This project provides a service that verifies the consistency of Region data between two WAN sites.
The WanVerificationService:
- is instantiated with a Region name, a Pool connected to site 1 and a Pool connected site 2
- creates a proxy Region connected to site 1 and gets the keySet for the Region on that site
- creates a proxy Region connected to site 2 and gets the keySet for the Region on that site
- compares the keySets for equality
- iterates site 1 keySet and for each key compares the value in site 1 to the value in site 2
- if the keySets aren't equal, iterates site 2 keySet and for each key compares the value in site 1 to the value in site 2 (if the keySets are equal, this step is not necessary)
- logs the result
The keySet comparison is done using equals.
The value comparison is done using a ValueComparator which defines one method called compare. The default implementation of compare uses equals, so if the value class implements equals, the default implementation will work fine. But, if the value class does not implement equals, then a non-default ValueComparator will be required that knows how to properly compare the two values.
This project also provides a Spring Boot Client that executes the following scenarios to show the behavior of the WanVerificationService:
Scenario 1
- Load entries into the site 1 Region which are replicated to site 2
In this scenario, the keys and values are equal.
Scenario 2
- Load entries into the site 1 Region which are replicated to site 2
- Load entries into the site 2 Region which are not replicated to site 1
In this scenario, all the keys are equal, but only some of the values are.
Scenario 3
- Load entries into the site 2 Region which are not replicated to site 1
In this scenario, neither the keys nor the values are equal.
Scenario 4
- Pause GatewaySender in site 1
- Load entries into the site 1 Region which are not replicated to site 2
In this scenario, neither the keys nor the values are equal.
Scenario 5
- Pause GatewaySender in site 1
- Load entries into the site 1 Region which are not replicated to site 2
- Load other entries into the site 2 Region which are not replicated to site 1
In this scenario, neither the keys nor the values are equal.
This project configures 2 WAN sites.
Site 1 starts a locator and 2 servers, each with:
- a GatewaySender
- a Region named Trade connected to the GatewaySender
Site 2 starts a locator and 2 servers, each with:
- a GatewayReceiver
- a Region named Trade
Site 2 does not define the GatewaySender so that different scenarios can be tested.
The WanVerificationService should be run when the GatewaySender queues are empty. Any events in the queues are ignored, so if the queues contain events, the results might incorrectly show differences which may not exist.
The WanVerificationService calls Region get on each key in each site. If the Region defines a CacheLoader, it will be invoked if the value is null for that key.
Modify the GEODE environment variable in the script to point to a Geode installation directory.
Build the Spring Boot Client Application and WanVerificationService using gradle like:
./gradlew clean jar bootJar
Start and configure the locator and servers in each WAN site using the script like:
1. Executing - set variable --name=APP_RESULT_VIEWER --value=any
Value for variable APP_RESULT_VIEWER is now: any.
2. Executing - start locator --name=locator-ln --port=10331 --locators=localhost[10331] --mcast-port=0 --J=-Dgemfire.remote-locators=localhost[10332] --J=-Dgemfire.distributed-system-id=1 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-start=true --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-http-port=8081 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-port=1091
Locator in <working-directory>/locator-ln on[10331] as locator-ln is currently online.
Process ID: 96566
Uptime: 13 seconds
Geode Version: 1.14.0-build.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_121
Log File: <working-directory>/locator-ln/locator-ln.log
JVM Arguments: <jvm-arguments>
Class-Path: <classpath>
Successfully connected to: JMX Manager [, port=1091]
Cluster configuration service is up and running.
3. Executing - start server --name=server-ln-1 --locators=localhost[10331] --server-port=0 --statistic-archive-file=cacheserver.gfs --J=-Dgemfire.log-file=cacheserver.log --J=-Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false
Server in <working-directory>/server-ln-1 on[58598] as server-ln-1 is currently online.
Process ID: 96598
Uptime: 6 seconds
Geode Version: 1.14.0-build.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_121
Log File: <working-directory>/server-ln-1/cacheserver.log
JVM Arguments: <jvm-arguments>
Class-Path: <classpath>
4. Executing - start server --name=server-ln-2 --locators=localhost[10331] --server-port=0 --statistic-archive-file=cacheserver.gfs --J=-Dgemfire.log-file=cacheserver.log --J=-Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false
Server in <working-directory>/server-ln-2 on[58621] as server-ln-2 is currently online.
Process ID: 96613
Uptime: 5 seconds
Geode Version: 1.14.0-build.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_121
Log File: <working-directory>/server-ln-2/cacheserver.log
JVM Arguments: <jvm-arguments>
Class-Path: <classpath>
5. Executing - create gateway-sender --id="ny" --parallel="true" --remote-distributed-system-id="2"
Member | Status | Message
----------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------
server-ln-1 | OK | GatewaySender "ny" created on "server-ln-1"
server-ln-2 | OK | GatewaySender "ny" created on "server-ln-2"
Cluster configuration for group 'cluster' is updated.
