Imports are copied into the "vendor" folder.
Uses the following vendor file specification: . This vendor tool aims to aid in the establishment a final vendor file specification and be a useful tool.
If you require import path rewrites checkout the "rewrite" branch archived for that purpose.
- flattens dependency tree to single level
- Can ignore test files and other build tags
- Tested cross platform support
- Inspection of the current state package locations
- Handles packages and directory trees
- Handles the simple and complex cases
- Use "/..." to also handle packages in sub-folders or "/^" to handle directory trees
- Handle packages based on their status
govendor: copy go packages locally. Uses vendor folder.
govendor init
Creates a vendor file if it does not exist.
govendor list [options] ( +status or import-path-filter )
List all dependencies and packages in folder tree.
-v verbose listing, show dependencies of each package
-no-status do not prefix status to list, package names only
govendor {add, update, remove} [options] ( +status or import-path-filter )
add - Copy one or more packages into the vendor folder.
update - Update one or more packages from GOPATH into the vendor folder.
remove - Remove one or more packages from the vendor folder.
-n dry run and print actions that would be taken
-tree copy package(s) and all sub-folders under each package
The following may be replaced with something else in the future.
-short if conflict, take short path
-long if conflict, take long path
govendor migrate [auto, godep, internal]
Change from a one schema to use the vendor folder. Default to auto detect.
govendor [fmt, build, install, clean, test, vet] ( +status or import-path-filter )
Run "go" commands using status filters.
$ govendor test +local
Expanding "..."
A package import path may be expanded to other paths that
show up in "govendor list" be ending the "import-path" with "...".
NOTE: this uses the import tree from "vendor list" and NOT the file system.
-n print actions but do not run them
-short chooses the shorter path in case of conflict
-long chooses the longer path in case of conflict
"import-path-filter" arguements:
May be a literal individual package:
Match on any exising Go package that the project uses under "supercool"
Match the package "supercool" and also copy all sub-folders.
Will copy non-Go files and Go packages that aren't used.^
Same as specifying:
Status list used in "+<status>" arguments:
external - package does not share root path
vendor - vendor folder; copied locally
unused - the package has been copied locally, but isn't used
local - shares the root path and is not a vendor package
missing - referenced but not found in GOROOT or GOPATH
std - standard library package
program - package is a main package
outside - external + missing
all - all of the above status
Status can be referenced by their initial letters.
"st" == "std"
"e" == "external"
Status can be joined together with boolean AND and OR
govendor list +vendor,program +e --> (vendor AND program) OR external
Ignoring files with build tags:
The "vendor.json" file contains a string field named "ignore".
It may contain a space separated list of build tags to ignore when
listing and copying files. By default the init command adds the
the "test" tag to the ignore list.
If using go1.5, ensure you set GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1
$ govendor list -no-status +local
$ govendor list +vend,prog +local,program
$ govendor list +local,^prog
For example "govendor list +external" will tell you if there are any packages which live outside the project.
Before doing the commands add, update, or remove, all package dependencies are discovered. The commands will only act on discovered dependencies. Commands will never alter packages outside the project directory.
When copying packages locally, vendored dependencies of dependencies are always copied to the "top" level in the internal package, so it also gets rid of the extra package layers.
The project must be within a GOPATH.
# Add external packages.
govendor add +external
# Add a specific package.
govendor add
# Add a package tree.
govendor add -tree
govendor add^
# Update vendor packages.
govendor update +vendor
# Revert back to normal GOPATH packages.
govendor remove +vendor
# List package.
govendor list
Ignoring build tags is opt-out and is designed to be the opposite of the build file directives which are opt-in when specified. Typically a developer will want to support cross platform builds, but selectively opt out of tags, tests, and architectures as desired.
To ignore additional tags edit the "vendor.json" file and add tag to the vendor "ignore" file field. The field uses spaces to separate tags to ignore. For example the following will ignore both test and appengine files.
"ignore": "test appengine",