usd, twd, zar.
Donate to me (contributor): xrb_3anuobu4qk7nrbouax4jc4mx77ye3eun541kn85ceeho415zs4j7ty1uzsfp
Donate to BrainBlocks: xrb_164xaa1ojy6qmq9e8t94mz8izr4mkf1sojb6xrmstru5jsif48g5kegcqg7y