6. Executing - sleep --time=5
7. Executing - create region --name=Trade --type=PARTITION_REDUNDANT --gateway-sender-id="ny"
Member | Status | Message
----------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------
server-ln-1 | OK | Region "/Trade" created on "server-ln-1"
server-ln-2 | OK | Region "/Trade" created on "server-ln-2"
Cluster configuration for group 'cluster' is updated.
8. Executing - disconnect
Disconnecting from:[1091]
Disconnected from :[1091]
9. Executing - start locator --name=locator-ny --port=10332 --locators=localhost[10332] --mcast-port=0 --J=-Dgemfire.remote-locators=localhost[10331] --J=-Dgemfire.distributed-system-id=2 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-start=true --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-http-port=8082 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-port=1092
Locator in <working-directory>/locator-ny on[10332] as locator-ny is currently online.
Process ID: 96624
Uptime: 14 seconds
Geode Version: 1.14.0-build.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_121
Log File: <working-directory>/locator-ny/locator-ny.log
JVM Arguments: <jvm-arguments>
Class-Path: <classpath>
Successfully connected to: JMX Manager [, port=1092]
Cluster configuration service is up and running.
10. Executing - start server --name=server-ny-1 --locators=localhost[10332] --server-port=0 --statistic-archive-file=cacheserver.gfs --J=-Dgemfire.log-file=cacheserver.log --J=-Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false
Server in <working-directory>/server-ny-1 on[58695] as server-ny-1 is currently online.
Process ID: 96649
Uptime: 5 seconds
Geode Version: 1.14.0-build.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_121
Log File: <working-directory>/server-ny-1/cacheserver.log
JVM Arguments: <jvm-arguments>
Class-Path: <classpath>
11. Executing - start server --name=server-ny-2 --locators=localhost[10332] --server-port=0 --statistic-archive-file=cacheserver.gfs --J=-Dgemfire.log-file=cacheserver.log --J=-Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false
Server in <working-directory>/server-ny-2 on[58718] as server-ny-2 is currently online.
Process ID: 96668
Uptime: 5 seconds
Geode Version: 1.14.0-build.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_121
Log File: <working-directory>/server-ny-2/cacheserver.log
JVM Arguments: <jvm-arguments>
Class-Path: <classpath>
12. Executing - create gateway-receiver
Member | Status | Message
----------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
server-ny-1 | OK | GatewayReceiver created on member "server-ny-1" and will listen on the port "5321"
server-ny-2 | OK | GatewayReceiver created on member "server-ny-2" and will listen on the port "5086"
Cluster configuration for group 'cluster' is updated.
13. Executing - create region --name=Trade --type=PARTITION_REDUNDANT
Member | Status | Message
----------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------
server-ny-1 | OK | Region "/Trade" created on "server-ny-1"
server-ny-2 | OK | Region "/Trade" created on "server-ny-2"
Cluster configuration for group 'cluster' is updated.
14. Executing - disconnect
Disconnecting from:[1092]
Disconnected from :[1092]
************************* Execution Summary ***********************
Script file: startsites.gfsh
Command-1 : set variable --name=APP_RESULT_VIEWER --value=any
Status : PASSED
Command-2 : start locator --name=locator-ln --port=10331 --locators=localhost[10331] --mcast-port=0 --J=-Dgemfire.remote-locators=localhost[10332] --J=-Dgemfire.distributed-system-id=1 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-start=true --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-http-port=8081 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-port=1091
Status : PASSED
Command-3 : start server --name=server-ln-1 --locators=localhost[10331] --server-port=0 --statistic-archive-file=cacheserver.gfs --J=-Dgemfire.log-file=cacheserver.log --J=-Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false
Status : PASSED
Command-4 : start server --name=server-ln-2 --locators=localhost[10331] --server-port=0 --statistic-archive-file=cacheserver.gfs --J=-Dgemfire.log-file=cacheserver.log --J=-Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false
Status : PASSED
Command-5 : create gateway-sender --id="ny" --parallel="true" --remote-distributed-system-id="2"
Status : PASSED
Command-6 : sleep --time=5
Status : PASSED
Command-7 : create region --name=Trade --type=PARTITION_REDUNDANT --gateway-sender-id="ny"
Status : PASSED
Command-8 : disconnect
Status : PASSED
Command-9 : start locator --name=locator-ny --port=10332 --locators=localhost[10332] --mcast-port=0 --J=-Dgemfire.remote-locators=localhost[10331] --J=-Dgemfire.distributed-system-id=2 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-start=true --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-http-port=8082 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-port=1092
Status : PASSED
Command-10 : start server --name=server-ny-1 --locators=localhost[10332] --server-port=0 --statistic-archive-file=cacheserver.gfs --J=-Dgemfire.log-file=cacheserver.log --J=-Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false
Status : PASSED
Command-11 : start server --name=server-ny-2 --locators=localhost[10332] --server-port=0 --statistic-archive-file=cacheserver.gfs --J=-Dgemfire.log-file=cacheserver.log --J=-Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false
Status : PASSED
Command-12 : create gateway-receiver
Status : PASSED
Command-13 : create region --name=Trade --type=PARTITION_REDUNDANT
Status : PASSED
Command-14 : disconnect
Status : PASSED
This scenario:
- loads entries into the site 1 Region which are replicated to site 2.
In this scenario, the keys and values are equal.
Load entries using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (run-scenario-1)
- region name (Trade)
./ run-scenario-1 Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 12:12:13.414 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 12:12:15.167 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.061 seconds (JVM running for 2.39)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.168 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Putting into region=Trade, site=site1; numEntries=20
2020-06-09 12:12:15.254 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=0, value=Trade(id=0, cusip=TM, shares=19, price=783.36)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.255 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=1, value=Trade(id=1, cusip=MCD, shares=45, price=717.35)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.256 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=2, value=Trade(id=2, cusip=HON, shares=93, price=55.51)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.257 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=3, value=Trade(id=3, cusip=TXN, shares=11, price=878.72)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.258 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=4, value=Trade(id=4, cusip=NKE, shares=85, price=965.89)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.259 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=5, value=Trade(id=5, cusip=VZ, shares=30, price=389.39)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.260 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=6, value=Trade(id=6, cusip=V, shares=0, price=409.84)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.261 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=7, value=Trade(id=7, cusip=PEP, shares=39, price=488.13)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.262 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=8, value=Trade(id=8, cusip=VZ, shares=20, price=785.77)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.263 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=9, value=Trade(id=9, cusip=GE, shares=40, price=509.12)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.264 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=10, value=Trade(id=10, cusip=PFE, shares=79, price=928.04)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.265 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=11, value=Trade(id=11, cusip=COST, shares=63, price=713.75)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.266 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=12, value=Trade(id=12, cusip=BMY, shares=78, price=353.65)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.267 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=13, value=Trade(id=13, cusip=C, shares=38, price=448.33)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.268 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=14, value=Trade(id=14, cusip=COST, shares=25, price=317.02)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.269 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=15, value=Trade(id=15, cusip=TM, shares=30, price=607.22)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.270 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=16, value=Trade(id=16, cusip=INTC, shares=97, price=47.41)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.271 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=17, value=Trade(id=17, cusip=ADBE, shares=61, price=801.09)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.272 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=18, value=Trade(id=18, cusip=UPS, shares=85, price=8.82)
2020-06-09 12:12:15.273 INFO 89828 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=19, value=Trade(id=19, cusip=HD, shares=42, price=553.18)
Verify the entries in both sites using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (verify-region)
- region name (Trade)
./ verify-region Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 12:20:23.411 INFO 90472 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 12:20:25.119 INFO 90472 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.03 seconds (JVM running for 2.385)
2020-06-09 12:20:25.251 INFO 90472 --- [ main] e.c.verifier.WanVerificationService :
Verifying entries for region=Trade
Comparing keys
All 20 keys are equal
Comparing values in site 1 to those in site 2
All values in site 1 are equal to those in site 2
Clear the region in both sites using the
script like below.
./ clear-region Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 12:11:07.148 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 12:11:09.087 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.276 seconds (JVM running for 2.646)
2020-06-09 12:11:09.088 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Destroying from region=Trade, site=site1; numEntries=20
2020-06-09 12:11:09.120 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=0
2020-06-09 12:11:09.121 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=1
2020-06-09 12:11:09.122 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=2
2020-06-09 12:11:09.123 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=3
2020-06-09 12:11:09.124 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=4
2020-06-09 12:11:09.124 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=5
2020-06-09 12:11:09.125 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=6
2020-06-09 12:11:09.126 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=7
2020-06-09 12:11:09.127 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=8
2020-06-09 12:11:09.127 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=9
2020-06-09 12:11:09.128 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=10
2020-06-09 12:11:09.129 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=11
2020-06-09 12:11:09.129 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=12
2020-06-09 12:11:09.130 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=13
2020-06-09 12:11:09.131 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=14
2020-06-09 12:11:09.132 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=15
2020-06-09 12:11:09.133 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=16
2020-06-09 12:11:09.133 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=17
2020-06-09 12:11:09.134 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=18
2020-06-09 12:11:09.135 INFO 89745 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=19
This scenario:
- loads entries into the site 1 Region which are replicated to site 2
- loads entries into the site 2 Region which are not replicated to site 1
In this scenario, all the keys are equal, but only some of the values are.
Load entries using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (run-scenario-2)
- region name (Trade)
./ run-scenario-2 Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 11:48:09.103 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 11:48:10.814 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.024 seconds (JVM running for 2.361)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.815 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Putting into region=Trade, site=site1; numEntries=20
2020-06-09 11:48:10.890 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=0, value=Trade(id=0, cusip=MRK, shares=12, price=202.65)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.892 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=1, value=Trade(id=1, cusip=UNH, shares=51, price=995.72)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.893 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=2, value=Trade(id=2, cusip=CMCSA, shares=83, price=684.68)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.894 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=3, value=Trade(id=3, cusip=V, shares=42, price=346.58)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.895 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=4, value=Trade(id=4, cusip=AXP, shares=53, price=244.85)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.896 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=5, value=Trade(id=5, cusip=NFLX, shares=20, price=537.40)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.897 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=6, value=Trade(id=6, cusip=C, shares=25, price=490.07)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.898 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=7, value=Trade(id=7, cusip=NFLX, shares=5, price=866.30)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.899 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=8, value=Trade(id=8, cusip=HON, shares=12, price=154.95)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.900 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=9, value=Trade(id=9, cusip=MSFT, shares=83, price=481.65)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.901 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=10, value=Trade(id=10, cusip=ORCL, shares=51, price=75.53)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.903 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=11, value=Trade(id=11, cusip=V, shares=58, price=763.22)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.904 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=12, value=Trade(id=12, cusip=BAC, shares=87, price=588.86)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.905 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=13, value=Trade(id=13, cusip=MA, shares=42, price=555.58)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.906 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=14, value=Trade(id=14, cusip=JPM, shares=81, price=19.72))
2020-06-09 11:48:10.907 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=15, value=Trade(id=15, cusip=UNP, shares=83, price=510.32)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.908 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=16, value=Trade(id=16, cusip=FB, shares=29, price=513.78)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.909 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=17, value=Trade(id=17, cusip=COST, shares=36, price=65.92)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.910 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=18, value=Trade(id=18, cusip=HD, shares=6, price=275.66)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.911 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=19, value=Trade(id=19, cusip=WFC, shares=54, price=872.55)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.912 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Putting into region=Trade, site=site2; numEntries=10
2020-06-09 11:48:10.913 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=0, value=Trade(id=0, cusip=PFE, shares=11, price=682.45)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.914 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=1, value=Trade(id=1, cusip=BAC, shares=69, price=882.05)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.915 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=2, value=Trade(id=2, cusip=TM, shares=98, price=143.51)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.916 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=3, value=Trade(id=3, cusip=GOOGL, shares=93, price=467.43)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.917 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=4, value=Trade(id=4, cusip=PG, shares=66, price=270.92)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.917 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=5, value=Trade(id=5, cusip=AVGO, shares=7, price=239.55)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.918 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=6, value=Trade(id=6, cusip=PG, shares=52, price=566.23)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.919 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=7, value=Trade(id=7, cusip=MMM, shares=42, price=484.09)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.920 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=8, value=Trade(id=8, cusip=NFLX, shares=94, price=439.81)
2020-06-09 11:48:10.920 INFO 88266 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=9, value=Trade(id=9, cusip=KO, shares=74, price=568.00)
Verify the entries in both sites using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (verify-region)
- region name (Trade)
./ verify-region Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 11:51:42.879 INFO 88520 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 11:51:44.608 INFO 88520 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.042 seconds (JVM running for 2.382)
2020-06-09 11:51:44.744 INFO 88520 --- [ main] e.c.verifier.WanVerificationService :
Verifying entries for region=Trade
Comparing keys
All 20 keys are equal
Comparing values in site 1 to those in site 2
Values are not equal for key=0; site1Value=Trade(id=0, cusip=MRK, shares=12, price=202.65); site2Value=Trade(id=0, cusip=PFE, shares=11, price=682.45)
Values are not equal for key=1; site1Value=Trade(id=1, cusip=UNH, shares=51, price=995.72); site2Value=Trade(id=1, cusip=BAC, shares=69, price=882.05)
Values are not equal for key=2; site1Value=Trade(id=2, cusip=CMCSA, shares=83, price=684.68); site2Value=Trade(id=2, cusip=TM, shares=98, price=143.51)
Values are not equal for key=3; site1Value=Trade(id=3, cusip=V, shares=42, price=346.58); site2Value=Trade(id=3, cusip=GOOGL, shares=93, price=467.43)
Values are not equal for key=4; site1Value=Trade(id=4, cusip=AXP, shares=53, price=244.85); site2Value=Trade(id=4, cusip=PG, shares=66, price=270.92)
Values are not equal for key=5; site1Value=Trade(id=5, cusip=NFLX, shares=20, price=537.40); site2Value=Trade(id=5, cusip=AVGO, shares=7, price=239.55)
Values are not equal for key=6; site1Value=Trade(id=6, cusip=C, shares=25, price=490.07); site2Value=Trade(id=6, cusip=PG, shares=52, price=566.23)
Values are not equal for key=7; site1Value=Trade(id=7, cusip=NFLX, shares=5, price=866.30); site2Value=Trade(id=7, cusip=MMM, shares=42, price=484.09)
Values are not equal for key=8; site1Value=Trade(id=8, cusip=HON, shares=12, price=154.95); site2Value=Trade(id=8, cusip=NFLX, shares=94, price=439.81)
Values are not equal for key=9; site1Value=Trade(id=9, cusip=MSFT, shares=83, price=481.65); site2Value=Trade(id=9, cusip=KO, shares=74, price=568.00)
Clear the region in both sites using the
script like in Scenario 1.
This scenario:
- loads entries into the site 2 Region which are not replicated to site 1
In this scenario, neither the keys nor the values are equal.
Load entries using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (run-scenario-3)
- region name (Trade)
./ run-scenario-3 Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 12:26:51.151 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 12:26:52.826 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 1.988 seconds (JVM running for 2.333)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.827 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Putting into region=Trade, site=site2; numEntries=20
2020-06-09 12:26:52.900 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=0, value=Trade(id=0, cusip=KO, shares=20, price=897.78)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.901 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=1, value=Trade(id=1, cusip=KO, shares=42, price=150.23)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.902 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=2, value=Trade(id=2, cusip=HON, shares=83, price=227.96)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.903 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=3, value=Trade(id=3, cusip=NKE, shares=39, price=341.00)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.904 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=4, value=Trade(id=4, cusip=BUD, shares=29, price=942.74)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.904 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=5, value=Trade(id=5, cusip=TXN, shares=55, price=382.56)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.905 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=6, value=Trade(id=6, cusip=UNH, shares=9, price=388.62)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.906 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=7, value=Trade(id=7, cusip=PG, shares=43, price=490.53)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.907 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=8, value=Trade(id=8, cusip=NFLX, shares=55, price=914.49)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.907 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=9, value=Trade(id=9, cusip=TXN, shares=42, price=289.76)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.909 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=10, value=Trade(id=10, cusip=BUD, shares=58, price=176.86)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.910 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=11, value=Trade(id=11, cusip=HD, shares=54, price=140.87)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.911 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=12, value=Trade(id=12, cusip=PEP, shares=44, price=529.08)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.912 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=13, value=Trade(id=13, cusip=HON, shares=74, price=449.58)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.913 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=14, value=Trade(id=14, cusip=PEP, shares=51, price=967.85)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.914 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=15, value=Trade(id=15, cusip=KO, shares=67, price=47.36)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.915 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=16, value=Trade(id=16, cusip=HD, shares=51, price=443.05)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.916 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=17, value=Trade(id=17, cusip=JNJ, shares=12, price=95.95)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.917 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=18, value=Trade(id=18, cusip=LLY, shares=5, price=471.82)
2020-06-09 12:26:52.918 INFO 91029 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=19, value=Trade(id=19, cusip=C, shares=67, price=432.76)
Verify the entries in both sites using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (verify-region)
- region name (Trade)
./ verify-region Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 12:28:24.625 INFO 91145 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on boglesbymac.local with PID 91145 (/Users/boglesby/Dev/Tests/spring-boot/wan-verification-client/build/classes/java/main started by boglesby in /Users/boglesby/Dev/Tests/spring-boot/wan-verification-client)
2020-06-09 12:28:26.348 INFO 91145 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.041 seconds (JVM running for 2.377)
2020-06-09 12:28:26.475 INFO 91145 --- [ main] e.c.verifier.WanVerificationService :
Verifying entries for region=Trade
Comparing keys
All keys are not equal. Site 1 contains 0 keys. Site 2 contains 20 keys.
Site 1 contains these 0 keys not found in site 2: []
Site 2 contains these 20 keys not found in site 1: [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Comparing values in site 1 to those in site 2
All values in site 1 are equal to those in site 2
Comparing values in site 2 to those in site 1
Values are not equal for key=11; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=11, cusip=HD, shares=54, price=140.87)
Values are not equal for key=12; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=12, cusip=PEP, shares=44, price=529.08)
Values are not equal for key=13; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=13, cusip=HON, shares=74, price=449.58)
Values are not equal for key=14; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=14, cusip=PEP, shares=51, price=967.85)
Values are not equal for key=15; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=15, cusip=KO, shares=67, price=47.36)
Values are not equal for key=16; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=16, cusip=HD, shares=51, price=443.05)
Values are not equal for key=17; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=17, cusip=JNJ, shares=12, price=95.95)
Values are not equal for key=18; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=18, cusip=LLY, shares=5, price=471.82)
Values are not equal for key=19; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=19, cusip=C, shares=67, price=432.76)
Values are not equal for key=0; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=0, cusip=KO, shares=20, price=897.78)
Values are not equal for key=1; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=1, cusip=KO, shares=42, price=150.23)
Values are not equal for key=2; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=2, cusip=HON, shares=83, price=227.96)
Values are not equal for key=3; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=3, cusip=NKE, shares=39, price=341.00)
Values are not equal for key=4; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=4, cusip=BUD, shares=29, price=942.74)
Values are not equal for key=5; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=5, cusip=TXN, shares=55, price=382.56)
Values are not equal for key=6; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=6, cusip=UNH, shares=9, price=388.62)
Values are not equal for key=7; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=7, cusip=PG, shares=43, price=490.53)
Values are not equal for key=8; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=8, cusip=NFLX, shares=55, price=914.49)
Values are not equal for key=9; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=9, cusip=TXN, shares=42, price=289.76)
Values are not equal for key=10; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=10, cusip=BUD, shares=58, price=176.86)
Clear the region in both sites using the
script like in Scenario 1.
This scenario:
- pauses GatewaySender in site 1
- loads entries into the site 1 Region which are not replicated to site 2
In this scenario, neither the keys nor the values are equal.
Pause the GatewaySender in site 1 using the script like:
(1) Executing - connect --locator=localhost[10331]
Connecting to Locator at [host=localhost, port=10331] ..
Connecting to Manager at [, port=1091] ..
Successfully connected to: [, port=1091]
(2) Executing - pause gateway-sender --id=ny
Member | Result | Message
---------------------------------------- | ------ | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------<v1>:41001 | OK | GatewaySender ny is paused on member<v1>:41001<v2>:41002 | OK | GatewaySender ny is paused on member<v2>:41002
Load entries using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (run-scenario-4)
- region name (Trade)
./ run-scenario-4 Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 14:30:10.601 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 14:30:12.366 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.075 seconds (JVM running for 2.409)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.367 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Putting into region=Trade, site=site1; numEntries=20
2020-06-09 14:30:12.456 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=0, value=Trade(id=0, cusip=NFLX, shares=38, price=858.77)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.459 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=1, value=Trade(id=1, cusip=NKE, shares=82, price=182.93)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.462 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=2, value=Trade(id=2, cusip=PFE, shares=62, price=673.33)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.465 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=3, value=Trade(id=3, cusip=BUD, shares=30, price=80.78)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.467 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=4, value=Trade(id=4, cusip=WMT, shares=61, price=43.73)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.469 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=5, value=Trade(id=5, cusip=SAP, shares=31, price=275.28)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.471 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=6, value=Trade(id=6, cusip=MRK, shares=74, price=708.56)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.473 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=7, value=Trade(id=7, cusip=CMCSA, shares=72, price=608.54)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.475 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=8, value=Trade(id=8, cusip=LMT, shares=60, price=928.63)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.477 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=9, value=Trade(id=9, cusip=AVGO, shares=17, price=966.19)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.479 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=10, value=Trade(id=10, cusip=UNH, shares=63, price=191.01)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.481 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=11, value=Trade(id=11, cusip=NKE, shares=2, price=57.57)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.483 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=12, value=Trade(id=12, cusip=MMM, shares=64, price=101.69)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.486 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=13, value=Trade(id=13, cusip=AXP, shares=38, price=265.81)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.487 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=14, value=Trade(id=14, cusip=PEP, shares=45, price=312.95)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.490 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=15, value=Trade(id=15, cusip=CRM, shares=97, price=768.55)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.492 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=16, value=Trade(id=16, cusip=HSBC, shares=25, price=929.00)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.494 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=17, value=Trade(id=17, cusip=BAC, shares=90, price=531.28)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.496 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=18, value=Trade(id=18, cusip=XOM, shares=60, price=90.27)
2020-06-09 14:30:12.498 INFO 99767 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=19, value=Trade(id=19, cusip=HSBC, shares=15, price=892.48)
Verify the entries in both sites using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (verify-region)
- region name (Trade)
./ verify-region Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 14:31:49.653 INFO 99873 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 14:31:51.333 INFO 99873 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 1.998 seconds (JVM running for 2.326)
2020-06-09 14:31:51.465 INFO 99873 --- [ main] e.c.verifier.WanVerificationService :
Verifying entries for region=Trade
Comparing keys
All keys are not equal. Site 1 contains 20 keys. Site 2 contains 0 keys.
Site 1 contains these 20 keys not found in site 2: [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Site 2 contains these 0 keys not found in site 1: []
Comparing values in site 1 to those in site 2
Values are not equal for key=11; site1Value=Trade(id=11, cusip=NKE, shares=2, price=57.57); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=12; site1Value=Trade(id=12, cusip=MMM, shares=64, price=101.69); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=13; site1Value=Trade(id=13, cusip=AXP, shares=38, price=265.81); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=14; site1Value=Trade(id=14, cusip=PEP, shares=45, price=312.95); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=15; site1Value=Trade(id=15, cusip=CRM, shares=97, price=768.55); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=16; site1Value=Trade(id=16, cusip=HSBC, shares=25, price=929.00); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=17; site1Value=Trade(id=17, cusip=BAC, shares=90, price=531.28); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=18; site1Value=Trade(id=18, cusip=XOM, shares=60, price=90.27); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=19; site1Value=Trade(id=19, cusip=HSBC, shares=15, price=892.48); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=0; site1Value=Trade(id=0, cusip=NFLX, shares=38, price=858.77); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=1; site1Value=Trade(id=1, cusip=NKE, shares=82, price=182.93); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=2; site1Value=Trade(id=2, cusip=PFE, shares=62, price=673.33); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=3; site1Value=Trade(id=3, cusip=BUD, shares=30, price=80.78); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=4; site1Value=Trade(id=4, cusip=WMT, shares=61, price=43.73); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=5; site1Value=Trade(id=5, cusip=SAP, shares=31, price=275.28); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=6; site1Value=Trade(id=6, cusip=MRK, shares=74, price=708.56); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=7; site1Value=Trade(id=7, cusip=CMCSA, shares=72, price=608.54); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=8; site1Value=Trade(id=8, cusip=LMT, shares=60, price=928.63); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=9; site1Value=Trade(id=9, cusip=AVGO, shares=17, price=966.19); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=10; site1Value=Trade(id=10, cusip=UNH, shares=63, price=191.01); site2Value=null
Comparing values in site 2 to those in site 1
All values in site 2 are equal to those in site 1
Resume the GatewaySender in site 1 using the like:
(1) Executing - connect --locator=localhost[10331]
Connecting to Locator at [host=localhost, port=10331] ..
Connecting to Manager at [, port=1091] ..
Successfully connected to: [, port=1091]
(2) Executing - resume gateway-sender --id=ny
Member | Result | Message
---------------------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<v1>:41001 | OK | GatewaySender ny is resumed on member<v1>:41001<v2>:41002 | OK | GatewaySender ny is resumed on member<v2>:41002
Clear the region in both sites using the
script like in Scenario 1.
This scenario:
- pauses GatewaySender in site 1
- loads entries into the site 1 Region which are not replicated to site 2
- loads other entries into the site 2 Region which are not replicated to site 1
In this scenario, neither the keys nor the values are equal.
Pause the GatewaySender using the
script like in Scenario 4.
Load entries using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (run-scenario-5)
- region name (Trade)
./ run-scenario-5 Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 14:43:23.040 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 14:43:24.793 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.065 seconds (JVM running for 2.395)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.794 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Putting into region=Trade, site=site1; numEntries=20
2020-06-09 14:43:24.868 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=0, value=Trade(id=0, cusip=CRM, shares=44, price=921.92)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.870 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=2, value=Trade(id=2, cusip=BAC, shares=78, price=939.22)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.872 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=4, value=Trade(id=4, cusip=V, shares=96, price=242.98)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.877 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=6, value=Trade(id=6, cusip=WMT, shares=0, price=651.09)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.879 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=8, value=Trade(id=8, cusip=VZ, shares=32, price=271.64)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.882 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=10, value=Trade(id=10, cusip=CVS, shares=63, price=168.13)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.884 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=12, value=Trade(id=12, cusip=UNH, shares=56, price=846.28)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.889 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=14, value=Trade(id=14, cusip=TM, shares=34, price=708.74)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.891 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=16, value=Trade(id=16, cusip=WMT, shares=77, price=576.58)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.894 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=18, value=Trade(id=18, cusip=AAPL, shares=47, price=590.66)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.895 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Putting into region=Trade, site=site2; numEntries=20
2020-06-09 14:43:24.900 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=1, value=Trade(id=1, cusip=CRM, shares=81, price=796.38)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.901 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=3, value=Trade(id=3, cusip=FB, shares=33, price=64.32)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.903 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=5, value=Trade(id=5, cusip=SBUX, shares=20, price=567.32)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.904 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=7, value=Trade(id=7, cusip=SBUX, shares=77, price=67.04)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.906 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=9, value=Trade(id=9, cusip=PFE, shares=58, price=135.06)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.909 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=11, value=Trade(id=11, cusip=PFE, shares=57, price=85.83)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.911 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=13, value=Trade(id=13, cusip=INTC, shares=75, price=412.98)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.914 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=15, value=Trade(id=15, cusip=CVS, shares=18, price=893.04)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.916 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=17, value=Trade(id=17, cusip=C, shares=64, price=84.74)
2020-06-09 14:43:24.917 INFO 932 --- [ main] example.client.Client : key=19, value=Trade(id=19, cusip=JNJ, shares=84, price=377.13)
Verify the entries in both sites using the script like below.
The parameters are:
- operation (verify-region)
- region name (Trade)
./ verify-region Trade
> Task :bootRun
2020-06-09 14:45:25.203 INFO 1055 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Starting Client on ...
2020-06-09 14:45:26.986 INFO 1055 --- [ main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 2.089 seconds (JVM running for 2.414)
2020-06-09 14:45:27.120 INFO 1055 --- [ main] e.c.verifier.WanVerificationService :
Verifying entries for region=Trade
Comparing keys
All keys are not equal. Site 1 contains 10 keys. Site 2 contains 10 keys.
Site 1 contains these 10 keys not found in site 2: [0, 12, 2, 14, 4, 16, 6, 18, 8, 10]
Site 2 contains these 10 keys not found in site 1: [11, 1, 13, 3, 15, 5, 17, 7, 19, 9]
Comparing values in site 1 to those in site 2
Values are not equal for key=0; site1Value=Trade(id=0, cusip=CRM, shares=44, price=921.92); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=12; site1Value=Trade(id=12, cusip=UNH, shares=56, price=846.28); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=2; site1Value=Trade(id=2, cusip=BAC, shares=78, price=939.22); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=14; site1Value=Trade(id=14, cusip=TM, shares=34, price=708.74); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=4; site1Value=Trade(id=4, cusip=V, shares=96, price=242.98); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=16; site1Value=Trade(id=16, cusip=WMT, shares=77, price=576.58); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=6; site1Value=Trade(id=6, cusip=WMT, shares=0, price=651.09); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=18; site1Value=Trade(id=18, cusip=AAPL, shares=47, price=590.66); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=8; site1Value=Trade(id=8, cusip=VZ, shares=32, price=271.64); site2Value=null
Values are not equal for key=10; site1Value=Trade(id=10, cusip=CVS, shares=63, price=168.13); site2Value=null
Comparing values in site 2 to those in site 1
Values are not equal for key=11; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=11, cusip=PFE, shares=57, price=85.83)
Values are not equal for key=1; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=1, cusip=CRM, shares=81, price=796.38)
Values are not equal for key=13; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=13, cusip=INTC, shares=75, price=412.98)
Values are not equal for key=3; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=3, cusip=FB, shares=33, price=64.32)
Values are not equal for key=15; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=15, cusip=CVS, shares=18, price=893.04)
Values are not equal for key=5; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=5, cusip=SBUX, shares=20, price=567.32)
Values are not equal for key=17; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=17, cusip=C, shares=64, price=84.74)
Values are not equal for key=7; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=7, cusip=SBUX, shares=77, price=67.04)
Values are not equal for key=19; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=19, cusip=JNJ, shares=84, price=377.13)
Values are not equal for key=9; site1Value=null; site2Value=Trade(id=9, cusip=PFE, shares=58, price=135.06)
Resume the GatewaySender using the
script like in Scenario 4.
Clear the region in both sites using the
script like in Scenario 1.
Shutdown the locator and servers in both sites using the script like:
(1) Executing - connect --locator=localhost[10331]
Connecting to Locator at [host=localhost, port=10331] ..
Connecting to Manager at [, port=1091] ..
Successfully connected to: [, port=1091]
(2) Executing - shutdown --include-locators=true
Shutdown is triggered
(1) Executing - connect --locator=localhost[10332]
Connecting to Locator at [host=localhost, port=10332] ..
Connecting to Manager at [, port=1092] ..
Successfully connected to: [, port=1092]
(2) Executing - shutdown --include-locators=true
Shutdown is triggered
Remove the server and locator files in both sites using the script like: